Part 12 - The Idea

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Jughead POV - 

" I have an Idea! " ,I said while heading to the cupboard. " What? ", Archie said, following. I grabbed a bowl from the cupboard. I filled it with water and walked to one of the doors in the hall. I opened the door and grabbed a step stool, I then carefully placed it on the door. " Once the girls walk by and close the door, it will fall on them and get them wet. ", I said getting off the step stool. " That's an amazing idea, Jug! " Archie said high fiving me.

After the pasta was done, we mixed it with the sauce and also made some salad and put it on the table. We took the spaghetti and placed in a glass dish and put it on the table with a pitcher of lemon water. " Betty! Ronnie! Diner's ready! ", I yelled. Archie and I then went to the counter to get a good spot to watch them get wet. The girls then ran down the stairs and saw the door in their way. They didn't think anything of it and closed it. It was in slow motion, the door closed and the bowl of water fell and the water also fell out and got the girls all wet.

They just stood there in shock. Archie and I just started laughing hysterically. "What the Fuck! ", Veronica yelled, stilled standing there in shock. Archie walked over to Veronica, still laughing, and hugged her. "What about you girls go get cleaned up we will wait at the table." , I said heading towards the dinner table. The girls snickered and went up the stairs. 

Betty POV 

Veronica and I went up the stairs and went to my closet. I handed her a purple top and black ripped jeans. I got myself and long sleeved, light blue top and white jeans. I then put on a Black hoodie. I put my hair up in a messy bun and we went back downstairs. The guys had all the food on the table already. We ran to the table and started shoving food in our faces. The boys started chuckling and grabbed their food. 

IM SO SORRY ITS SO SHORT!!!! IVE BEEN SUPER BUSY! Basketball is over though and we got 2nd place! Ye! *Insert whip* I hope you guys enjoyed this filler chapter!

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