Part 26

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Guess who finally came up with an idea! These will be a whole ass roller coaster, so buckle up! And it might be a bit sad, so um, yeah. Just get the popcorn ready for the next chapter! And yes, this chapter will also be short bc um, well, this is a filler chapter for the next one lol

"God V it was amazing!", She said excitedly with a giggle, biting her lip, her having just finished telling her what happened the night before. "Sooooo how big was he?", She asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Betty laughed softly and rolled her eyes a bit, shoving her playfully. "Oh please, like I'll tell you that.", She giggled. "Awww, come on B, was he big or not?", She asked. Betty sighed, "Fine...he was..big.", She told her with a sigh. Veronica squealed and giggled, clapping her hands excitedly. "My bestie gets the best and only the best!", She said. 

Meanwhile, while the girls were squealing in one room, the boys were in the other, Jughead getting the 'big brother' talk, though he was only a couple minutes older then her. "Jughead, I know you're my best friend, but I swear to god if you hurt her-", He started, quickly getting cut off by Jughead. "Don't worry Arch, I won't. I love her and care for her just as much as you do.", He assured the redhead with a smile. Archie took a deep breath and nodded, "Take care of her, man, okay?", Archie told him. 

Jughead smiled and nodded, "Yeah, of course, anything for her.", Jughead said, smiling. He really would do anything and everything for her. She deserved the whole world in his eyes.

Archie thanked him and soon got up, "COD?", He asked Jughead as he walked to the TV and the gaming console. Jughead smiled and nodded, "Yeah.", He said, soon grabbing a controller from him, the two young men starting to play Call of Duty. "I fucking hate you.", Archie laughed right as Jughead shot and killed him. "Thanks for clarifying.", Jughead said sarcastically.

Betty and Veronica soon walked put of her room and down the stairs, laying down on the couch as they put on a cheesy, romantic movie, like they always did. The two starting to cry mid-way, crying into the Kleenex they had on the coffee table, hugging each other tightly. 

The two boys walked down right at that moment, raising an eyebrow at the two girls, sharing a look. They soon looked at the TV and saw what kind of movie it was and chuckled softly, walking over to their girlfriends. Jughead sat next to Betty and pulled her into his arms, pressing small kisses to the side of her head, smiling softly as he comforted her.

Honestly embarrassed at how short this is, I SWEAR I USUALLY DON'T WRITE THINGS THIS SHORT! But, lowkey just wanna get to the drama lol, sorry this was short, yet again! (promise i won't take another 5 months lmao)

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