27. the kishin

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(Me to man)

You sighed and walked through the desert.

"Ill kill the kishin. Ill kill the kishin" you mummbled over and over again. You had small shivers as you felt yourself grow closer to the kishin. And when the shivers left you turned a different way to get the shiver back. "Im going to kill that kishin if its the last thing, or last good thing I ever do, and with everyones reactions, it just might be"

You didnt know that your friends, your dad and makas dad were somehow secretly following you.

You looked over as the sun set. Your legs were tired. You flew over night. And because of how dark it became at night they could only find you from stiens senses.

~a few days later~

You froze seeing the creature you went out to kill. The kishin sat, doing nothing.

Your friends, your dad and spirit hid away from the kishin.

"Finally" he says looking up at you.

"Finally what?" you asked in a slight growl.

"You. My precious gem. You have finally came" he says. You step back slightly.


"I sensed you. The fact you came alone, just shows you know our souls are connected. I may not have been able to do much. But arcane did speak to me while I was trapped. Explained what my soul connection looked when she was born...well made, in your case. You were the only thing giveing me hope that Ill be free one day"


"Well...is it not obvious? Why do you think my madness cant get to you? Why do you think my madness is effecting your father like it is? Why do you think Deaths son is so protective of you? My doing. So, that one day, you can kill them. Killing everyone you love and care for. That breaking that last peace of sainty you have. Makeing you go over to my side. Seeing what I do. Seeing, what Ill make this pathetic world into. And what happens, when, we are together"

"No. I could never hurt my dad. Or kid"

"One day. There sanity will break. They will attack you, makeing you kill them off of self defense. Then your sainty will break fully. You will be, me when this happens. Because of it being one of your fears. It will make me, and you stronger. That worry. They had. Them touching you. It only hurt you because it wasnt fear, or sanity, or madness, or darkness. Worry is positive feeling for those around. They carred to much and it will lead to there downfall, and your saintys downfall"



"Ill kill you!" you growled.

"Just join me and it will all be over"

"Ill never join you!!"

"Come on. How about we make...a deal. You can pick one persion to join you and me in insainty. And everyone else will either die or become our slaves"

"...a-anyone?" you asked.

"One of your friends, or your father can be with you and me for ever"

"For...ever?...what if...I kill you? What will actually happen to me?"

"The madness of my death will take over your mind set. You will continue with what I left the world with. And when that happens, your life will be based on these quote 'its either kill, or be killed'...'its either to fear or be feared' witch one will you choose?"

"If I kill you, what percentage whould it be to turn into you, to stay like I am?"

"99% to 1"

"...so...what your saying...is...I have to test luck?"

"What!?" he asks surprised and mad at your question.

"Yes I may have a huge percentage on becoming you, but I still have that 1% to not change...so...lets see if I become lucky or not"

"Fine. I either kill you and my madness will spreed, or you kill me, and your madness spreeds" he says and then...the fight begins...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now