15. planing to hang out

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~a few weeks later~

It was a normal day. But there was a test in Dr.Stiens class. Great. You were of course, finshed first and then oz was done second. You both got up and gave the paper to sid. Because stein was not in there at the time.

"You two are fast" sid said. "Oh uh, Y/N I need to talk to you" sid said. You nodded. You both went beside the door.

"Yeah sid?" you asked.

"Hows your father?" he asks.

"The madness is getting better" you nod softly. "Hes turning back. But the kishin is still out there. I...I dont think dad can hold onto his sanity to much longer though. Hes been having small break downs every now and then" you say.

"Alright. And you? Is your saninty being tampered with?" sid asks.

"No. I dont feel different" you shoke your head.

"Good. Go home and check on him for me. See how he is" sid said.

"I can...just leave?" you asked. He nods.

"For now"

You nod and leave the class room running home. You get home and run in. You quietly walked to stiens room. He was asleep in his bed. Of course shirtless because thats how he sleeps. You smirked nowing you could play a small prank on him. So you did. You drew lines of sharpie on his skin. Outlineing where he whould cut into the body for deception. You finshed and left giggling quietly.

You get back to the academy. It was around the time everyone was done with the test and out of the class so they could talk. You stayed outside on the deck thing (when like a few of them go and overlook death city while talking or just thinking). When kid came up.

"Hey Y/N. What are you doing?" kid says sitting next to you, swinging his feet over and looking over the city as well.

"Hey kid you ever just look out into the city, and just watch over everyone?" you asked. He shrugs.

"Only if I am thinking" he replys.

"Have you noticed how symmetrical alomst everything in our city is? Of course my dad lab kind of messes that up, but hey, cant blame him really, and I wounder why your dad made everything the way it is now. Befor you were born the city was already built. Yet everything, almost everything is they way you whould whant it" you said.

"...what makes you think that?" kid asks.

"Observations is all. So why did you come out here?" you asked looking at him.

"I wanted to ask you something. So, me and the girls are invinted the others to the mansion to hangout tonight. You whant to join?" kid says.

"Of course!" you smiled.

"Hey guys. Traning time" sid said walking out. You both smiled and swung your legs over getting off the stone railing and walking with sid down to the traning area.

~time skip brought to you by my laziness!~

You put on this:

(The female stiens clothing!)

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(The female stiens clothing!)

And smiled. Your dad made you it when he found out how much you were like him.

~death the kids pov~

I put on my normal clothing. I looked at myself...I hate the strips in my hair...I sighed and wore my 'lord death' clothing and put my mask on my head but not over my face. I sighed softly befor leaving my room. I walked down to where we were going to spend most of our time. Liz and patty were fixing up the room so black star couldnt mess anything up without trying...or make me mad. I smiled.

"Your wereing that??" liz asks looking over at me.

"I whould rather where my cloak and hide my strips with my mask then keep an eye on that perfectly symmetrical Y/N while myself wasnt at least a little bit symmetrical" I reply.

"Wow you have it bad for her dont you?" liz asks. I blushed softly.

We kept talking about what can happen during the hangout.

~normal pov~

You had about an hour intell the hangout. So you decided to help your dad. You walked to his room and knocked on the door.

"Come in lightning bolt" Stiens voice said. You opened the door to see him re-stitching some stiches over his body, and black smug on his torso. "Mind explaning why my stomic and chest was covered in marking lines?" he asks.

"I just whanted to draw on you and I knew you whouldnt be that mad if I did that" you said walking over to him.

"Correct. Now can you help with my stitches? You opened it while you drew" he says. You nod and sit on the rolly chair facing him and started to stitch him. After a while the chair got annoying so you just lost it and sat up on your knees stitching. "Also, awww, your wearing my old clothing. Why? What are you going to do?" he asks.

"Go somewhere tonight" you shrugged. Then you phone went off. You answered it (like put it on your shoulder and kept it from falling by resting your head on it). It was kid.

"Hey" he greated.


"Whould you like me to walk you to the mansion or do you whant to walk alone?"

"You can come over and walk me if you whould like. I dont need it but hey. Its better then my crazy dad coming along or following me" you smirked looking up at your dad befor foucsing on the stitches.

"True. Ok. But he dosnt seem to trust me" kid says.

"Oh its fine. He will be asleep befor you come over anyway...I hope at least" you said lightly fliping your hair. "stupid ocd making me mad about being unsymmetrical" you mumbled.

"What?" kid asks.

"Uhhhh...nothing just thinking out load to my dad" you smirked.

"Awe shit how long was he there?" kid asks.

"The whole time" you chukled darkly.

"C-can he hear me?" kid asks.

"Dont know. Hey dad can you hear when kid talks?" you asked.

"Sort of. But Im trying to focus more on not interapting your call by winceing in pain" he said the flinched.

"Dad hold still" you rolled your eyes. "But he can barily hear you. On that note I need to go, Im stiching up dad so, bye" you said.

"Bye" he says. He hangs up and you put your phone back in your pocket and keep stiching stien up...

The Insainty To My Sainty? (Yandere!Death The Kid x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now