Part 8 - Serpent Slut

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*Ring...........Ring............Ring.........Ring *  

I got up tired, gross, and just all around disgusting! I walked tiredly to the shower and turned on the water. I walked in slowly and felt the steaming hot water drizzle down my bare skin. It felt nice. All the words that hurt me, all the words that brought me down. Were now gone, I scrubbed them all off. While I was washing the body wash off my body, I heard my phone ring. I quickly scrubbed the rest of the soap off my body and hopped out. I didn't even check who it was, but I answered it tiredly. 

" Hello? This is Betty. ", I said tired, yet annoyed that someone ruined my shower. " Betts, Hi I was wondering how you were feeling. You know, from yesterday? " , the man on the other line asked. My mood changed immediately. " Yeah, I'm better from yesterday. I don't know why I broke down. He was just being stupid. " , I said smiling since I was on the phone with Him. " Ok,  Good! I'll see you at school? " " Yeah, Bye! " "Bye! ", He said and hung up. I went to my closet and picked out a black ripped jeans with a " Rolling Stones " shirt that I tied right below my belly button. I put on my vans and I had on natural makeup. I left my hair down . I ran downstairs and saw Archie eating breakfast. He had his famous varsity jacket on and blue jeans. He was eating his toast and was talking to my dad. 

" Hey Betty! You want toast? ", My dad asked with a genuine smile. " Sure, I'm also going to take my bicycle to school, ok! ", I said taking my toast and walking out the door. " Ok honey! Love you! " " Love you too, Dad! " , I said closing the door. My dad was always better then my mom. My mom didn't care where I was, unless I was safe. She would always come home with guys and was always drunk. I still have some scars from where she hit me. I never show anyone cause I don't want them to worry. I got my bike out of the garage and got on. I plugged my headphones into my phone and started to play my favorite songs. I finally got to school and went to my locker. I saw a crowd around it and wondered what was happening. Once I pushed through the crowd I finally saw it, right on the locker

Go to Hell Serpent Slut..........

People were out with their phones. I was about to rip it down when Jughead came through the crowd yelling for people to move. He came and held me in his warm embrace. " Let Go of me!! Its just an idiot with a can of spray paint! " , I yelled at him while wrestling out of his embrace. " Betts, I don't think that's spray paint......" , He said whispering on my ear.


While I was pulling her out of the crowd I saw Chuck Clayton, smirking and laughing. He did it! I'm sure of it. I didn't know where to take her so I took her to the Blue and Gold. After I took her in Betty finally let go of my embrace and say on the table. Her eyes were glossy and red. Soon after she say down. Veronica and Archie came running in. " Betty, are you okay? " " We heard what happened! " , they both said at the same time while running to Betty and hugging her.

I could tell she was overwhelmed but she hugged them back and looked up at me. She smiled and looked back down. Archie picked her up and brought her outside of the school. Veronica and I followed. " Betts, so you know who did this to you? ", Archie asked concerned. She then started balling, I felt so bad. I didn't want to hug her because it would be obvious. But I did smile at her. " Lets get you home. ", Archie said while carrying her to his dad's truck. " and I'm going back to school so, Jug I was wondering if you could watch her for the day until I get back? " , Archie asked while placing her in the truck and tossed me the keys. Betty's eyes then lit up. I nodded and hopped in the truck.

Once we got to the house. I unlocked the door with the spare key and carried Betty into her room. I put her in her bed and she passed out immediately. I just stared at how peaceful she looked and how someone could do such a bad thing to her. I then went downstairs and got myself a sandwich until there was a knock on the door..........

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