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Tyler woke up first, not moving so he wouldnt wake anyone else up just yet. He kind of wanted the time to check his situation.

Josh's face was towards him, close to him. Really close. He was sleeping, laying on his stomach, face turned towards Tyler, the latter feeling soft puffs of breath onto his shoulder. Josh's hand was resting on Tylers belly, his leg pulled up and knee touching Tylers thigh.

Brendon was still sleeping too, closely cuddled up to Josh's other side, a leg casually thrown over Josh's.

Tyler didnt exactly know how to feel, if he was completely honest to himself. He felt an intruder, too much, even though nothing made it seem that way. Tyler was no saint, he'd been involved in 'regular' threesomes before, but never in a situation like this. And it wasn't even really a threeway, because Brendon was just there. Watching. Watching his own boyfriend fuck some random dude they picked up at a bar.
Yeah, Tyler definitely didnt know how to feel.
Because, on top of all that, he might have maybe just a tiny bit started to like Josh already. And his relationship with Brendon.. both were somehow fascinating.

He managed to pull his eyes away from the two sleeping next to him, unable to resist gently touching Josh's hand on his stomach. He stared at the ceiling for probably a few minutes, lost in thoughts, doubting whether he should just leave or not.

"Hey." Tyler heard a soft whisper from beside him. He turned his head, surprised to see it wasn't Josh who was talking to him. Brendon had himself propped up on his elbow, sleepy eyes watching Tyler. The latter quickly pulled his hand away from where it had constantly been playing with Josh's fingers.

Brendon smiled softly, not failing to miss Tylers move. "Hi", Tyler answered softly, a lot more uncomfortable now. "Sleep well?" Brendon asked as he changed his gaze to his sleeping boyfriend. "Uhm, yeah, I did."
"Good", Brendon nodded before he yawned. "What do you like for breakfast then?" He questioned as he sat up quite roughly, obviously not too considerate of his boyfriend still sleeping. He chuckled when he saw Tyler frowning. "Don't worry, you could fire a gun and he would sleep through it."

"Eggs?" Tyler mumbled as he didnt know what to do exactly and started to attempt to get out too. "Eggs", Brendon copied, while yawning and stretching as he stood up, Tyler slightly blushing because he wore nothing but his boxershorts. "Oh you can stay in for a bit. We promised you i'd make breakfast, so thats exactly what i'm gonna do."
It was silent for a second as Brendon grabbed some sweatpants and a shirt.

"Hm?" He turned back to Tyler, putting his arms into the holes of the shirt. "I'm not sure about..." he paused as he shrugged, "my place here right now? I guess?" Brendon nodded. "That's okay. I mean, I can't tell you how to feel about it but... I just hope you don't have regrets? Or that we made you feel uncomfortable in anything that happend?"
Tyler shook his head. "No-no, that's not it I guess. I don't know", he shrugged again. Brendon smiled softly again. "Just... please don't worry too much? But if you'd rather go..."
Just at that moment Josh stirred in his sleep and grasped Tyler into a stronger grip, face now flush against Tylers side. "But he'd be very disappointed", Brendon grinned, gesturing towards Josh.

"Just stay for now, okay? We can talk over breakfast", Brendon hummed, easily leaving his boyfriend with a stranger in their bed. Cuddled up together. Barely clothed. It just made no sense to Tyler but he decided to just go with it for now as he got comfortable again.


"G'morning", a raspy, sleepy voice pulled Tyler out of his own thinking. "Hey."
"How are you feeling?" Josh asked, as he released Tyler out of his grip and sat up. He watched his other side, noticing an empty space in his bed. "Alright. I guess."
Josh frowned. "Alright, I guess? What's wrong? Did I- did I do something?" Tyler shook his head again. "No, no. All good", and he faked a smile. "Okay. Good." Josh smiled too, an honest one.

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