Part 30

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Jughead grabbed his bag, letting out a small sigh. Today, he was yet again going out to try and find his love. Something in him told him to look today, he didn't know why, but he was just hoping that his intuition was correct.

Jughead placed the bag on the table, going through it, making sure he had everything. "Flashlight, check. Water, check. Snacks, check. First aid kit, check. And phone, check.", He said to himself before pulling the zipper close, pulling it on. He tightened the straps a bit, quickly walking out the house.

He looked around a bit, not knowing where to start. He ran a hand over his face a bit, soon deciding to go down to the woods behind the Andrew's house.

Jughead walked down the side of the house and towards the woods, letting out a small breath. "Betty!", The raven-haired boy called out once he got into the woods a bit. And like always, there was no response.

He heard it echo a bit through the trees, sighing softly. He was the only one who didn't lose hope that she was still out there. Everyone had lost hope eventually, including her own twin and dad. But Jughead knew he couldn't give up, for Betty.

After a couple of hours of searching, he was about to give up before he saw something in the corner of his eye. He looked over, raising an eyebrow when he saw a small cabin. Some sort of relief filled him, quickly running over to the cabin, knocking on the door. After awhile of no answer, he walked inside.

He looked around, his eyes widening slightly. Someone actually lived here. He decided to snoop around a bit, knowing it was wrong, but it could be his only hope. He looked around the small cabin, seeing the bedsheets a slight mess and a picture on the small nightstand.

He raised an eyebrow slightly, walking over. His eyes widened at the photo, blinking a couple times just to make sure he wasn't going crazy. It was a picture of him and Betty. "Betts..", He breathed out, picking the picture up.

He quickly put the picture down, looking around quickly. If she wasn't here, she had to be close, right?

He didn't find her anywhere in the cabin, so he quickly ran out, looking around a bit. "Betty!", He called out, running around the woods.

He gasped softly at the sight about 10 feet ahead of him.

The blonde was on the ground, who seemed unconscious. He ran over, kneeling down next to her, "Oh my god, Betty.", He breathed out, seeing the blood trickling down from her head.

He checked her pulse, letting out a breath of relief when he saw she was still alive. His hands roamed over her body, making sure she wasn't hurt anywhere else.

Jughead didn't notice the small baby bump, not thinking anything of it as he took the first aid kit out of his bag. He let out a shaky breath, shaky hands opening the white box. He quickly took out bandages, trying to keep himself calm.

Jughead soon cleaned up the blood on her head, pulling out his phone, calling 911.

"991, what's your emergency?" The woman on the other line asked, typing away on her laptop in front of her.

"Hi, um, I f-found Elizabeth Andrews. I-I think she tripped and hit her head on something. S-she's.. she has a a gash on her head." The Jones man said, freaking out slightly, running a now dirty hand through his hair. 

"Okay sir, can you calm down for me? What's your name?" She asked him calmly, trying to settle the young man down.

"My name's Jughead Jones.. I'm her boyfriend." He told her softly, taking a deep breath to calm down.

"Okay, where is your location?" She asked him as she tried to track his location from his phone. 

"I'm not sure honestly, I'm in the middle of the woods though." He told the operator softly, letting out a shaky breath. 

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