Part 13 - Back to School/Part 1

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Betty POV -

Today is the day I go back to school! I'm scared, but I'm excited. I get up and head to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and open my cabinet and grab the mouthwash. I spit out the toothpaste and put some mouthwash in my mouth. I swish for about 30 secs or so and spit it out. I walk back to my bed and get my phone. I check the time and see that it's only 6:30, I have about 2 hours until school starts. 

I then hear rustling on the floor. I look down, confused and see a sleeping Jug. I just stare in awe. "Take a picture, it will last longer. ", I slightly jump and look away. I get up and head to my closet. I pick out leggings, a Thrasher top and a jean jacket. I walk out and head back to my bathroom, I take my hair brush and comb out my knotty hair. I then pull it back into a tight ponytail and secure it with a rubber band. 

I then take mascara and lip gloss and put it on. I yet again, walk out. I then see Jughead on my bed, on his phone. "Why aren't you with Archie? ", I asked, with my hands on my hips. " Well, Archie asked me to look after you for a week, and the still isn't up yet. Is it? ", He said with a smirk. I sighed and nodded. I then walked to my door and got my white converse. I put those on and walked downstairs, with Jug following behind me. I opened the fridge and got the gallon of milk. Jug then went to the cabinet and got two bowls and cereal. He poured the cereal in the bowls, after he was done, I poured just the right amount of milk in the bowls.

Jug POV 

While Betty poured the milk, I walked to a drawer and grabbed two spoons. I then sat down, Betty slid my cereal towards me, she then sat down next to me, I handed her a spoon and dug in. We got done with our breakfast and Betty ran back upstairs. I chuckled to myself and ran after her. As I entered her room, I saw her on her bed, just staring at the ceiling. " Are you ok? If you don't want to go to school today, or even this week, then you don't have to. ", I said sitting next to her and rubbing my thumb on her knee. " No, it's fine," She said getting up, " I 'll have to go someday." She got up and grabbed her backpack, as did I and we went downstairs. 

I called Archie and told him we are on our way. We went outside and started walking walking to school. Then out of nowhere, Betty stopped. " I don't know if I want to go, Jug. ", she said. I looked at her and cupped her face, " You are strong, Betty, I believe you can do it.", I said, trying to comfort and motivate her. She looked in my eyes, she looked scared, terrified. She then looked down at my lips and back at my eyes. She leaned in and closed the gap between us.

Our foreheads now touching, I  leaned in and kissed her. Her lips were soft, yet sweet, like strawberries. She pulled away so she could breath. "Your right, I can do this. " , She said quietly. We then walked hand and hand to school.

Betty POV

OMG!!! He kissed me! It felt so.............. amazing. When Jughead wasn't looking, I would touch my lips to feel the tingliness on lips. We walked in silence to school, not a bad silence, but a good, comforting silence. Right as we got to the parking lot, I let go of his hand. I then  gave him a peck on the cheek and ran off to my first class.


I'm so so so so sorry for posting this almost a week later, I've been so sick the past week and couldn't bare to get out of bed. Even though I do that all the time ( I know lol) So I hope you understand and wrote an extra long chapter for you guys! There will be a part two in about a week or two before I go on a cruise! Yay!

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