Part 14 - Back to School/ Part 2

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Jughead POV -

After she ran off, I just stood there, smiling like a goofball. I stood there for awhile. Just.......... thinking about Betty. Her gorgeous, green eyes.  Her soft, luscious, blond hair. Her amazing body. After a bit, I went up to the stairs and opened the door. I then ran into class, and saw her. She was reading a part of the book, 'Romeo and Juliet'.  " Did my heart love till now? ", she said before being interrupted by the teacher. " Mr. Jones, why are you late?", He asked. "umm, I slept in sir, sorry. ", I said quietly and sat down next to Betty. She then started reading out loud again. Everything then went into slow mo, her lips slowly moving with the words coming out her mouth, to her eyes gazing over the page. 

The bell then suddenly rang and everyone started packing up their bags. I had nothing to pack up so I just got up and right as I was about to leave the classroom. The teacher called my name, " Mr. Jones, can you come here for a second." , he said. I turned around and walked over to him. " Yes", I said, bringing out the s. He then handed me a slip of paper and said, " Detention, after school. " I took the paper and walked out of the class. I saw Betty waiting for me, with her usual bubbly smile. " Nice excuse, dummy." , she said as we made our way to the lunch room. I then held my hand up to my heart enthusiastically, " Wow, how rude." I said and she burst out laughing. 

We walked into the lunch room and went over to Archie and Veronica, they were chatting so we had our own conversation while they talked. Betty then got up to get her lunch, a few minutes later she came back with a tray and joined into the conversation with Archie, Veronica and I. "Hey, V. Can I borrow you real quick?" , Betty said and started to get up. "Yeah, of course. ", she replied, she gave Archie a quick kiss and got up. The girls walked out of the cafeteria and Archie and I caught up. "So, how are you and Veronica?", I asked trying to start small talk. "Archie then replied, " We are doing great! You know, we had our first time the other day." He then took a bite out of his apple. " Well, TMI Archie, but other then that. I'm happy for you guys! ", I said. 


I took Ronnie's hand and fast walked out of the cafeteria. We walked to the girl's locker room and I locked the door behind us. "Why in such a hurry B?", Veronica said. " Well......... how do I put this? I...........kissed Jughead this morning. ", I said smiling. Veronica then squealed and jumped up and down. "YOU GUYS ARE SERIOUSLY SO CUTE TOGETHER!!", Veronica said and hugged me so hard. " But you can't tell Archie, because I won't know how he will react. You know?", I said, happy that V was excited. " Yes, I understand. It's kinda a hard situation, since, you know their best friends ", Veronica answered, chuckling at the end. 

As we walked to the cafeteria, Veronica whispered in my ear, " We should have a sleepover at my house, and we'll invite Kev too. So you can tell him what happened, of course! Maybe tomorrow night? ", V said, linking our arms. " Definitely, will be there 7 on the dot! ", I said. We then sat down and started eating again. I suddenly felt my phone vibrate and saw a text from V, I looked up at her with a confusing face. She made a gesture to look at the text. I then opened my phone and read the text. 'You know, Jug has been staring at you when Archie isn't looking, right? It's so cute!!!!!! 💖💖' I then looked up at her and chuckled. The bell then rang. 

I had the feeling I had to pee, so I told Arch, V, and Jug I had to go to the bathroom. I walked down the hall and opened the door. I soon regretted having to pee. I saw the worst possible people I had to see the day I came back. Ginger, The HBIC minion. Brittany, the other HBIC minion. And then, the HBIC herself, Toni Topaz. ( I'm sorry for making her the bad guy right now! I love her though so don't hate me! ) I immediately walked out but before the door closed. I heard, " GET HER!", I then started to jog. This was the worst time to be running, Everyone was trying to get to their class and the halls were full. " Excuse me!", I would yell while running away. But Ginger and Brittany were right behind me. 

Suddenly, I felt someone pull my arm and drag me into a room. I then heard........ the door lock. The lights were off so I couldn't see who got me. I then heard the lights click on and it was.......JUG!!!! I ran to him and embraced him with a huge, tight hug. He pulled away a bit and kissed me. I held his face and deepened the kiss, but was immediately interrupted by banging on the door. Luckily Jug closed the little flap in front of the window so no one could see us. "We know your in there, Elizabeth! ", and the banging only got louder. " Here, I got and idea", Jug said and opened the window that lead to the parking lot. 

He let me out first, then he got out and shut the window. We ran as fast as we could all the way back to my house. "Well, that was my workout for the day.", I said as we got to the front steps of my house. We were too tired to move. So we just sat on the porch swing, we swung in silence as we thought about the earlier events. " That was some first day back at school. " , I said. " Yeah, it really was. " , and we chuckled. I got up and took a bobby pin out of my hair. I then picked the lock and opened the front door. " Don't you have a key? ", Jug said and got up. "Yeah, but I left it inside. ", I said laughing. 

Ginger POV

We kept banging on the door, but she wouldn't open the door. What a bitch. We then walked over to the principal's office. " Umm Mr. Principal, we need to get something at the Blue and Gold, but the doors' locked and I forgot my uhhh...... oh... at my house! And I was wondering if we could use your key. ", I asked, with my best puppy dog eyes. " Yes, here you go, but please return them to me. ", He said, but I ignored, I was just happy we got the key. He plopped the keys in my hand and we ran back to the Blue and Gold. We tried one key, but it didn't work. 

We then tried a different key, but the one didn't work either. Brittany then chose another one. I tried it and, it worked! Finally, after like 20 tries. I heard the click and I turned the knob. "Eliza...beth.......... WHAT? WHERE IS SHE????", I asked to Brittany. She shrugged her shoulders. I then lifted my hand and slapped her right on her left cheek. She covered her cheek and ran away crying. Probably back to Toni. But who cares about Toni? Why can't I be HBIC, why her? What did she do to get HBIC? I need to get her out of the spotlight. And I have the perfect plan. What if I get the Jones boy to kiss her, because him and the Andrews girl have been getting real close. And if Toni is making him ' cheat ', then I can get the spotlight! 

Yes! This is perfect! HBIC here I come!

I thought I should add a new villain, and I will do something with Toni. I PROMISE! I'm so excited for 3x22! 3x21 was so crazy! They packed so much in that episode! I cried when Betty was being dragged by her ex-bff and his boyfriend! I CAN'T WAIT FOR WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the support! I love you guys so much! Until the next chapter! 

Words- 1432

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