I pick him

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"I waaaaant... him", Josh decided. Brendon raised an eyebrow. "Who?"
"Him", Josh repeated.
"Him. I want him."

"Are you sure?" Brendon questioned. "He's pretty but he seems... I don't know. Fragile." He shrugged.

"I'm sure. Look how adorable he is? And it's my choice, it's myyyyyy birthday remember? It wasn't like you picked my type when it was your turn."

Brendon laughed. Josh was right. The guy he picked for his birthday was anything but Josh's type. The guy Josh picked now didn't look bad. At all. He just seemed more fragile than the usual musculair types Josh went for.
"Well then, go get 'm tiger", Brendon wiggled his eyebrows ridiculously, making Josh laugh. "Hmmmm, love you", he mumbled against Brendon's lips before walking off towards the boy.

"Hi", Josh dropped down on the barstool next to the boy, swirling it round once before coming to a stop.
"Uh, hi", the boy answered a bit unsure, but giggly. Probably too much booze.
"You're here all alone?"
He nodded. "Guys suck", he mumbled before taking another shot. Josh smiled inwardly, making a joke would be easy now but the boy seemed upset so he frowned, examining the boys face more.

"Not all of them do. What happened?"
"Why'd you care?"
Josh flashed him a reassuring smile. "Because you are really pretty. And you looked alone, sad. But mostly pretty."
The boy's cheeks flushed a bit, but he didn't comment.
"What you came here for?" Josh tried.
"Forgetting. And hopfully some fun."
The boy pouted his lips. Very cute.
"Soooo... forgetting and fun... In that case I have a great offer for you.... Wanna have some fun? With me, and my boyfriend?" Josh pointed at Brendon. The boy looked over his shoulder, Brendon winked back at him.
"It will definitely make you forget."
"What do you mean?"

Josh smiled as he tapped his indexfinger on the boy's bottom lip, pulling it down slightly before releasing it. "It's my birthday. And I want you to be my birthday present."

The boy didn't answer, probably surprised by the indecent offer. Josh noticed how the boy checked him out, trying to make up his mind. At least it meant he was thinking about it. Then his eyes glanced to Brendon quickly, before getting back to Josh.
"So how does that work? Being your birthday present, I mean." The boy asked, and slowly a cheeky look appeared in his eyes. Josh smiled.
"What's your name?"
Josh thought about how nice his name would sound later this night and gently stroked the boys thigh.
"Well, Tyler. The way it works is pretty simple. I, or no, we, will take you home, and I will fuck you and we'll have plenty of fun, and he will watch." His own heartrate fastened with saying these words, he really wanted this boy, no he needed it. He was dying to fuck someone, since Brendon would almost never let him top, and this boy was made for it. Made for him.

"Hm", the boy pretended to think about it, cheeks a little more pink. "What's your names?"
"Oh, wow how rude I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Josh. And that handsome guy is Brendon."
"So, how do I know you guys are not somekind of scary serial-killer couple?"
Tyler narrowed his eyes and tilted his head a little. Hot.
"Eh. Good question. Becaaauuuse I have bright pink hair maybe? Not every killer-ish."
"I guess." The boy bit his bottom lip in thoughts.

Josh got a little worried. He had his mind made up and he was horny and he wanted this guy, this boy, Tyler for the night.
"I'll even make you breakfast. Or well, Brendon will. It's my birthday y'know." He flashed his prettiest smile.

"Okay. I'm in." The boy chuckled. Josh had a hard time to contain himself from getting too enthusiastic. "I never refuse a good breakfast", the boy smirked. Josh rolled his eyes playfully. "Oh, right, like thát is the reason why you're in."
"Three fireballs, Andrew!" Josh enthusiastically waved at the bartender. He swung his arm over Tyler's shoulder, pulling him closer. "You won't regret it", he whispered in Tyler's ear, causing the boy to shudder lightly.
The drinks arrived at the same time Brendon did. Josh did a quick introduction for the two boys and then he raised his shotglass, waiting for the other boy's to do as well. "Happy 24th birthday babe", Brendon winked before downing his shot.

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