Part 24 - The Night

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*Get your popcorn ready 🤣🍿🍿🍿 This is a warning, I don't wanna spoil it tho. But you probably know what's coming*

Betty POV:

After V went home, I took my bags upstairs, and unpacked all my clothes. I put the lingerie in a special drawer and closed it. I went back downstairs and cuddled up next to Jughead. Archie left with Veronica, they were probably fucking in her new lingerie. I giggled at my thought and saw Jughead waking up.

"What are you giggling about?", he asked, tired. "Just Archie and Veronica probably fucking right now.", I said, started to giggle again. He laughed and looked into my eyes, his piercing blue eyes had a fire lit in them. "You know, I saw what was in your bag.", he said, taking my hips and lifted me onto him. I was now straddling him. "You're so nosey!", I said, lightly punching his arm. He chuckled and looked into my eyes again.

I quickly hopped off his lap, running away and turning off all the lights, I ran upstairs successfully and into my room.

Jughead POV:

"Shit!", I said, getting up and immediately running into the coffee table. I slowly walked, holding my arms out so I wouldn't bump into stuff. "Betty! Where are you?", I asked, getting annoyed. I heard a giggle and shuffling. She was upstairs! The only problem, where were the stairs? I found a wall and slowly walked next to it, feeling my way around trying to find the stairs. "Finally! ", I said, finding a curve, knowing this is where the stairs were.

I tried walking up but tripped and fell onto my face. "Ow!", I yelped, holding my face. I heard Betty's laugh getting closer so I knew she was upstairs. "The things I do for you.", I said jokingly, getting up and being careful the rest of the way. I finally got to the top and walked straight, knowing that Betty's room was there. I got into her room and turned on her light, seeing her on the bed, in a see-through lacy white bra/pantie set

I was practically drooling at the sight of her. She looked so beautiful. She started to giggle. Oh that giggle will be the death of me. "Like what you see, Jones?", she asked sitting Indian style and her hands in her lap. She got up and started kissing me. I took her cheeks into my hands and pulled her impossibly closer. I kissed her like there was no tomorrow. She pulled away, trying to get air. I chuckled and started kissing her again. I started walking forward, making her fall onto the bed with me on top of her.

She smiled and I pulled away looking into her eyes. "Are you sure you want to do this, Betts?", I asked, knowing about Chuck. She smiled and nodded. I started to kiss her, slowly going down to her neck, then her collarbone. I grabbed behind her and slowly unclipped her bra. Her breasts bounced down and I took my mouth, putting it on her nipple while grabbed the other one and squeezed it, making her moan. I swirled my tongue around, making her moan even more. I smiled smugly and stopped moving to the other one to give the same treatment.

I then went farther down, leaving a trail of hickeys along the way. I then got to her panties and looked up at her, asking for consent. "Yes, Jug. I need you!", she said, clenching her thighs together. I laughed and took my hands, hooking them onto her panties and pulled it down. I parted her legs and saw her glistening folds. I licked my lips and flicked my tongue onto her clit, making her gasp and squirm. I took my arm and put it on her waist to stop her from moving. I then inserted my tongue into her slowly thrusting it in and out of her. "Oh my god, Juggie!", she moaned, taking her fingers and running them through my hair. I grunted and continued my action, taking my other hand and rubbed her clit. "Jug- don't stop", she panted, arching her back. I stopped rubbing her clit and stuck two fingers into her with I licked her clit. "I...I..I'm close Jug!", she moaned, getting louder. I continued licking her clit while she moaned and panted. "Jug, I'm going to cum!", she moaned. I took my fingers out and inserted my tongue, catching her juices and swallowing them.

I got up and kissed her, letting her taste herself. She moaned into the kiss and started to take off my shirt. I helped her and took off my jeans also. She immediately looked down at the tent in my boxers. "I need you, Jug!", she said, desire in her eyes. I gulped the lump in my throat, no girl had ever needed me. I pulled down my boxers, letting my erection spring free. She bit her lip. I pulled her to the edge of the bed and lined up, getting ready. "Do you want this, Betts?", I asked, making sure she wanted this. "Yes, Jug, I'm sure.", she smiled softly. I nodded and slowly inserted me into her. She winced and I looked her in the eyes. "Are you ok?", I asked, feeling bad that I'm causing her pain. "Yes Juggie, it will be better if you move.", she said. I nodded and started to thrust slowly. Her winces slowly turned into moans. "Faster, Jug!", she gasped, digging her nails into my back. I did as she said, thrusting harder and deeper each time. "I'm getting close, Jug!", she moaned. "Me too Betts, just hold on, ok.", I responded. Her sweet moans got louder. I bent down and started kissing her.  She pulled away saying, "J..Jug, I..I'm going cum.", she gasped. I started to rub her clit, watching her come undone in a matter of seconds. That didn't stop me though, I went faster, trying to finish. "I'm close Betty!", I grunted. I soon released and rid out my orgasm.

I plopped on top of her and rolled next to her. "Wow!", Betty said, out of breath. "Yeah, wow", I said back. I took her waist and pulled her closer to cuddle her. She soon fell asleep, me following.

Wow. That went from 0-100 real quick, I suck at writing smut. But I was in the mood for some smut. If you have any suggestions for me, just type them in the comments and I might do it! Thank you for 10k! Love you all! Goodnight, or morning, or afternoon 😂

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