Christmas dinner

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"We're so happy to meet you Tyler", Grace started as she was in the kitchen making preparations for dinner with him and Brendon, hand gently on the boys shoulder.

"They've been talking quite a lot about you", she chuckled, "And they only told us about you a few days ago, but.. Honestly, i'm not surprised there was a little more to this 'new friend'."
Tyler smiled softly, still amazed by how open and open minded Brendon's parents actually were. "I'm really grateful for you being so welcoming, i mean... i never expected the response you gave us. Me. Even while they told me it would be okay."

"Will you be introducing them to your family as well this Christmas?" she asked while washing her hands.

Tyler's heart sank a little, and shook his head, twirling a strand of hair around his finger. "I don't have any family to introduce them to..", he spoke softly, gazing at Brendon. The latter was watching and listening carefully, ready to jump in at any second if Tyler needed him to. "I lost my parents when I was 15", he told her, not feeling a need to tell her right now about how his parents wouldn't have cared or accepted this relationship anyway, or what his backstory was. "I'm pretty much on my own here. Or, well, i guess i was."

"Oh dear, i'm so sorry to hear that", Grace muttered, obviously affected by his statements. "It's okay..." Tyler shrugged softly. "But if you don't mind i'd like to not elaborate on the whole story now", he tried to be as polite as he could. "It's been a bit of a.. bumpy road", he explained.

Grace nodded. "Ofcourse dear, ofcourse. It's Christmas, let's just celebrate being all together here, now."

"Excuse me", Tyler then spoke softly after he nodded thankfully, "bathroom", he added before stepping out the kitchen leaving Brendon with his mom behind.

She sighed, obviously saddened by the fact apparently Tyler hadn't had it easy. She gently pulled herself to Brendon's side, hand gently rubbing his back. "Something like Josh?" she carefully asked Brendon, who had been absentmindedly staring at the doorframe where Tyler had just walked out of. "Oh", he zoned back in. "No. Worse."
"Worse?" she asked with a concerned frown. "Yeah.. way worse", Brendon added before kissing atop his mom's head. "You'll learn about it along the way, when he feels more comfortable. Just don't mention it now. Talk about the now, what he likes to do etc. The past'll come later.. okay?"

His mom nodded, squeezing Brendon's arm a bit. "You take good care of those boys, son. A relationship between two people can be complicated enough, it won't always be easy with three."
"I know", Brendon sighed softly but smiled. "I know mom."

Grace smiled when Josh walked in to check if they needed help. "It's nice to see you two so smitten", she chuckled. "I've always admired how that first in-love feeling seemed to have never left, even when it was just the two of you. But it's even stronger now, and in all directions between you three."
She nodded, to nobody in particular. "Just remember to keep working hard for each other. It would sadden me to see if you two lost any of that connection you have. It won't always come easy, being with a new person, no matter how much you like him. I'm sure you will do fine, but just.. keep working."

Brendon's arm was soon enough around Josh's shoulder, pulling him close and pressing his lips to the youngers' temple. "I'm not gonna let this one slip away one tiny bit", Brendon spoke to his mom yet faced Josh. "Only love him a lot damn more." Then he cracked that one sided smile, eyes soft. "But I know, we know, it's a process. We'll have to keep learning and communicating."

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