Part 25

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Guess who's back! I'm going to be writing in 3rd person from now on. I'm so sorry for the long wait, but I'm finally here with a new chapter!

Betty woke up the next morning in her man's arms, making her smile softly and look up at him. She pushed the black curl that hung in front of his eyes out of the way, it immediately falling back in the same place, making her giggle. Jughead's eyes fluttered open at the sound of his blonde beauty giggling. "What's so funny?", He asked her tiredly, giving her a tired smile. She smiled and pecked his lips softly, "You.", She told him.

He chuckled softly and shook is head, sitting up slightly. "Are you hungry?", He asked her softly, hopping out of her bed and pulled his blue boxers on, leaving his hair in messy curls on his head. Betty bit her lip as she checked him out, mostly looking at is toned chest. "My eyes, are up here.", He said with a raised eyebrow. Betty only giggled and looked up into his blue eyes, nodding her head, "Yeah, last night we worked up an appetite.", She told him with a smirk.

Jughead chuckled and walked out of her room, Archie and Fred luckily being gone. Jughead walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing the eggs in the carton and the packet of bacon they had in their fridge. Jughead got a pan out, turning the heat up and placing the strips of bacon in the pan, letting the first side cook. Betty soon came downstairs, her lips swollen, hickeys covering her body. She was wearing a pair of cotton panties and his t-shirt he left there one of the nights he stayed over.

She came up behind him and wrapped her arms around him, her cheek pressed against his back, "Hey Juggie, whatcha cooking?", She asked him softly, the aroma of bacon starting to fill their noses. "Bacon and eggs. Do you want to cuddle and watch a movie today?", He asked her, looking over his shoulder at her. "Ummm, yeah, and tomorrow I want to check on the serpents, I haven't seen them in what feels like forever.", She told him.

"Okay, do you have any ideas of what you want to watch?", He asked her, making her nod and smile, "Yes, A Rebel Without A Cause!", She said excitedly. That movie had always been her favorite, even when she was a small child. She never really knew why she loved that movie, maybe it was because she thought James Dean was hot or if she just liked the older films.

Jughead chuckled softly and nodded, flipping the pieces of bacon, letting the other side cook. "Okay, A Rebel Without A Cause it is.", He spoke, pouring the now whisked eggs into a different pan, sizzling sounds filling their ears. The food soon finished cooking, Jughead grabbing two plates, filling them with bacon and scrambled eggs, giving himself more. Jughead grabbed them two sliver forks, placing them on the plates. "Here you go Betts.", He smiled, handing her over her plate.

Betty had moved from hugging him to sitting on the counter, dangling her legs over like a child. Betty smiled and thanked him, starting to dig into her breakfast. The couple soon finished and moved from the kitchen to her room. Betty laid down on the bed while Jughead got the TV on and put the movie in.

Betty heard the door open, two voices starting to fill the house. Her eyes widened once she realized it was her best friend and her brother. She got up and threw on a random pair of black leggings. "Hug! Get clothes on!", Betty whisper shouted, Jughead nodding and going over to his clothes from the night before, throwing them on. "B!", Veronica called out, walking up the stairs.

"I'm in here!", She called back, sitting on her bed. Veronica walked in and immediately smirked when she saw the marks on her neck, she looked over and saw Jughead, "Jughead, out.", She spoke. You didn't have to tell him twice, him immediately walking out the room. "Tell me everything!", She squealed, running over to her, sitting on the messed up sheets.

We do be in quarantine tho. Hey what's up you guys, yes! (If you got that I love you) Okay, so it's like day 13 for me and I'm going crazy...So I decided to post a chapter for once! Sorry it was boring oof, writers block do be crappy. OH, and if you have any ideas, just write them in the comments! Thanks!

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