Part 20 - HBIC

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Betty POV

She came up closer to the door and slapped me right across the face. "What the Fuck!", I exclaimed. She then kneed me in the stomach. "awwwwwww!", I exclaimed and held my hands over my stomach. The boys sprung into action and ran over to Toni, holding her back. A single tear left my eyes and I let go of my stomach with all the strength I could. I slowly raised my hand and I smacked Toni back, hard. I stumbled away towards the kitchen. The boys let go of Toni, and she ran over to the kitchen. She punched me right in the gut. By this time, the boys were pulled her away with her trying to come after me, and Veronica and Cheryl were watching the whole thing. I fell to the ground holding my stomach, crying from the pain. "Toni?!", Cheryl exclaimed. "Cheryl! I can explain!", Toni said, running after Cheryl who fled upstairs crying. Veronica blocked Toni and started yelling at her. "You can EXPLAIN?! EXPLAIN!? WHAT IS THERE TO EXPLAIN?! SHE SAW THE WHOLE THING HAPPEN!", she then finished it off with a slap to the face. Toni held her cheek and ran out the door.

Jughead ran over to me and held me while I was crying. He picked me up and walked upstairs and to Archie's room. He laid me on the bed and cuddled me, quietly chanting "I love you............I love you", over and over again until I finally calmed down and fell asleep in his arms. 


I woke up the next morning wrapped in Jughead's strong arms. I turned around and saw he had bed head, I giggled and pushed the hair out of his face. I then proceeded to peck him on the cheek. He smiled and said, "You missed.", I got confused and he took his hand and and pointed to his mouth. I giggled again and pecked him on the lips, he started to deepen the kiss. He turned me around so I was on my back and he was on top of me, kissing me. "Jug.....", I moaned. He bite my lip, wanting entrance to my mouth. I didn't let him. He was about to take off his shirt, but someone barged into the room. "You guys better not be having sex on MY bed.", Archie said. Jughead laughed and I went beet red, knowing my brother thinks we were about to 'do it' on his bed. 

I tried to get up but my stomach hurt like hell. I hissed at the pain and gripped onto the side table. "Are you okay?", Jughead asked. "I don't know.", I said, looking at him. "Here, B. Let me carry you to your room.", Archie said. "Okay, thank you", I said. He picked me up and carried me to my room. He knocked on the door, knowing the two girls were in there. "Come in!", Veronica called. Archie turned the knob and walked in. He put me on my bed gently and tucked me in. "Baby B, are you okay? We saw what happened yesterday.", Cheryl said, walking up and hugging me. "Yeah, it's just my tummy. ", I said, rubbing it. They giggled and sat around me. 

"Toni is going through a tough time in her life right now. Her uncle is super sick and she has no one else right now. I was one of the only people she had, and SHE broke up with me. I still love her, with all my heart. I know she did a horrible thing to you Betty, but, I still love her and wanna be with her. ", Cheryl said, about to cry. "Cheryl, I know how much you love her. If your asking for my approval, it's a yes. Of course you can date her, she is super cool. When she's not a bitch. ", I said, taking her hand. "Thank you so much, B. ", Cheryl said, hugging me. "No problem, Cher.", I said, hugging back. 

"You also have my approval.", Veronica said, joining in on the hug. "You guys are the best of friends that anyone can ask for.", Cheryl said. "We know", I said sarcastically. We all laughed and turned on my TV. "BREAKFAST IS READY KIDS!", My dad yelled from the kitchen. I carefully got up with the girls help and walked downstairs. Jug and Arch were already halfway through their food. "How do you guys eat that fast?", I asked. They looked up and shrugged, digging back in. I laughed and started to eat. 

All three of us girls got snacks and went over to the couch. We put on a movie and dug into our snacks. A few minutes later, the doorbell rang and Cheryl sat up. "I'll get that!", she chirped. She walked over to the door in her silk, red robe and opened the door. "Toni?", she asked confused. Toni stepped in with a box of chocolates and two bouquets of flowers, one was deep red roses, and the other was pink lilies. "Betty,Cheryl, I know sorrys' won't help but, I'm super sorry. To both of you, I had no means to act this way. I was and still am going through a tough time. I let my anger out on everyone and there was no reason to. I love you, Cheryl and I broke your heart. These are for you.", she said, handing over the rose bouquet and the chocolates. "and Betty, there was no reason to beat you up and I.... thank you for slapping me Veronica, it knocked some sense into me. I hope you feel better and I hope we can all be friends again.", she said, handing me the lilies. I put them down and hugged her. "Thank you..", I whispered. She hugged me back and the other girls joined in on the hug. 

"Stay with us to watch this movie we put on.", I said, patting the couch. "urmm... I don't know.", she said. "Join us, we need fun girl time. We haven't had that with all four of us in a while. She smiled and nodded, sitting next to Cheryl. Cheryl turned her head and pecked her on the lips. "It feels good to do that again.", Toni said. "I know, TT. ", She said back. "So, about the HBIC situation. I want you to be it again. It's WAY too much work.", Toni said, laughing at the end. We all laughed and Cheryl nodded. "We can be HBICs' together!", Cheryl said. Toni smiled and nodded. 

Little did we know, it wouldn't be long until another threat came..............

Hey! I hope you guys had a wonderful Fourth of July. What did you guys do for Fourth of July? I went to a local park and watched the High school do the annual Firework show. Love you guys!

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