10. in danger and a fight

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~death the kids pov~

"Wow. That was like the first thing I eat" she says. We kept talking and telling stroies of the past. Stupid not stupid, everything. But there was this one stroie. "So I always loved snakes and spiders. I dont know why. There was this one snake that was my first like friend. Then there was this spider that helped me like do things that I didnt know how to do" she says playing with a strand of her hair.

"Snake and spider??? What whould a snake and spider whant with you...crap!" I relized something.

"What? Whats wrong?" she asked as I got up she did to.

"Your in danger! You have to be! W-we need to get you to Dr.Stein and tell him about this!" I said in a panic. 'What if she got hurt!?! What if I was watching her or with her and she got hurt!? I whould never forgive myself!' I thought.

"Wait! Why am I in danger? And why do we have to bring my dad into this?" she asked. I gulped.

"Ok, so you MIGHT be in danger, because like spiders were the way arcane watched people, and snakes are used for mudusa to watch people as well" I explained.

"Ok hold up. Who is archen and who is mudusa?" she asked.

"Dr.Stein didnt tell you about them???" I asked. She shook her head. "Lets just go talk to him" I sighed then started to leave. She stoped me and grabed my shoulders.

"No! I cant face my dad right now!" she said.

"Fine then lets tell my father" I said.

"No! And not spirit either! Non of them can know! If this is as bad as you say and they get involved they could get hurt. And I dont whant that. L-lets just, lets take a walk and keep talking about this. Because it might not be either of them" she says. I sigh but nod agreeing.

~normal pov~

You and kid talked while walking around death city. Then you both stoped seeing 4 people. Two witches one mosquito human thing, and a weapon.

"Oh look what we have here?~" smiled the weapon. Your claws grew from your hands.

"Its Y/N. The little one we always were intersted in~" said the witch wereing all black.

"And who are you?" you asked.

"Her blood smells so sweet~" said the mosquito one.

"And your souls looks the best" you smirked down at him.

"Im arcane. You can name the others" said the one where all black.

"Mudusa, mosquito, and Girkio?" you asked unsure of the last one.

"Your very smart" said girkio.

"You know I always did wounder what was in the bodys of witches and wepons" you said sounding crazier with each word as you twisted and messed with your bolts. "This will be fun~" you giggled crazily.

"It sure will. Girkio. You start" said arcane and her mosquito and mudusa backed up. Kid did as well and tried to figure out what to do.

The wind started to blow. You smiled creepily and went into a fighting stance twitching and lightening bolts zaped from where your bolt and head starts to touch. He pushes off his back leg and runs twords you. You push off your back leg as well and sliced your hand into his side but it only got a little bit. Like around a inch or so. You both kept swinging. You getting him a little less then half the time and him not getting you at all. Then he got you right in the stomic and you flew back hitting a building. You slid down into a sitting postion on the floor. Girkio grabed your throat and lifting you into the air. You choked and gasped for air. You clawded at his hands and wrists then you stoped clawing at him and then started to laugh. He started to get confused.

"Wait what?" he asked.

"I dont need air to live. And even if I did I have a robtic lungs. Dont need it anyway" you said. Then lightening started to shoot from your bolts and you sent the energy down through your stiches and to Girkio. He got zapped makeing him drop you and step back.

"Bloody hell! Little bitch!" he growls.

"Then I guess that makes two" you said with a smirk. He sprinted at you then tried to kick you with the blade on his foot again but you stoped it. "Lets end some curiosity shall we?" you asked makeing your wave langthes stronger.

You hit his leg back to the floor and pushed off of your back leg forward and tackled him. You pushed your claw into his upper chest with a smirk. You started to cut dow. About an inch or so down you got knocked off Girkio and you rolled off him but stoped yourself from hitting the lamppost. You looked over to see mosquito.

"You messed up my test" you said and stood up. Because your bolts where so messed up you couldnt stand straight. You could stand but not straight up like your dad could when that happened.

~Dr.Steins pov~

I couldn't belive my little girl was takeing on those four single handedly. Makeing her soul wave langthes stronger then the one shes up agenst. She then got impaled by that mosquito guy. He made her hover in the air as he sucked the blood from her. Then his eyes whined and fliped off her. She landed onto the ground and looked over at kid. He was with liz and patty smirking.

"idiot" she mumbled. Or said outloud?? I dont know I was on the other side of the road in an alley. "Liz and patty arnt going to do much agenst them" she sighes.

"Cant I shot them each once??" kis asks. She face palmed.

"Fine" she rolled her eyes.

~normal pov~

Kid shot each of them once. Then he let liz and patty go back to normal. And patty turned into a weapon and liz held her.

"Not going to do much but whatever" you sighed and fliped your arm into a blade. "Lets show them what happens when its four agenst four" you smirked...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now