18. the kiss

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(Makeing out once. I hope you enjoy!)

"Hey" smiled kid panting softly.

"Hi. Wh-what were you guys doing? You are all sweaty and tired" you said.

"Not what you think!" soul said blushing brightly.

"Ha! I know. Just messing with you boys~" you chuckled.

For the rest of the night you all talked, joked, and played games that you won at most of them. You even trained agenst black star.

The last event was playing truth or dare near midnight.

"Guys I really need to go. My dad must be freaking the hell out by now" you said.

"Its fine. If he was he whould either be here or blowing your phone up" kid says. You open your phone and show him the 38 calls, 20 voice males, and 106 texts from your dad.

"And this was just in the last two hours" you said.

"Fine. Lets just do this last thing and you can go" kid sighs.

"Fine" you rolled your eyes.

"So. Its truth or dare" kid smirked.

"What are we? 5?" you asked.

"Come on its fun!" whinded patty.

"Fine" you rolled your eyes again.

"Good! So, truth or dare?" smiled maka.

"Truth" you said then everyone groaned and compalnded. "I dont trust any of you fuckers so, yeah" you said.

"Ok so, who do you like? Sorry who whould you date in this room?" maka asked.

"Wow. Ok, so dose it have to be someone?" you asked.

"Yes" kid said.

"Fine. Kid I whould date kid. Happy?" you said looking at maka.

"Y-you would?" kid asked.

"Yeah. My turn? Ok. Kid truth or dare?" you asked.

"Truth" he gulps softly and everyone complaines and stuff.

"Ok. Why dose your dad whant us to get along?" you asked.

~death the kids pov~

"Ok. Why dose your dad whant us to get along?" she asked.

"He...he...I...I dont know" I lied.

"Right. Sure. Your turn" she says coldly.

We kept playing and aiming for eachother when dare came up. Then it happened.

"Kid truth or dare?" soul akses.

"Dare" I shurg.

"I dare you to make out with Y/N~" he smirked.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Do it!" maka smiled.

I sighed and looked over at Y/N. Her face shaded a light red. I crawled over to her blushing softly. I leaned twords her. She didnt move she just had a expressionless look. I kissed her softly. Then felt her push back slightly on my lips. Her lips were so soft and warm.

~normal pov~

Kid licked your bottom lip while cupping your cheek. You wraped your arms around his neck loosely and opened your mouth letting his toung explore your mouth as he and you messed with eachother toungs.

~Dr.Steins pov~

They started to make out!! I am so going to kill him when I get the chance! That little-! Wait...she seems...so happy? I guess, I want her to be happy...and when shes with him...shes happy...mabey I should let this be intell...intell I see her not happy.

~normal pov~

You two pulled away.

"Oh, my, god! Thats so cute!" maka fangirled. You both push away from eachother blushing.

"Maka! Soul! Your so dead!" you growled. They screamed jumping to there feet and running, you get up and chase them intell you get them both on the floor knocked out. You sighed. "Well thats all for tonight. Good night guys. Next time I really am going to kill those two" you sigh as you left. You ranted to yourself as you walked home.

~with death~

At this point the only ones with death were spirit and stein. But stein left once you and kid pulled out of the kiss.

~with you~

When you got home you went into your room and slept...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now