Part 22 - Girl Fun

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Betty POV

"Girls! My room, NOW! ", I exclaimed. The girls nodded and followed me upstairs. We entered and saw it was a huge mess. "Welp, I'm going to clean this up real quick. You guys to hook up a movie to the T V or something.", I said, picking up clothes. "No, we're going to help you, Betty. After all you've done for us, we're going to help you with anything we can.", Cheryl said. Toni and Veronica nodded and started helping me pick up the clothes and put them in the hamper. A few minutes later, we were all done. "What movie do you guys want to watch?", I asked, scrolling through Netflix. "Heathers!", Cheryl said excitedly. Veronica and Toni nodded quickly. I chuckled and clicked on Heathers. "We should get Pop's takeout", Veronica said. "Ok! I have a person who could get it for us! ", I said, thinking of the two dumbest people ever. "JUGGIE! ARCHIEBALD!", I yelled.

The ran as fast as they could up the stairs and were panting by the time they were in the doorway. "What happened! Are you guys ok?", Jughead said, with a worried look on his face. I decided I should mess with them a bit. "It's an emergency!", I said, using my best acting skills to look panicked. The boys ran over to me and started to ask me what's wrong. "Our stomachs hurt, like really bad. I don't know if we caught the bug going around our something.", I could tell the girls were trying their best not to crack a smile or even pee their pants from laughing so hard. The girls nodded to my comment and made a look on their faces like they were sick. "We could go get you medicine real quick?", Archie said scratching the back of his neck, not knowing what to do. "Yeah, if the medicine is Pop's. Because we are starving!", I said and the girls burst out laughing. "You guys......weren't even sick! You guys are hella good actors! ", Archie said laughing. 

Jughead on the other hand, looked mad. Which in a way, was kinda turning me on. I just smiled at him and I could tell by the twinkle in his eye, that he wasn't going to stay mad at me for long. "Pretty Please! With a cherry on top!", I said, with the best puppy dog eyes. He nodded and bent down next to my ear, "We're gonna talk later.", and bit my earlobe. I gasped and bit my lip. He got up and walked away with Archie to get our food. " He's so whipped, B.", Toni said and I smiled. "You guys were literally eye-fucking that whole time.", Cheryl said. I whipped my head away from the screen and probably got whiplash. "Was it that obvious?", I asked, biting my lip again. The girls nodded and looked back towards the screen. 

10 minutes later 

"We're back with Pop's!", Archie called from the Living Room. All of us hopped out of bed, not caring about pausing the movie and ran to get our food. They were sitting on the couch, eating their burgers and watching some random show. The girls immediately spotted the food and dug in. I on the other hand, watched Jug and Archie enjoy each others company. I am really happy that they get along after I told him about us. More then anyone could ever understand.  I love them so much that I might burst. "Baby B, stop drooling and come eat your food.", Cheryl said. 

I chuckled and dug into my food. "Sooooooooo, have you guys like, you know, done it?", Veronica asked, in a hushed tone so the boys wouldn't hear. Cheryl turned beet red while Toni looked at her and gave a smug smile. "OH MY GOD! YOU GUYS TOTALLY HAVE!", Veronica yelled and I just laughed. The boys turned around, confused about what we were talking about. I gave them a 'don't worry about it' look and Jug gave me ' okay, we won't intrude look'. I giggled of how we were communicated with our eyes and looked back at the girls who were still flustered. "We should have a pool party tomorrow! Just the 6 of us, at my house of course! ", Cheryl said, trying to change the subject. "Yes! I need to get a new bathing suit for B anyway!. ", Veronica said. I nodded, agreeing to both of the girls. "Okay, it's settled then! Everyone meet at my house at.........3! ", Cheryl said. "Yay!", Toni said, having a mini dance party. We laughed and said our goodbyes to Toni and Cheryl. 

"Their totally gonna have make-up sex. ", Veronica said, louder then expecting. The boys turned around and started cracking up, along with me. "What! The look they gave each other when they were about to leave was a total look before you have sex! ", Veronica said. "Yeah, that's true.", I commented. "How would you know?", Jughead asked. "Veronica gives that look to Archie all the time.", I said bluntly, not trying to sugarcoat it. Archie spit out his drink and Veronica went as red as a cooked lobster. Jughead burst out laughing and looked like he was about to pee his pants. Which also made me laugh as well. Veronica glared at me which made me laugh even more. 

"What?! It's true and you know it.", I said, calming down. "Yeah, I can't fight you on that, B.", Veronica said. Jughead then gave a disgusted look to Archie which just made him shrug and take another sip of his drink. "Ewwwwwww, TMI! I love you and all V, but I don't need to know your sex life with my brother! ", I said, giving her an appalled look. "Let's go get you a bathing suit , B! And maybe something else....... ", She said, trying to hint at lingerie. I face palmed and wave goodbye to Archie and blew a kiss to Jug. He smiled and with that, we left. 

I have had the worst writers block forever it feels like! But the next few chapters will be juicy ;)       If you know what I mean......     I'm sorry lol. But yeah, so grab your popcorn for the next few chapters. Love you guys and thank you for almost 6.5k reads! Also, thank you for the support. 

QOTW: What is your favorite animal?

AOTW: Mine is a Giraffe!

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