Part 29

302 4 11

Day 91,

Dear Journal, it officially marks 3 months of being out here, luckily, no one has found me yet. Bub is about 4 months now, and I have a little belly now. It's getting a bit chillier in the cabin now, so I've been collecting sticks and some different fire starters for the winter, since Riverdale gets very cold that time of year. But bub has been doing well and is hopefully healthy and doing just fine in there. 

                                                                                                                       Love, Betty Cooper

The blonde put her pencil down, sighing softly as she tied the journal with the small string it had attached to it, soon placing it on the small coffee table. She found a journal among the many other books on the bookshelf. So ever since then, she's been writing about her baby, her feeling and emotions, and what she's been doing everyday, just to keep her mind off things.

She got up and walked to the brick fireplace, grabbing a couple sticks and a fire starter, throwing it into the fireplace, grabbing a lighter she found when she went through the cabin. She quickly got the fire started and sat down in front of the small fire, rubbing her stomach softly, looking down at it. She smiled a bit, taking a small deep breath, she decided that before she gave birth, she was going to get out this little cabin and go to Greendale, knowing she couldn't give birth all by herself. 

She wanted her baby to be in the hands of people who knew what they were doing, not wanting to risk the possibility of the baby getting hurt in anyway. She sighed softly, resting her head on the front of the couch, chewing on her lip softly. 

Everyday, she felt guiltier and guiltier about leaving everyone, but she couldn't go back now, not after 3 whole months of being gone. What would everyone think? That she was a coward? That she was just like all the other teen moms?

Betty sighed softly and soon got up, walking to the kitchen, starting to make herself a grilled cheese. She had gone to the store a bit ago and got some dairy products, so she had to use it all before it went all moldy and gross. Though, her morning sickness had thankfully stopped, but she still threw up at certain smells, which really sucked if you asked her.

Betty soon finished cooking, placing the sandwich on a plate, walking back over to the couch, sitting down. She soon started eating, smiling a bit as she started eating, humming quietly to herself.

After awhile, Betty soon realized that she had to get sticks and fire wood, knowing it would be pretty cold that night and the night after that. She got up, grabbing her coat, quickly putting it on before walking out, wrapping her arms around herself, rubbing her arms softly to warm herself up.

Betty looked around a bit, mostly looking up at the beautiful red and orange leaves that were still surprisingly on the trees, since it was basically the end of Fall at that point. Betty hummed to herself as she looked around, soon looking down, picking up some sticks and dead grass, it being a perfect fire starter she learned after awhile. 

 Betty soon looked back up again and smiled, not paying attention where she was going. She continued to hum to herself, suddenly, she tripped over a rock she hadn't seen, making her fall over, soon hitting her head on yet another rock, knocking her unconscious. A big gash soon appearing on her head, slowly starting to bleed out onto the the leave-filled ground.

This will be the second to last chapter! Sorry it's really short, wanted to leave you on a cliffhanger ;)! Then my last chapter will be posted sometime this week or next week, depends how I'm feeling tho lol, I've been really inspired lately luckily tho. Don't worry, there will be a squeal!  

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