Part 18 - "Is she ok?"

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Have been listening to this on repeat XD ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Jughead POV

"Soooooooooo", Kevin started. "Since it's almost summer, I would like to host a pool party at my place.", He added. "Ooo, yes! I just need to find a new bathing suit! Kev, will you and Betty help me. ", Veronica suddenly jumped up and started getting excited about shopping. "Of course, V", Kevin said. "We also need one for, Betty!", Veronica said, looking over at me. I gave her the ' Why are you looking at me' look. She looked down at her lap and looked back up a couple of seconds later. She gave me a sly smile as a felt a vibration in my pocket. I sighed and took out my phone, knowing it was Ronnie. I checked my phone and looked back at Veronica, giving me a smug smile. ' She needs a sexy bathing  suit for you! All her bathing suits are either pink and white one pieces or a bikini that covers up most of her body.' I gave her a 'really' look. She nodded and looked at Archie, who was smiling down at her. She pecked his lips and rested her head on his shoulder. 

Pop then placed down all our milkshakes. I took the cherry off of Kevin's and plopped it in my mouth, pulling the stem out a few seconds later. "HEY!", Kevin yelled. I was surprised no one looked over at us. "THAT'S MY FAVORITE PART!", He yelled a few seconds after. Archie and Veronica giggled while Kevin was sat, looking sad with his arms crossed and a pout face. I also chuckled and gave him my cherry. "I know your hot and all, but you can't steal my cherry. That is the only thing I won't let you do. ", He said looking up. Veronica and Archie blew up in laughter and Pop placed down our food. I took my fries and practically inhaled them. As I had a mouthful of fries, I felt my phone vibrate again. I took it out of my pocket and checked. It was an unknown ID. I answered the call and held it up to my ear. "Are you Jughead Jones?", the caller said. "Why yes I am, taking another fry. 

"This is the Riverdale Hospital, I'm Doctor Matthews. We have a update on Elizabeth Cooper.", He said. "How is Betty?" "Is she okay?" "When can we see her", I asked one after another. Once I said the questions, the gang all looked at me worried and tried to lean closer to listen. "Well I have good news and bad news. The good news is that she is alive and awake. The bad news is that she had a Stroke.", He said. After he said that, my heart sunk, I didn't listen to anything else he said. My phone slipped out of my hands and tears stung my eyes. I got up and ran out of my seat. I ran out of the diner, crying. I caused this, all of the bad things that have happened, happened because of me. I ran from the diner, not knowing where I was going, just away from it. I had to see Betty though. I ran even faster. Trying to get to Betty. 

I ran, faster then I have ever then I ran before, running past sweetwater river, the register, and Riverdale High. All of the people I saw were blobs and the trees were just stick with greeness around them. The closer I got to the Hospital, the faster I got. I knew I was close to Betty. I felt it. I ran up the steps and through the doors. This still didn't stop me from running to her room. 

Betty POV

I felt a pang in my chest. I tried to straighten up in my bed, but there was no use. I sunk back down in the bed. My head is killing me right now, why does my head hurt so much. I then hear a commotion outside. Lots of yelling and loud footsteps. The footsteps get louder and louder as they get closer and closer. I saw a nurse run across the room to stop this person from coming into one of the rooms. I feel like I'm going to throw up. I put my hand up to head and grunt in pain again. What happened to me. I then see a blurry figure in the doorway. "Betts!", a deep, out of breath voice says. Who is that. The figure seems tired and must have run here. The closer they got, the easier it was to make out who it was. "Juggie!", I screamed. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight until I felt the pain come in. My neck and arms felt tight, like I had pulled a muscle. I fell back on the bed and held the back of my neck with my hand. "I was so worried about you!", Jughead exclaimed. "Do you know what happened to you?", He asked, holding my other arm. I shook my head and grunted again. 

 He sighed and held my arm tighter, rubbing circles on my wrist. He took his beanie off and put it on the side of the bed. This is the second time I have seen him without that beanie. He had gorgeous hair, it fell down in waves and stuck to his forehead from the sweat. "Did you run here?", I asked chucking. "Yes, and that is besides the point.", He said looking at me with the most innocent face I have ever seen. I smiled, I felt content and safe. No one had ever made me feel this way. "I want to tell you something, and you can't tell no one. So, before I passed out or whatever. Everything went white except the door and the bed. Then the door suddenly opened and the man in the hood came out and was about to stab me until everything disappeared and it went black. I was so scared, Juggie. I didn't know what to do.", I said taking my other hand and putting it on top of his. 

He leaned in and kissed me, like I've never been kissed before. Slow, calming, and I felt safe for the second time, just with a kiss. I moaned into the kiss and pulled away. " I.I.I I love you, Betts. I know you don't have to say it back, but we've been through so much these past few months and, I just want you to know. I don't want to loose you to another freak accident, ok?", He said looking right into my eyes. " I love you too", I said back and smiled at him. I filled the gap between us and gave him a sweet, passionate kiss. A kiss filled with love. We were interrupted by a knock at the door. We groaned and pulled away. "Ok lovebirds, you need to stop because Archie is coming, and I know you don't want to tell him yet, so, your welcome!", Veronica chirped and sat down next to Jughead. I mouthed 'Thank You' , to her and she nodded. "How are you doing, B. I know it's hard but, we love you, all o us, and we will get through all these bad times together, ok?", she said hugging me. "Ok" I said hugging her back. 

Archie then waltzed in with balloons and cards piled up in his hands. We all laughed when he put the balloons on the table and he dropped all the cards on my lap. "Lots of people are worried about you, Betts. Like, a ton!", He said huffing and puffing while plopping down in another chair in the room. "Can someone get me a vanilla milkshake from Pop's, I've been craving one so badly!", I said, jumping up and down while lying on my bed. "You look like a little girl that got a pony from Christmas!", Archie laughed. "I will get you one, Betts.", Jug said standing up and walking out of the room. I sighed happily and smiled. "Hey , Arch. I know this is a weird question but say your in someone else's shoes. What if you had a really close friend and your sister was dating that really close friend, how would you react?", I asked, trying not to be too obvious. Veronica looked and me, covering her mouth from trying not to laugh. I glared at her and looked back at Archie who was trying to untangle the balloons. 

Well if I was that person, I might not like it but if it makes her happy, then I would be fine with it. But! If her were to break her heart, I would give him a lesson, if you know what I mean. ", He said. I sighed in relief and looked over and Ronnie who was also surprised by the okay, response. I took my phone off of the nightstand next to the bed and texted Jughead. 

Betty - I asked Archie a question of, ' what would you do in someone else's shoes.' And it was kinda about a if he had a really close friend and his sister and that friend were dating, would he be fine with it, and he said yes only if it makes me happy. So when you get back, wanna tell him about us?' 

Jughead - Yes, of course! That plan was a really smart plan btw

Betty - Thank you! Love you!

Jughead -  Love you too, see you in a bit!

I put my phone back on the nightstand and gave a content sigh, this was the worst and best day of my life so far.

I was crying so much while writing this XD love you guys!

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