6. getting in trouble

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You got up, got ready for school and you and your dad left. As you got to the entrance your friends were there.

"they are going to have to find out, this is the best way" your dad whispered to you.

"i know, but haveing a crazy dad isnt really normal now is it?" you hissed in a whisper.

"Why are you and dr.Stain here, at the same time, walking so close?" maka asked.

"You tell her" you pushed your dad infront of you. He glared at you.

"Why do I have to!?" he hisses.

"Because I havent known them as long as you have" you said.

"Fine" he hisses and stands up straight messing with the screw inside his head. "Children, Y/N is my daughter" he says.

"Wait what!?!" maka asked.

"Made her in my lab" dr.Stein said. They all mumbled some 'oh's and nodded.

"Wait. So, how is she your daughter? Like biological?" maka asked.

"Did you screw someone to make her?" soul asked bluntly. You blushed.

"No! And I am glad he didnt! That! Dude why did you ask. Maka had it under control!" you said. Dr.Stien chukled.

"No. But she dose have my DNA" he smirked.

"Yet Im still a experiment" you said.

"Only experiment I ever was proud of. Other then sid" he smirks.

"First one you where proud of" you looked at him.

"Of course" he smiled looking down at you.

"Lets get to class kid" you said walking past them.

"She never did like me" he sighs.

"Just like me and maka!" whined death scythe running past you and the others and claped onto Dr.Stein.

"Get off me" he growls.

"You better get off him. Befor we dissect you" you said. The last part in a crazy voice. Eyes filled with bloodlust. Death scythe froze and let stein go shakeing in fear as he walks back into the academy. As he past you you smirked up at him evily. "Your soul looks might tasty as well" you smirked. He screams and prosedes to run into the academy. You bursted out laughing. "Hes such a whimp!" you kept laughing.

"Lightening bolt, dont scare him intell later" your dad said walking past you. You calmed down.

"Stop calling me that" you growled. He dosent reply and just keeps walking. Then you looked to your side to see crona. You yelp and jump slightly.

"Why did he call you lighting bolt?" he asks.

"Its a nickname he gave me. 'My little lightening bolt' is one aswell. And its really stupid" you said.

"Oh. Well classes are about to start" he says, you all walk into the academy. When you got to your dads class you were late. You opened the door and everyone looked at you. "Why are you late?" he asks.

"Fight. Death was there to watch" you said. It was true. You got into a fight with death scythe.

"Go stand out in the hallway" he says.

"Cool" you shrugged and walked back out. You took out some drawing stuff and listened as you drew. He talked about the thing happening tomorrow. The finders dance. He called you back in. "Am I in? Am I out? Make up your mind" you rolled your eyes.

"Go sit in your seat" he hissed. you sat next to ox so that if you wanted to you could cheat. So you father explained everything. You where listening while drawing a picture of Stein and you. Then you messed it up when he slamed his hands infront of you. You looked up.

"Yes?" you asked.

"Were you even paying attention?" he asks.

"Whould you?" you asked. He froze. He looked around and let out a nervous laugh.

"Hallway. After class we will talk" he hissed. You shurgged and grabed your stuff.

"Fine by me" you said and started to leave. While you walked past you stoped hereing him whisper,

"no more decepting things" then you whispered back,

"stop me" you smirked then kept walking. Everyone was left dumbfounded and watching you leave, suprised as how you talked to the crazy scientist. "Alright. With everyone listning, get ready for tomorrow night. And class dismissed" stin said leaning onto his now fixed desk. Everyons got up and left. Him stoping kid, patty, liz, and crona. "As you all now that Y/N is my child, you can listen to her punishment for being a smart ass. Or you can hurry to your next class" he said. Liz, and patty, leave but crona and kid stay. "Alright. Y/N, you are grounded. You cant leave your room. Other then for school. You are not to talk to any one other then kid and crona. And no missions, nd you cant be in your human form" he said smriking.

"Wait what why!?!" you asked. He touched your head with a scalpel. Then you turned to the form only your father has seen you in.

"Her soul changed" Crona and kid said backing up. Your soul had red, but broken wings sprouted from it, stitches went around.

"You are unsymmetrical" kid gasped.

"Your scary" crona whined backing up.

"Wait guys I can change back!" you tryed but it didnt work. You looked up at stein smirked.

"Good luck. Youll get zaped" he smirks taking the scalpers blade from you. You turned back and started to get zaped. "Turn back it will stop" he smirks. You turn back and stop being zaped. You fell to the ground. Then saw kid leaveing a showdow over his face. You got up your legs shaking and grabed his shoulder. he slaped your hand away glareing at you.

"Get away from me you unsymmetrical peace of garbage" he hissed and then kept walking. You fell to your knees again.

"Kid" you mumbled. Then felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Hey its ok. Mabey you can just talk to me" crona smiled down at you. You stood up wraping your arms around him.

"Go to class" your father said. You step out of class and shift just enough to hid your wings but anything else zaped you. You head to your next class...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now