Part 9 - " I feel Gross. "

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* Mentions of Rape*


Just as I was about to put the sandwich in my mouth, there was a knock at the door. I hesitated but got up anyway. I turned the knob slowly as well as opened the door slowly. I then saw the person standing there, with a smirk. Chuck Clayton. " What are you doing here? ", I asked taking a bite of my sandwich. " I'm here to say sorry to Betty. ", He said while making puppy eyes. I hesitated for a second but let him in. I showed him to Betty's room and went back downstairs without thinking anything of it. 

I waited for about ten minutes now and have not heard anything happen yet. So I decided to go upstairs and check on them. I then heard faint sobbing. I barged open the door and saw the worse thing imaginable. Chuck on top of Betty! I went into action mode and ran to Chuck  and punched him right in the nose. I then finally got to Betty and took off my shirt and handed it to her. I went back to Chuck and kicked him until he finally surrendered and I called the cops. 

Betty then ran into my arms as the cops pulled Chuck away. I called Archie and Veronica and told them to come over, now. I then finally looked at Betty. She had hickeys all over her body, the inside of her eyes looked broken. They were also red and puffy from crying. Archie and Veronica came running in her room and Betty started to break down. Archie and Veronica hugged her and tried to calm her down. 

" I feel gross. ", was her first words after the incident. She was sitting  next to Archie, cuddling him. While Veronica and I were rubbing her back. " Do you want me to run a bath? ", Veronica asked while getting up and heading to the fridge to get something to eat. " Sure ", Betty said. Betty and Veronica then went upstairs. We then heard water running. Archie turned to me.  "What happened? One minute shes crying over someone, Chuck, writing on her locker. Then she got....... ", Archie couldn't say it. He was too sad over seeing his sister grieving, over a man that doesn't care about women. 

" Well, Chuck knocked on the door and asked if he could say sorry. He seemed genuine, until that happened. He was up there for about ten minutes so I got worried. I then walked into him on top of..... Betty. I ran to Chuck and punched him off of Betty. I then took off my shirt and gave it to her while I called the cops. Soon after, I called you and Veronica. ", I said remorseful, and sad that I didn't stay up there with them.

I think Archie saw how guilty I felt and started to rub my back. " Hey man, it's not your fault. You didn't know that would happen. None of us did. ", Archie said, trying to sooth me. 

We then saw Betty come downstairs with Veronica helping her not fall down the stairs. She was in a big, gray hoodie and black sweatpants. She had her hoodie on her head. She came to the couch and immediately fell asleep on Archie's lap. " We need to take weekly shifts with her. So she is safe.", Archie said while stroking her hair. " I'll take this week. I can ask principal Weatherbee for all of us to get independent study. ", Veronica said. " I can take the week after Veronica then? " , I said more of a question then a statement. " Yeah! Ok, thank you guys! So much " , Archie said while hugging us. " Always. " , I said while hugging back.'

Hey you guys! I cried while making this :(  I will be posting less often because I start school tomorrow and I have Basketball after school! I am very thankful for you guys! Thank you so much!!! See you next chapter!!!

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