Part 17 - Doing just fine + New Book!

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Betty POV 

I woke up, again. I felt something warm on my hand. I then slowly opened my eyes and saw a sleeping Jug. I then squeezed his hand. "Jug", I whispered. He slowly woke up and opened his eyes. He propped his head up and looked over at me. "Betts!", He exclaimed. He got up and hugged me. "How are you feeling!", He said. "Well other then my back hurting a bit, I'm fine. ", I stated. "I'm also scared if the guys still out there.", I said, letting  go of him. " The cops told me he is arrested and being charged for attempted murder because they found duct tape, knifes, and other stuff in his car. ", He said, looking me in the eyes. I then thought about it for a minute. He was going to take me and possibly............murder me? 

Oh my god. I broke down, right then and there. He was going to murder me. He was going to murder me. Is all that kept repeating in my head.Jug then wrapped his arms around me again and tried to calm me down. " It's ok, your safe now", He repeated. I then suddenly stopped crying. Jug let go of me and looked in my eyes. He slowly started to fade out of view, he was talking but it was muffled. I couldn't understand what he was saying. But I just stared blankly at the wall. I saw the knob to the bathroom turn and the man with the hood came out of the bathroom. I was about to scream, but I couldn't.  I tried to move my arms and legs but there was no use. I couldn't move.

 He then slowly waltzed over to my bed. I was scared, what was he going to do to me.  He was then next to my bed. He went into his pocket and pulled out a knife. He held it above his head and was about to stab me. His arm moved in slow motion, I was witnessing my own death. Why couldn't his hand move faster and just end me already. Why did I have to see it in slow motion. I just sat there, waiting for the excruciating pain to come. But then right as he was about to stab my stomach, he disappeared, then the walls around me came into view. Then Jughead, shaking me lightly. I then herd his voice, his sweet voice. I started to hyperventilate. Then I passed out. I don't know why, but I just..........................passed out. 

Jughead POV 

Out of nowhere, Betty just stopped crying. I let go of her and looked into her eyes. Her eyes........ there were nothing, nothingness. What the? She just stared at the wall.  "Betts......are you okay?", I asked, shaking her lightly. She then suddenly passed out. "Oh god", I stated and I jumped out of my seat and ran to the nearest doctor. " Doctor, Elizabeth Cooper woke up then passed out!", I practically screamed. The doctor looked at me like I was crazy. He then processed what I had just said then ran over to her room. I ran behind him then closed the door behind me. "Okay sir, I have to ask you to leave the room. ", He said checking her pulse. My heart dropped, thinking the worst that could of happened. 


I opened the front door to the Andrews house and was greeted by an over-optimistic Fred. "Lift your head up, Jug. Betty's a tough cookie, okay?", He said,pulling me into a hug.I sniffled into his shoulder and hugged him back. "I got to go check on Archie, to see if he is okay too.", I said letting go of him. He nodded and I slowly made my way upstairs. As I walked up the stairs. I thought about how my life has changed these past few months. It has been the worst, and the best months of my life. When we first met, to saving her from Chuck Clayton, then Betty getting into the crash, the locker incident, me helping her cope from the locker incident, Archie and I pranking Betty and Veronica, Betty's first day back to school, our first kiss, which lead to our first date and Betty almost getting murdered. Which leads to know. 

What do we do know? I sat at the top of the stairs, my head in my hands. Wondering what was going to happen from now until the rest of their lives. What other crazy things were going to happen. What is going to happen? His thoughts were then interrupted by Archie coming over and sitting next to him, rubbing his back. "It's going to be okay, man.", Archie said. I looked up and his eyes were yet again, red and swollen. He had been crying. I then took him in a hug. He stiffened at first but hugged me back. "She's going to be okay , Archie", I said, trying to comfort him. "We could go to Pop's and grab a milkshake?", I suggested. He nodded his head, we got up and headed down the stairs. 


We opened the door and heard the iconic bell chime. We headed towards our usual booth and already saw Kevin and Veronica there. I sat next to Kevin while Archie sat next to Veronica. We all sat there in an uncomfortable silence for a few minutes, nobody knowing what to say. Until Pop came and took our orders. " What would you young chaps like today?", Pop said, waiting with his pen and paper. "I would like two cheeseburgers, a basket of fries, and a strawberry milkshake please. ", I said. Pop nodded his head and wrote my order down. " Can I have chicken strips and a vanilla milkshake ", Kevin asked. "Of course, Kevin. " , Pop said, writing down his order. "And for the lovely couple here?", Pop asked. "I will have a  double cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla milkshake also, and Veronica will have cheeseburger, ketchup on the side, fries, and a double chocolate milkshake, Pop.", Archie said putting his arm around Veronica. Yet again, Pop nodded and wrote their orders down. We then sat in silence again, waiting for our food to come. 

Oh boy, this was going to be a long afternoon. 

Thank you all so much for your suggestions on the new story

Drum roll, please! *Insert Drum roll* 

AND THE WINNER IS................

well it was a tie for 'A Tangled Mess' and 'Tell Her' so I will be doing the one I want then when I am finished with this book, I will use the other story that won soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo for the real winner

THE WINNER IS......................................

A Tangled Mess!

This story will start around July because I want to pre-write some of the chapters so I could get an actual schedule for that story. 

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