It's time

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So they ended up at Tyler's apartment a few hours later, bringing one of Brendon's home cook pasta's, just because it was so good and better then any take away.

Dinner was done, Tyler and Brendon doing the dishes together as Josh waited in the living room. He was glad he could hear them softly talking at times, laughing and the clatter of plates and utensils. When it was a bit too silent, he felt uncomfortable. The apartment was really an old, outlived place. And since they found Tyler here that day, it had a huge negative feel for Josh. But Tyler's giggles coming from the kitchen warmed the apartment and Josh's heart. He loved hearing them together.

He wondered if there would be a next step. They had confessed to Tyler a while ago now and apart from that one phone call they hadn't talked about it again. Josh slid down the couch, his head resting on a bunch of off-colored pillows. They obviously hadn't talked about it with Tyler again, not wanting to force the boy into anything. And well, in all honesty, Josh hadn't even talked to Brendon about it again because all they had been doing was arguing.

Josh sighed as he closed his eyes. What Brendon had told him, how he was scared of losing him, had really made realize Josh how complicated this might become. It wasn't making him want it any less, but he knew it would be hard work. Hard work to keep Brendon as happy as they had always been but also making someone new happy. The fact it also had to make himself happy wasn't even a priority.

He internally cursed himself for letting his mind run with these thoughts again. He had to remind himself that Tyler wouldn't want it. Which wouldn't be so weird, dating two guys wasn't an everyday thing and definitely not for everyone. And then he wasn't even thinking of all the outside judgement they might get. Tyler might just say no, and that was it.

But how, how would he find out? None of them had mentioned the topic again, and Josh didn't know how to get the conversation going again, without being pushy.

When he woke up, he was still on Tyler's couch but the pillows his head was resting on were replaced by a thigh. Tyler's thigh, and Josh closed his eyes again as he felt a hand in his hair. Brendon was sitting on the other end, hands resting on Josh's legs. This, this was his place and he tried not to let his mind run free.

"Are you awake?" He heard Tyler's soft voice questioning. So Josh nodded, slowly opening his eyes, a soft smile on his lips as he looked up, finding Tyler looking down on him. "Good, good... I-... There's something i think we should talk about."

So Josh sat up, thinking this might me it. Tyler was gonna say no, that he wouldn't want to, that he had no interest in dating two guys, that he-...

"So, i have been thinking. And i don't wanna make this a whole sad story again, so i've decided that maybe it's time for me to let all the negativity in the past and, even if it's against my nature, take the plunge. Do something hopefully positive for myself. Give myself the benefit of the doubt."

Brendon squeezed Josh's hand when the pink haired reached for it behind his back, anxiously awaiting what Tyler was going to say to them. Holding Brendons hand reassured him, knowing they were still in this together. Together or not at all.

"So, if you guy's still stand by what you said earlier... You're free to ask me on a date now", he chuckled.

Josh's jaw dropped. Oh god. "Really?" That's all he could think of responding, as he couldn't believe Tyler just actually said that. He heard Brendon chuckle to his answer but he didnt care. Did Tyler actually just say he wanted them to.. whoa. Tyler laughed, pretty dimples decorating his cheeks. "Really."

"Oh", he let out softly and Brendon hand came to rest in his neck. "I think someone here didn't see that coming", he chuckled, gently squeezing. "No- I..." Josh shook his head. "I don't know, i convinced myself you wouldn't be interested to you know, not get too disappointed. I guess i didn't expect you to actually... consider it."

Tyler smiled softly as he shrugged. "Why?"
Josh frowned to that, a simple yet good question. "I don't know.. because it's not something common, and possibly because what others might think of it, because it be too much of a coincidence that you'd like both of us enough to yes to this crazy proposal?"

"Well, you should've know by now i'm pretty crazy anyway, so it didn't have to be so surprising", he chuckled.

"So, Tyler, Josh and i wanted to ask you something."

The brunette raised his eyebrow gazing at them.

"Do you want to go on a date with Josh and i this friday? We'll skip regular pizza night and make it a real date." Brendon then just blurted, Josh too overwhelmed.

"I'd love that", Tyler smiled carefully.

It was a little silent after that, Josh fallen back against the back of the couch, hands hiding his smile. It took a matter of seconds before a pair of hands pulled them away. Tyler's hands. "Are you okay?"

Josh nodded. "Very." He nodded again. "Just nervous already." It made Tyler laugh, just like Brendon. "Tyler, meet the Josh i met like 5,5 years ago. Easily flustered but whitty."


At the door Tyler pulled Brendon's sleeve before they walked away. "Just.. don't make too much of it okay? I like hanging with you guys, i don't need weird fancy stuff.." Brendon smiled, winking with a nod. "Noted."

Tyler couldn't help but observe from the window how they walked to their car. Brendon swung his arm around Josh's shoulder and pulled him close, as the younger kissed Brendon's cheek. Josh nearly bounced around, a jump in his step seeming excited and happy. Then at their car Brendon's other arm closed around his boyfriend too, kissing Josh who had his back against the car door by now.

It looked... hot, and Tyler had a hard time pulling himself from the window. He couldn't pull his eyes off it, and was both disappointed and happy when they broke apart. He watched them get in the car and take off.

His mind kept going. He couldn't help but wonder if they were this excited because he said yes to a date. Excitement let out on each other, he was imagining them in the car, holding hands, kissing, distracted, maybe even more. He wondered if they'd talk about this, about him once they got home. He wondered if they would kiss more once they'd be in private, or maybe more than just kissing. He wondered if maybe he crossed their minds for a split second during it. Would they possibly think of him when they-...

He shook his head but couldn't lose the thoughts. Even though he had been there, in that position with them, he felt like it never happened. It was a different them, back then. He wondered if he ever get to kiss them again, touch, feel them.

He grew aware of the knot in his stomach, and the warmth spreading across his face and neck. Damn. It was just a date, he told himself. Don't rush yourself into things. It's a date, not a hook-up. They're taking you on an actual date, because thats their intention. To see if it there was a possibility of having a relationship. A real, actual relationship. Boyfriends. All three.

Not a hook-up. No, this, this was possibly about... love. Oh god.

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