Part 27

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It was now a couple weeks later and the young blonde was on the toilet, holding up the small stick, tears in her eyes. Positive. That's what the small stick read. The words hit her like a train going a 100 miles per hour. She was pregnant. 

How was she going to tell him? He was going to hate her. Everyone would hate her. She was only 16, how was she supposed to raise a baby? Betty pushed all her thoughts to the back of her head, one idea sticking out the most. She quickly shoved the test into her pocket, walking out the bathroom and to her room.  

She quickly grabbed a duffel bag, filling it with some clothes, food that would last a couple months, some essential things, spare cash and most importantly, a picture of the young couple. It was a picture her dad had took of them, them on the couch, asleep in each other's arms. Betty sighed shakily as she picked the bag up, slinging it over her shoulder. 

Luckily, no one was home and wouldn't be for hours, so she quickly put her shoes on, walking out, starting to walk down the street quickly. Her head was hung low, looking down at the concrete. She had her free arm wrapped around herself--well more specifically, her stomach, like she was protecting it.

What was she going to do with a baby? She could get rid of it, right? No, too many people would hate her for killing an innocent life. So her only options at the moment were keeping it, or putting it up for adoption. 

Betty sighed, her lip quivering softly as tears formed in her eyes. She couldn't stay here. No one could know about the baby. She quickly took a turn into the forest, the autumn leaves crunching under her feet as she walked over them. 

Jughead soon walked into the Andrews household with a small smile, excited to hang out with his girlfriend, "Baby! I'm here!", He called out with a smile, raising an eyebrow when he didn't here an answer. He knew she hadn't been feeling the best the last week or so, so he just thought she was sleeping. 

He smiled as he took his shoes off, deciding he was going to check on her before he made her some soup ad give her some cuddles. Jughead quietly walked up the stairs and into her room, raising an  eyebrow when he didn't see her in bed. He peeked into the bathroom, sighing when he didn't see her. 

'She was probably with some friends.', He thought, taking his phone out as he called Archie, wondering if he knew where Betty was and if she was feeling better, knowing she was the type that just wanted to sleep all day when she wasn't feeling well. So he felt that it was a bit odd that she wasn't there.

Archie soon picked up the phone with a smile, "Hey man, what's up?", He asked his best friend. "Hey, have you seen Betty anywhere? She's not here.", Jughead asked him softly. Archie raised an eyebrow softly, "She's not there? She was in her bed when I left because she was feeling sick and was throwing up.", Archie informed him.

"That's weird..she usually texts me to tell me where she's going just to make sure she's safe.", He told him softly, since you never know what could happen. "Okay, well just wait a bit and if she isn't home by 10, then something's definitely wrong.", Archie told him. "Okay, I'll keep you informed.", Jughead said.

Archie thanked him and they said their goodbyes, soon hanging up. It was soon a couple hours later, the clock reading 10:30. Jughead was sitting on the couch, his leg bouncing anxiously, his head in his hands. He had already contacted Archie, Fred and the cops, not caring about the 24 hour rule. He knew something was wrong, but he didn't know what. He was just worried the love of his life was in danger, alone, scared. 

Betty was now deep in the woods, stumbling around in the dark as she tried looking ahead of her, it being pretty much impossible since it was pretty much pitch black. Betty soon took her phone out, turning the flashlight on, shining it around her. 

Betty chewed on her lip nervously, and after awhile, she stumbled onto what seemed to be an abandoned cabin. She let out a small breath of relief and walked over, looking thorough the windows, thankful that it was somewhat empty.

She walked inside and looked around, seeing there was a fireplace, a small kitchen in one corner and a small bed in the other corner. She placed her bag down, placing a hand on her stomach, gently caressing it with her thumb, "This should be good for a bit...right bub?"

Sooo that happened! I basically have a mini plan in my head for this book, so there might only be a couple more chapters and then there's going to be a squeal!

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