8. Finders dance (part 2)

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~normal pov~

You laughed at the joke soul made. You felt the glare of someone really pissed off. You looked at your father and saw him talking to spirit. And then you looked over at kid and saw his eyes twitch. You looked back at soul and black.

"You two are funny. Im going to go" you said and backed away twords kid and turned walking to him. "Kid you ok? Your eyes twitching. Like both of them. At the same time" you said.

"Im fine. Go back and enjoy the party" he said sounding like hes retraining something.

"If you say so" you shurg then the screws in your head past a lightening bolt to each other. "D-did my bolts just exchange energy?" you asked.

"I think" he says. You blushed softly and started to leave messing with the bolts.

"Im so embarrassed. Why did it have to happen know?" you mumbled walking twords your dad. "Dad. My bolts exchanged energy" you said.

"I-is that bad?" spirit asked.

"Infront of who?" stein asked.

"Kid" you said.

"That little" you stoped your dad.

"I thought you fixed that" you said.

"Come here, let me fix it. Have you been messing with your bolts?" he asks, going behind you and he twists them.

"Just a-a little" you said.

"Lighting bolt I told you not to mess with these untell you only have one" he says.

"Im sorry dad, and dont call me that" you said.

"Its ok. That was when you where younger. Im not surpised you forgot. And I can call you whatever I would like" he said then finished fixed your bolts. You smiled up at him.

"Thanks for fixing them" you said then left. You got to a corner away from most everyone. Crona was the only one there. "Hey crona" you smiled and sat next to him.

"Oh hello. Why did you come next to me?" he asks.

"You looked lonely. Also this is also the adversary of when you got your first real friend, maka" you smiled.

"Your right. Where is maka anyway?" he asks looking around.

"I dont know. Mabey her and soul went and got some air" you shurgged not seeing soul or maka.

"Oh" he nods. For the next few songs you talk. After a while a slow song came on and everyone started to dance. "Why is everyone danceing?" he asks curling into a ball.

"Well it is a dance...do you not know how to dance?" you looked at him. He shoke his head. You jumped up and offered a hand to him. "Here Ill show you" you smiled. He took your hand and you pulled him up. You pulled him to the dance floor. "So you put your hands here and we just do what everyone else is doing" you smiled puting his hand on your hips. He blushed softly but you started to sway to the music with your arms rested on his shoulders.

"L-like this?" he asks looking at his feet. You giggled. You looked down as well.

"Yeah. But keep your feet inlined with mine" you said stoping and fixing his foot with yours. "And left right left right" you mumbled as you both danced. "There your getting it" you smiled as you helped him. "One is left and 2 is right. Repeat after me" you said. "1,2, 1,2, 1,2"

"1,2, 1,2, 1,2" he repeats. As you both mumble the numbers you both made eye contact and then go quite as the song came twords the end.

~death the kids pov~

Y/N and crona were danceing to the music. Together! Shes probably teaching him. Then at the end he spun her makeing her dress look all puffy, and then he diped her. 'How in hell dose he now how to spin AND dip someone yet not now how to do a slow dance properly????' I thought to myself. He straighten her and she giggled. I could here them or read there lips. Great. I even noticed stien watching them yet he didnt care!

~Stiens pov~

I watched as they danced. At least she whouldnt fall for the demon sword or his swordsman. But kid, that boys a differnt stroy. Death wanted them to get MARRIED, AND have a child! She cant have a child! She dosnt have eggs. Or any of reproductive system other then just a cavern, littarly, I burnt that. Ok so I didnt whant my daughter to have kids, so what? Its just easier that way.

Back to whats happening. Crona and my little lightening bolt went back into the corner and talked. Then after a while anuther slow song came on and Kid walked twords her. Oh hell no! He is not going to touch her!

~death the kids pov
-yes again-~

I walked over to Y/N the next slow song.

"May I have this dance Y/N?" I asked. Now I already asked father about all of this. So now I have an idea. Nice.

"Of course Kid" she smiled standing up from her sitting position. "Excuse us Crona" she said. Crona nodded. She took my hand and I led her to the middle of the dance floor. We started to dance. Her hair fell in her face, makeing her unsymmetrical again, but it covered her stiches.

"You should stay in this form for longer. I mean yeah it whould be easier to tell you and Dr.Stien are realed but hey, whats wrong with that?" I looked into her eye.

"Well, haveing a crazy dad thats more sane then you isnt really a good thing. Especially if both of you like cutting things open" she said and tried to flip her hair out of her face. It didnt work. "C-can you make me symmetrical again?" she asks. Her face lightly red.

"Of course" I helped her with one hand. I put my hand back on her hip and smiled as we kept dancing. I spun her befor diping her at a unsymmetrical point.

"Unsymmetrical?" she asks.

"Please dont remind me. I might hurt you if I dip you 90° " I said. She giggled and fixed herself. My hand had moved from her hips to her waist. Mostly because I saw Stiens glare. And new my father was to pleased at where my hands where. I slid my hands from her and she let my shoulders go and turned back twords crona. "Wait! I-mabey after the party we can hang out?" I said. 'Great job idiot! You just asked stains daughter to hang out at your house when you found out shes WAY more crazy then him!' I thought to myself. She let out a soft hum. "So will you?" I asked...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now