7. the finders dance (part 1)

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When you got home you finally talked to your father.

"How long do I have to be like this?" you asked.

"No long" he says. You nod.

"Ok" you sighed and went to your room.

The next day you got ready for the day. Because around the time school ended was when the dance started. Your father smiled down at you blocking the door to outside.

"If you whant to go out I will join you" he says. You sighed heavily.

"Fine. Lets go then" you said pushing him away from the door. He was surpised that you agreed. He followed you and you didnt bother to change. You saw your friends playing tama and smiled. You noticed kid was sitting on the bench. Dr Stein saw you looking.

"Whant to see your friends?" he asks. You glare at him. You walk past them.

"Oh Y/N! We have something to ask you!" black star said stoping you.

"I dont care black" you said then started walking. Kids head shot up and smiled run to you stoping you by standing infront of you.

"Please wait" he said.

"Kid" you growled and pushed him onto the fence and started walking away.

"She hates you" Dr.Stein smirked and walked with you leaveing them. You both went to the abounded shop. Your dad was wondering why you both were there. Everything was ripped, there was spiders everywhere, and snakes as well. "Why are we here?" he asks.

"So we can fix up a dress" you said.

"Right because the other dresses you have where from when I made you" he says.

"Yeah" you nodded. You both looked around and dr.stein found the perfect dress. And there was needle thread and everything else to fix the dress. It took a few hourse but you fixed it. You walked home and noticed only kid was at the court. You sighed. "Dad go, go get the make up and such ready please I need to talk to kid" you sighed. Stein nodded letting you. You walked over to kid. "What did you want?" you asked. He perks up.

"I whanted to say Im sorry for calling you a unsymmetrical peace of garbage. I didnt mean it
I was jut a little mad you wernt perfect. Then when crona said what had happen after I left I realized, in the form you are in now, you still are symmetrical. Even if you have stiches on one side not the other" he said. You smiled down at him.

"I forgive you" you said.

"W-wait you do?" he asks.

"Of course" you said. Then you felt him hug you. Your eyes whinded but you where about to hug him when stein pulled you away from him.

"Lightening bolt, can you start to head home, I have some business to take care of" he smiles. You just roll your eyes leaving. "I was fine when you two where all buddy buddy. Friends or enemys. But when I asked your dad why you had to be in every class with her, he gave me a resion that I didnt like. So you better stay away from my little lightening bolt. Befor your my next experiment" he hissed.

"Dad just because I was out of sigh doesn't mean I couldnt here you!" you growled showing from behind the corner.

"Lightening bolt, home now!" he growls walking twords you and pushing you away and back home. Leaving a slightly frighten death the kid behind.

~death the kids pov~

After they left I gulped softly. 'On one hand, I could get my lady of death, but I would die, on the other I would never have my lady of death and have a big chance of not even becoming lord death. What should I do? What whould I do for the perfect girl? Even if she isnt symmetrical. I have an idea! Ill just ask her for a dance at the finders party' I thought then a big smile grew on my face.

I went home and got ready for the dance. My fully white tux and black tie. I smiled and left for the dance with liz and patty. When we got there most of everyone was there already. I walked to my father.

"Hello father" I said looking at hime through the conrer of my eye.

"Oh hello kid" he looked down at me. He was probably smileing behind his mask.

"So did Y/N get here yet?" I asked.

"No. Sorry kid" he said sadly. I nodded and stood over at the small piller that I usally do. Then after a while she came in. Her dress was all patched in differnt colors, her white gloves and white stockings. Black boots and blood red lipstick. She of course was with her father. She even is in her normal form. All the boys gasped seeing her walk in. A smile played on my face. Father looked at me. "Go ahead kid. Say hi to her" father said. I walk down off the stars and everyone moved from my way.

"Hello Y/N" I greated.

"And hello to you to kid" she said smiling. I noticed her necklace had a small soul like object in it.

"What type of soul is in your necklace?" I asked.

"A fairy's. Beautiful isnt it?" she said. I didnt look at her necklace. I kept looking at her face.

"Very" I said.

"Alright you pest go back to death" stien hissed at me. I smirked and looked at Y/N.

"Fine. I will see you later tonight Y/N" I said lightly grabing her hand lightly kissing it. I then let her hand go and walk back to the top of the satrs with father.

"Very smooth son" he said. I just smile softly. "Why dont you ask her to dance?" father asked.

"Because, she will be unsymmetrical and then I'll insult her again. Makeing her really mad at me" I sighed. Then everyone else got there and father greated everyond.

"Hello hello! Welcome to the finders party! I hope you all enjoy, sing, dance, talk. Enjoy yourselfs!" father said. "But today we are not going to let kid do his speach because everyone voted agenst it" father said. I glared at everyone and her a small giggle over everyone elses laughs. I cought the eye of Y/N, she was talking to soul and black...did they make her laugh?...

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