A bit... much

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"Alright I'm going to finish this last thing for work", Josh sighed the next sunday morning. It was even harder getting out of bed now leaving two warm (cuddled up) boys behind than just one. But he had a deadline before Christmas and he didn't want to stretch it, so with a few hours today he hoped to be more relaxed and enjoy their afternoon together. So with a little grunt he stepped out of the bed, skin protesting with goosebumps against the cold morning air. He shivered as he scratched his scalp, looking for clothes.

Tyler rubbed his eyes sleepily and nodded, while Brendon yawned and checked the clock. It was only 7:30 am. "Shall I make us breakfast in like two hours?" he then asked with a soft and sleepy voice, Josh nodded and smiled softly as Tyler pulled the covers back up to his pretty nose. Josh getting up sent a cold breeze under the sheets. Josh nodded again. "Yeah that's okay, I should be done in an hour or two." Observed by both he grabbed his sweatpants and a big warm hoodie (Brendon's) and he stretched before leaving the two behind to sleep some more, while he got busy. Making a fresh mug of coffee first, he then opened his laptop and got to work in the kitchen.


Tyler fell back asleep pretty much before Josh had even closed the bedroom door, but woke up just before 9am, finding Brendon asleep next to him. Tyler wasn't trying to be creepy but he couldn't stop watching Brendon, who's face was halfway smushed into the pillow. It was cute. The younger just wrapped himself in more blanket to stay warm, but by not being used to share the covers apparently he pulled them all away from Brendon. The cold morning air must've hit him right away, and in his light sleep he groaned, sounding highly annoyed. "Josh", he mumbled in an irritated tone, and Tyler couldn't help but giggle. Oops. He quickly gave back some of the covers, adding a soft "sorry", when he noticed Brendon's eyes were open now and looking at him.

"Oh, so you steal the covers too?" he asked sleepily, little smile on his face. Tyler just watched him with curious eyes. Apparently Josh had a habit of owning up all the covers on the bed. And for whatever reason, Tyler thought it fitted him. Warm and cuddly. Tyler smiled. "Wouldn't have to if Josh just stayed in bed keeping my other side warm", he whispered.
"Are you cold?" Brendon replied, not even waiting for an answer as he shifted and pulled Tyler in more, the youngest eventually somehow in his arms and against his chest. "Better", Tyler hummed as he curled his fingers into Brendon's shirt. He wondered if they'd always stay this cute and cuddly, or if it was just now because all of this was new and exciting. And that eventually this would slip away and they'd be sleeping inches apart and waking up completely separate. He hoped it would stay.
And if he thought about how often he'd seen Brendon and Josh be affectionate and cuddly since they hung out, he had good faith it would.

"Hey Ty?"
"About what happened yesterday..", Brendon started, and immediately Tyler thought about all the things that happened yesterday that Brendon could mean, and deciding it would probably be that one thing.
Brendon exhaled softly. "I just want you to know, that your opinion is as important as ours, and that you don't have to do things you don't want or don't feel like at that moment."
"Wait, just hear me out." He continued, voice soft and fingers now playing with tufts of Tyler's hair.
"I know i can be a bit... much, sometimes. I say what I think."

He thought about his next words for a bit, Tyler let him, enjoying the gentle fingers in his hair. "It's probably not a surprise", he chuckled softly. "I like sex. I like trying things. I love Josh, i love sex with him, i love experimenting with him, I love getting him to try new things. For me, that brings fucking more pleasure than anything i could do myself. I don't want any shame or embarrassment holding anyone back, there's no need for it. We're all human. And he's fucking beautiful.." he paused again, then gently caressing Tyler's ear. "And so are you." he smiled down playfully at Tyler.
"So yes, I know i can seem a bit...i don't know... blunt sometimes, but i just want you two to feel comfortable in anything okay?" Tyler nodded carefully. 

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