Part 2 - The Sleepover

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Betty POV: Yellow. jkt

Once we finished Monopoly. My dad started to make homemade and with the boys. I went upstairs and wrote in my diary. ( Idk she has no TV so......)

" Dear Diary,

My brother had his best friend over today. I think their having a sleepover. I don't know yet though. I'm going to stay on the couch until I get a bed. Which I hope is soon. My brothers friends name is Jughetd!😁ad. Weird name but I like it. It's cute. I don't want I'm talking about. I can't fall for him, he is my brothers best friend. "

I decided to bring some blankets downstairs so I would be ready for bed since it was 8. I put all the blankets down and got some food and drinks. I turned on the tv and lied down and put on, " A Rebel Without A Cause " . I then heard footsteps in the kitchen.

" Hey", I said.

" Hey, watcha watching? ", he said. I knew who's voice that was. It was him! " And uhh what are you doing down here? "

" Oh, I don't have a bed in my room yet. "

" Oh, you can come up and hang with us for a bit? ", he said wondering. I nodded my head and I picked up my snacks, then walked upstairs. I slowly opened the door and saw the two boys talking and laughing.

" Hey! " , I said quietly. " I'm going to call Veronica real quick, ok Arch! "

" Ok! ", he said and I walked back out and called Veronica.

( This is Betty talking, this is Veronica talking.)

" Hey B you wanna come over! "

" Sure, I have to be home by 12 though. So like 3 hours ok! "

"Ok luv ya!"

" Luv ya too! "

I hung up and walked back inside Archie's room.

" Veronica is coming by the way, and Jug you need to meet her! She super nice! "

I was rambling about Veronica and then I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door. It wasn't Veronica, but it was.............

Sorry it's super short!!!! I'm so sorry!!!! I just want a cliffhanger!!!! Making next one right now and probably will be posted Friday or Saturday!!!

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