25. old friend and jealousy

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You got to your dads lab and froze slightly seeing your dad sitting in his spinny chair in the dark facing you.

"Next time be careful. And why do you even like Kid?" he asks.

"I dont know. Hes really sweet, and hes fun to be around even if he dosent like how asymmetrical I am. He ignores it" you said and then sit up ont your dads desk top and he turns to you still in his chair.

"If he hurts you. Or treats you wrong" he hisses.

"I know I know. Youll kill him" you smile softly. "Thanks for looking out for me" you say hopping off his desk and then lightly kissing his cheek. "Well now Im tierd I had quite a long day" you said and went to your room. You fell asleep. Like normal.

~next day~

You woke up, got dressed and were about to leave when your dad stoped you.

"Lightning bolt, we are going to have a new student, and Death had agreed to let him be in all of yours and Kids classes. And you know him. So dont worry. Oh! One more thing. You and kid will be showing him around" your dad said.

"K" you say then you and him leave. "So whats his name?" you ask.

"Oh. Now if I told you, you whould know who it is. Its a surprise" stein smirks.

"Fine. Describe the new kid"

"Male. Dark brown hair. Light green emerald eyes. Pale. And if I say anymore it will give him away"

"Is he a miester?"


"Ok" you nod. You two get to the academy and you see kid walking back and fourth infront of it tapping his face. He freezes seeing you and smiles. He runs to you grabing your hands and smileing up at you.

"Good. Your here. So we have to show some new kid around. Because hes in our classes. This should be fun" he says and pulls you twords liz and patty.

"Dad schools going to start for real in a bit so you should probably go" you said.

"Of course" he says and leaves. You four sat down and waited.

"Oh. Hey, liz patty, you can go me and kid got it under control" you say. Kid nods. Liz sighs and patty starts to pull her inside the academy.

"Ok!" patty smiles widely and they both leave. Well patty pulled liz. You both looked at eachother and kid held your hand.

"doesn't have to be symmetrical, doesn't have to bd symmetrical" he mummbles over and over again. You turn him to you and held his other hand.

"There. Even if doesn't have to be, it is" you smile. He gasps softly and smiles back.

"thank you" he mummbles and you both rest your foreheads agenst eachothers shoulder.

"Y/N?" a male voice asks. He sounded familiar. Very familiar. You look to the side and see...Lincoln?

"L-lincoln?" you asked. Kids head shots up and he looks over at the other boy. His dark brown hair, his bright emerald green eyes, his pale skin, and the stiches on each joint that contacts them stiches on his neck attaching his head and two small bolts in his neck. "Lincoln!" you smiled and ran to him. Hugging him.

"Y/N! Its really you! Oh I missed you!" he smiles.

~kids pov~

How dose this random boy, know my little Y/N!?! There hugging! No one other then me should even think about touching her! That little-

"Kid! This is my bestfriend, Lincoln. I made him myself. He was the first thing that I made that was alive!" my little Y/N smiles widely. Shes so happy...she should only be that happy with me!!...and any kids we have 💓. Wha-? That feeling...its back...that fire...in my heart. Same flame when I see her talking to any other guy...someone thats not me...Im...Jealous? Of course 😒.

"Hi" I choked out.

"Sup? So you two going to show me around?" he asks. We nod.

~normal pov~

You three walked down the halls. For most of the day you were showing him around your huge school. And just in time for your dads class was when you finshed with the tour. You three entered the class room and Stein and spirit looked at you three. You had a smile but it faided when you spirit.

"Why in hell is he here!?!" you asked gestering to Spirit.

"Because, lord death wanted him to help me teach health lessons, its funny how he came on the start of this specific day" smirked your dad. You glared at him and walked to him grabing his bolt and pulling him down.

"Your going to corrupt the most innocent mister, I fucking swear" you growled. Then felt a hand on your shoulder. You looked back to see spirit. You got away from him. "Dont touch me creep!" you growled.

"Hes kidding. Now go take your seat" he says.

"Ugh!" you growled and went to your seat and slumped down.

"Have you seen her act like this?" Kid asks. Lincoln nods.

"Most of the time she gets mad at her dad"

"Ok you two sit" spirit says. They roll there eyes but do as there told.

"Goody four shoes" you mumbled.

"Today, we dont have much to teach, other then fighting and...well...deception, but if we were doing deception Spirit would not be here. So, I want two teams, to go against me and Spirit, working togther" stein smirks. Lincoln raised his hand. "Lincoln and Y/N" you groaned.

"Wait what!?" kid asks. You and Lincoln stand up.

"Back together" he smirks.

"Like, forever" you chukled rolling your eyes and you both went to the frount of the class. Kid raised his hand immediately.

"Kid liz and patty" Spirit says. They come down. And you five get ready while spirit turns into a death scythe...

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