21. The beach (part 3)

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After a while you got bored and twisted your bolts turning the ice thing off. It only worked after eating something cold. As the ice melted you fell into the water and as you swam back up you lost one of your bolts and you started to lose breath. Then you ran out of air. But your eyes were still open and you could see how the darkness started to swallow you.

~kids pov~

I dont care anymore. I swam out and dove into the water and grabed her hand. She had ran out of air. I pulled her up and close to my body and swam up and back to the land. She landed there and I was coching up water getting the water out of my lungs. I looked over and saw he dad trying to get her breathing again and the water out of her lungs. Tears welmed in his eyes as it didnt work. Tears fell from his eyes as it didnt work. I pushed him away and pushed down onto her chest with all my stranth and she shot up caoughing up water.

"Lightning bolt your ok!" stein says and hugs her wrapping his arms around her chest squeezing more water out.

"Ok, give her some room" spirit said pealing him off her. I rubed her back.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Y-yeah...y-you saved me kid" she says and then hugs me. "Thank you" she says.

"No problem. Hey your screw is missing" I said.

"Wait what!?!" she asks and reaches up to touch her screw. Because the other was gone.

~dr.steins pov~

Kid got her back on land. I didnt even care that she had to be so close to him. He helped her. I started to push on her chest and torso trying  to get the water out of her lungs as kid coughed up any water in his. Tears welmed and driped from my eyes as I realized she might never come back to me. Then spirit pulled me off her and tried to calm me down as kid pushed down on her chest.

~you know what happens next~

They were hugging! Know Im pissed off!

"No problem. Hey one of your screws are missing" kid says confused.

"Wait what!?" she asks touching were her bolt once was.

"She must have lost it inside the water" black star says.

"Wait...no! No! No! I need to go!" she says frantically running out of our sights.

"Ok, Stein, explanation, now!" sprirt growled.

"Ok. So what she told you was that she couldnt walk with one in and she didnt like to be asymmetrical. Well, the real reasion why she has two is, when she was a kid she did have only one. Infact when she met maka she only had one. And the more time you, spirit, and your wife hanged out with me and maka hung out with Y/N, her darkness and dullness rubed off on your wife, because her powers couldnt be contained by the one bolt. When I added a second one thats when your wife realized she hated you, because of the other woman, and then diverosed you. And, because of that, my little lightning bolt thought it was her fault, and she dosnt want peoppe to hate there loved ones because of her, so she never wanted her other one to ever come lose or come out. Why do you think she staied in that form for years on end?" I expinded.

"Oh my god. So she is like the kishin with only one screw in" spirit said. That got me mad.

"Dont ever compare my lightning bolt with that sorry excuse of a reaper!" I growled. "Anyway, instead of trying to help her control her powers, I just screwed another bolt inside her head. You dont even know how she lived without one bolt in her head!"

"Wait she wasnt made with the bolt in her head?" kid asks.

"My original blue prints for her are back at the lab. But she wasnt ment to have a screw inside her head. I did some tweaks to her and made her like me after seeing what happens without a screw to help her control her powers. When she didnt have that screw, my lab was completely under chaos" I sighed.

"We had no idea. Hmmm, ok, maka, go get her. You seem to have already went through that wrath. You can at least calm her down while me, black star, and soul go out and look for her other screw" kid says. Then maka gose off to find Y/N and the boys go into the sea and trys to find her screw.

I sat on the big towel on the sand, a showdow over my face, my knees to my chest, and under the huge umbrella. Blair was rubbing sunscreen on my back while I let memories of the darkest things run through my head.

~normal pov~

You were in a ball on the floor in a corner with a shaodow over your face. Maka comes in and sits next to you.

"Its ok. You have gotten your power under control, mabey you only need the one screw" maka smiles.

"No! You dont get it! First, infront of kid my bolts exganged energy. Meaning theres a spark with us. And now my bolt falls out...maka do you even know what it means?" you say.

"What dose it mean?" she asks.

"It means, im mature enough to, *cough* do that. And because my bolts exchanged energy infront of kid, it wants kid. Meaning, maka I think Im in love with kid" you say.

"And thats bad?" she asks.

"Yes. Because the last time I loved someone, and had only one bolt in, I touched them and shoked them. And drained there energy from there body" you said tears whelmed in your eyes. "I dont want to hurt him" maka whipped the tears from your eyes.

"Hey. Its ok. Its ok. Everything will tern out fine. Listen, I shouldnt tell you this, but lord death planed a wedding, for you and kid. He wants you two to get married"

"What!?!" you growled...

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