Part 19 - "Oh, Cher"

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Watch that now! I personally think it's incredible! ^

Jughead POV 

"Here you go, Jug!", Pop said, smiling while handing over my order for Betty. "Thanks again, Pop!", I said, taking her milkshake. "Tell, Betty that I'm hoping she is okay.", Pop said. I nodded and headed out the door. I then made my way back to the hospital.


I walked in to the room with her milkshake and she grinned ear to ear when she got it. "Thank you, Juggie!", she said. I gave her the milkshake, but she put it on the nightstand and pulled me closer. She then whispered in my ear, "When are we going to tell him?" I sighed. "Whenever you're ready.", I whispered back. I then backed away and sat down in the chair. She grabbed her milkshake and took a long sip. "mmmmmmmm, why is this more delicious then I remember!", she exclaimed. We all laughed and settled down after a bit. "Arch, there is something I need to tell you.", Betty half-whispered. Archie turned toward her and held her hand. " Whatever you need to tell me, B, I'm right here. ", He said. "Well, I don't know how to put this", she sighed and continued, " Jug and I are dating.", she finally got out. 

Archie looked stunned. "I.I. I'm really.........happy for you guys.", he said, hugging her. She looked kinda surprised by how he reacted and hugged him back. "I don't care who you date, B, unless you are happy and in a healthy relationship. ", he said, pulling away smiling. " And, I will have my best friend as a brother-in-law! ', He said, high-fiving me. I chuckled and looked over at Betts, who was sipping her milkshake. He grinned at her and she smiled back. How did he get so lucky, he thought. The nurse then came in and said that Betty could finally be released. By 4, she was changed, and had all her bags ready. We all walked out of the hospital, happier then ever. 

Betty POV

Once we got home, I went up to my room and plopped on my bed. It was so much more comfortable then those stiff hospital beds. Right as I got comfortable, my phone rang. 'Who could it be now', I thought. I looked at the caller ID, 'Cheryl'. I picked up and immediately heard crying. "Cher, what's wrong?", I asked. "Can I come over?", she asked. "Of course, I';; get all the food ready!", I said, getting up and heading for my door. She then hung up and I walked downstairs. "V, Cher is coming over, we are gonna have a girl talk. ", I said opening the freezer to grab the ice cream. She nodded and bolted up the stairs, probably getting outfits ready for a mini fashion show she likes to host. I also grabbed chocolate, strawberries and cherry soda that Cheryl keeps in our fridge, just for her. I went upstairs and found tons of outfits planned out and Netflix ready on the T.V. The doorbell rung and Veronica and I ran down the stairs. The boys answered it and Cheryl pushed passed them and ran  into our arms, crying. "What's wrong, C?", I asked. "Can we go to your room?", she asked, already heading in the direction. I nodded and we went up the stairs. She chuckled at the stuff ready on the floor and bed. 

Cheryl took a pillow off my bed and sat on the floor. Us also plopping down on the floor with her. "You know how T.T.T Toni has been r.r.r.running the school these days.", Cheryl said and we nodded. "Well, we broke up, and I can't take it, I love her with all my heart, but she took my title away from me and my Vixens. We gasped and she started to cry again. "Oh, Cher.", I said, eloping her in a hug. "I'm sure you guys will figure it out.", Veronica said, hugging her also. "I don't know you guys! I tried talking to her but she won't listen and she acts like I'm invisible.", She said, crying hard into our shoulders. "We need a revenge plan! No one, and I mean no one messes with a Blossom, Lodge and Andrew's!", Veronica exclaimed. "Yes, but before we make a plan, we should have a fashion show, and eat junk food while watching horrible rom-coms.", I said getting up and heading to my bed. 

After lots of crying, spoonfuls of ice cream, the boys bringing us Pop's and a fashion show, Cheryl was passed out on my bed. "I hope we made her feel better.", Veronica said. "Same, V. She has been through so much already. That was a bitch move of her to take HBIC and the Vixens away from her. Like! WHO.DOES THAT!" I whisper-yelled the last part. " What should we do for the plan?", I asked. V, thought for a bit and then an idea popped into her head. "What about I go and befriend her again since I'm on the Vixens, then I will get information and give it to you guys. We will make a fool out of her, that bitch should get what she deserves! Never, cross a Lodge! ", she said, cuddling up next to Cheryl. Soon after, she fell asleep. I chuckled and took out my phone. I took a picture of them and saved it as my lock screen. 

I then ran downstairs and plopped on the couch, in between the boys. "Hey, Betts" "Hi, B!", They said in unison. I kissed Jug's cheek and I hugged Archie after. "What are you watchin'", I asked, sprawling out on the couch. Trying to get as much room as possible. I put my head on Arch's lap and my feet on Jug's lap. "Well, we were watching Food Network until you rudely interrupted.", Archie teased. I giggled and looked at the T.V. Then, the doorbell rang. "Did you guys invite anybody over?", I asked. "No, did you?", Archie asked. "Well if I did, then why would I be asking you if you did?", I snapped back. Jug laughed and Archie glared at me. I got up and went to the door. I opened the door and stepped back as a reaction. "You crazy bitch!", I said. Right as I said that, the boys turned around confused of what was happening. Her eyes were dark and fuming. 'Why don't I look in the pep hole', I thought and mentally face palmed myself. 

Look who is posting twice in a week! I'm so tired right now XD I was up til fur and woke up at 1 XD like, how lazy am I? I hope you enjoy this chapter! 

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