Part 28

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Betty soon woke up, groaning softly as she sat up, looking around. She sighed softly as she remembered what happened the week before. She suddenly felt her stomach start to churn and she jumped up, running to the small bathroom soon throwing up in the toilet.

She soon finished and sat back with a sigh, resting her back against as her head fell back, hitting the wall. Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, she soon flushed the toilet and sat up, rubbing her stomach softly.

She had gotten closer to her little bun in the oven, well if that was even possible. No matter how weird it sounded, she talked to her baby. She told her baby everything, her life, the baby's father, how she ran away. She felt a love for the baby she hasn't ever felt before.

She would do everything and anything to give the baby the best life it could have, no matter what it took. She sighed softly and soon walked out the bathroom, walking to the small kitchen, getting herself some dry cereal, since she didn't have any milk.

She sat down in one of the small chairs that were by the fireplace starting to eat as she read a book, there luckily being a bookshelf there with what seemed to be hundreds of books that the person had left there.

Betty read it out loud, rubbing her still flat stomach with her thumb gently, reading to her baby. Betty soon finished breakfast and got up, placing her bowl in the sink, the person having left everything there luckily, so she knew she would be pretty much good for a couple weeks at least. But she knew she would have to go back into town to get food and stuff.

She sighed softly as she laid back down in bed, not feeling her best that day, pulling the small blanket over herself, quickly falling back to sleep.

Jughead hadn't slept, ate, or basically done anything the week she has been missing. What if she was hurt? What if someone took her? Or worse..? He didn't want to think about the worst that could've happened to her, but he couldn't help it. The love of his life was gone. She wasn't in bed next to him every morning. She wasn't in is arms. She wasn't laughing at his dumb dad jokes and cheesy pick-up lines.

All Jughead was doing was looking for her until Fred and Archie made him go to bed, but he wasn't able to get sleep when he went back to their house. He would just lay in her bed, looking at a picture of them on her nightstand that she had.

That day though, Fred and Archie made him stay home, not wanting him to get hurt since he didn't have the energy or strength to help them.

Archie was standing in the doorway, leaning on the door frame as he looked at his best friend, sighing softly. " least eat something, it's unhealthy and not like you at all.", Archie said softly.

"I'm not eating until she's safe and back in my arms.", Jughead mumbled, not moving his eyes away from the photo. Archie sighed and pushed himself off the door frame, walking over, sitting on the side of the bed. "What would Betty do if she found out you were practically starving yourself and not sleeping?", Archie asked.

Jughead sighed, "She would lecture me and make me eat..", Jughead mumbled quietly, looking down a bit. "Exactly, so when Betty comes back, she wouldn't want to see you like this. So eat.", Archie told him. "I made you a grilled cheese.", Archie said softly.

Jughead sighed and glanced at him, "..Fine, I'll only do it for her..", He said quietly, looking back at the photo. Archie nodded a bit and soon got up, walking off.

Jughead sighed softly, soon grabbing his phone, clicking on the blonde's contact, calling her again. He had been calling her and leaving her voicemails, mostly telling her that he loved her and just wanted her back home, in his arms, safe and sound. He just hoped that she had her phone and was listening to them.

Little did he know, she listened to every single one, tears in her eyes as she listened to him pleading and begging for her to come home. Just praying that she was safe.

Archie soon walked back in, giving him a sad smile as he handed him the water and plate, soon walking out.

Jughead soon called her once he left, waiting for it to go to voicemail before talking, "Heys Betts...please..just...come home. I need you, I need you so much...Veronica needs you, Archie needs you, your dad needs you. We all need you Betts. I just..I need you in my arms again, knowing that your safe and happy. Please..", He said, his voice breaking slightly at the end, a tear rolling down his cheek.

Hey sorry I posted this a couple days ago but realized it didn't put the rest oof! So I rewrote the rest of it and now I'm posting it again lol

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