Part 3 - Trouble

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I ran downstairs and opened the door. It wasn't Veronica. But it was Chuck Clayton. My horrible Ex. He has done the unthinkable to me. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife.

" Hey Betty, I know your begging g for this dick. Come and play. "

" No I have a knife don't get any closer or I'll do something that you will regret. "

I then heard footsteps coming from upstairs. There he was. Jughead Jones . He looked shocked.

" What. Is. Happening. "

" Well my ' Friend ' Betts here just called me over for some fun here. "

I just stood there with my jaw dropped.

" Jug..... Help" I mouthed to him. He nodded and took his phone out. He dialed a 911 and told them there was a guy harassing me. Finally Archie car down and was really red. He was mad. He tried to walk to Chuck but Jughead stopped him. He put his phone down and ran over to Chuck and knocked him out. He then ran to me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear, " Are you ok! Are you hurt. "
Chills went down my spine when he whispered in my ear.

" Yes I'm fine" I whispered to him and hugged him back.

" Ok if you need someone to talk to, I'm here. "

I nodded and walked to my room. I went on my phone and called Veronica. I told her not to come since we were going out to eat. She was fine with it and hung up. I plopped on my bed and went on social media. I just thought how Jug saved me. From the monster that destroyed me for years. He used me. He thought I was a toy he could use. But Jug, he really seemed to care. I then fell asleep and thought of what he did.



I woke up with arms wrapped around me. Where was I? I was in my room but someone was here. I don't remember having an one night stand. I turned around and saw dark black hair over his eyes. I moved his hair and saw a sleeping Jug. He was adorable when he slept I thought. I looked at his lips and they looked so soft. I brushed my thumb over them. I heard him shuffling a bit so I turned around and pretended to be asleep.

" Good Morning Andrews. "

" Good morning Jug "

I got up but got pulled back down. I tried to get up and but yet again for pulled down.

" Stay"

" No Jug, what about my brother. "

" Oh yeah"

He got up and ran to Archie's room. Luckily he was still asleep and so Jug just went in his sleeping bag and was on his phone. He would wait until Archie would wake up and get ready with him. I walked into my closet ( She has a walk in closet) and picked out a black jean skirt and a maroon colored top. O put on darker makeup and let my wavy blond hair stay on my shoulders. I took my Serpent Jacket and walked downstairs. I chose these cute knee high black boots and walked out the door. I guess Jug heard and he walked outside with his white tank top and a pair of sweats he was wearing.


I heard the door slam so I decided to check out what it was about. I saw betty in a very cute outfit about to get on her motorcycle. I was curious to wear she was going.

" Where are you going? "

" To a bar my mom works at. "

" Oh ok! Stay safe. "

She nodded her head and drove off. She looked hella hot on that motorcycle. And with her jacket. Wait..... Am I falling for my best friends sister!

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