Part 11 - My Shift

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Jughead's POV

This week was finally my week to look after Betty. I grabbed my bag with my clothes and other necessities. My dad walked in and handed me my phone. " It's Betty. " , he said as my phone was ringing. " Thanks", I said while walking out of the house and heading to my neighbors. I then answered my phone. " Hey", Betty said, her voice sounding tired. " Hey I'll be there in a few seconds " , I said into the phone. " Ok " , She said back and hanging up. 

I then got an idea. I went to her backyard and went to the shed. I grabbed the ladder and walked to her window. I slowly raised it and started climbing it. 

Betty POV

I was sitting, on my phone, waiting for Jughead to come into my room, Until I heard a knock on my window. I whipped my head back and saw him, smiling. I jumped up and opened my window. " Hey there, Juliet! ", He said smiling still. He climbed into my room and once he got in, he was just walking around my room. " So, what do you want to do? ", He said while sitting on my bed. 

" I don't really care, we can play a board game? ", I suggested. " Yeah, that sounds fun! ", He said, getting up to find a game. After about 5 minutes, he walked in with a board game in one hand, and a glass of water in the other. He handed me the water and placed down the board game after. It was Monopoly, the game we played the first day I came here. I smiled. I guess he saw because he smiled back. 


" I WON!!! ", I screamed, standing up and jumping. Jughead started laughing. " Let'[s go eat something. ", he said standing up and reaching his hand out for me to hold. I took his hand and I followed him downstairs. I sat down at the counter while he looked through the fridge to find something. " There's stuff for grilled cheese, ham and cheese sandwich, spaghetti or Mac and Cheese. ", Jughead said. " Umm... I'll take spaghetti please. " , I said. I pulled out my phone and texted Veronica. 

This means texting: - 'insert words' -  

B - Hey Veronica! Jughead is making dinner if you and Archie want to come over - 

V - Sure, I'm going to ask Archie right now! -

V - He said yes. We are heading over now - 

B - Ok see you in a bit - 

" Jug, Archie and Veronica are coming for dinner. ", I said as I put my phone away. " Ok, perfect.", He said as he put the pasta in the boiling water. About 15-20 minutes later, Archie and Veronica came in with a cake for dessert. " Sorry, she insisted we should get a cake for dessert! " ,Archie said as he hugged me with one arm because of the cake. " It's fine ", I said. I then ran to Veronica and squeezed her to death. " Hey girl! " , She said hugging back. I then took her arm and dragged her upstairs. 

Jughead's POV

" Well, we can have guy time? ", Archie said as a question more then a statement. " Sure, what shall we do while we wait for the pasta? " , I asked. I leaned on the table waiting for his answer. I then saw his eyes light up, " I have an idea! ", Archie said smirking. 

What do you think Archie has planned? Thank you for 1k reads BTW!! What should I do for 1k reads! Leave any ideas in the comments! I want to do something special! But idk yet! Love you all! 


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