Part 16 - The Date

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Thank You for your suggestions, I'm am still taking them until June 11th. After June 11th, I will start pre-writing so I could start posting on a schedule for that story. THANK YOU!


Jughead POV - 

I walked in a little after 8, I saw her there. Her hair nice and lighter clothes than usual. I walked over and sat down. She looked even more beautiful up close. We then started talking, about everything, what she likes, her dislikes, what she likes to do and see. It was going perfect, until she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the diner. What was that? She let go of my hand and told me to get into her car. I had nothing better to do tonight so I got into her car, but something seemed off. 

She seemed scared or even terrified. I then decided I should ask her. "Hey, Betty. What's wrong. ", I asked putting my hand on her hand. "I saw............ him.", She said in a shaky voice. "Who's him?", I asked, even more concerned. She looked behind her and started backing up. Until, a black figure appeared behind the car and she immediately stopped. Not wanting to hit the man in the way.

She waited for him to move, but he didn't. The man then started walking over to the car. This seemed sketchy. "Go!", I said. She promptly put her foot on the gas and we were off. The man then got into his own car and began to drive behind us. What the...........ok? Betty stepped on the gas even further, we were now at like 60-65 miles on a 15 mph road. "Betts, be careful", I said, trying to calm myself down. " I'm trying", she said, trying to not freak out. The bumper then was suddenly hit and Betty went even faster, trying to keep control of the car. This date by far was the craziest I've been on. 

We then slowed down and turned into the Southside. The other mystery man also turned and was right behind us again. Not surprising. Betty then turned into.................the Wyte Wyrm? We parked and ran into the bar. "Hey Bet-", Toni tried to say but Betts ran upstairs before she could. She went to the second to last down and shoved me in. We ran to the little bed and hid under it. She covered my mouth and we waited. It felt like years. Until we heard footsteps. Betty turned to look at me and she froze. She uncovered my mouth and kissed me. It was a sweet, slow kiss. I leaned in more and held her cheeks. She pulled back and smiled. We both heard the doorknob slowly turn. 

Then, we both saw a little light come through the crack of the blanket and the floor. She faintly gasped and covered her mouth. I covered my mouth to blocked any noise from my mouth. "I know your in here!", We heard the voice say. "Do you want to know who I am?", he said walking closer to the bed. I saw Betty shed a single tear. With my other hand, I rubbed her back to try to comfort her. " You and your loverboy, trying to go on a peaceful date. Never. Going. To. Happen.", He said. Then suddenly the blanket lifted and Betty uncovered her mouth and kicked the man in the face. " FUCK! ", He yelled and held his face. Betty and I scrambled from under the bed and ran out of the room. We ran down the stairs and over to Toni. " Help! Toni ", Betty said, bursting into tears. "Call 911", she stated, crying in my arms. Toni pulled out her phone and dialed 911. 

The man came rushing down the stairs and tripped. I finally saw he had a blackhood. He looked up and saw us. "You!", He ran up to me. and tried to punch me. I ducked with Betty in my arms and let go of her. I then punched the dude and he just touched his face. "You are gonna regret that. He then punched my, straight in the face. Knocking me out. 


All I saw was black. 

Last thing I saw was Betty falling to the ground crying even more. Then fading. Fading to black. 

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