Chapter 4: The Night Raven

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Sea Fairy Cookie ran into her old home, the Sea Bottom. She panted as she raced past the broken down and abandoned homes, until she finally reached a palace, left in ruins. Hitting away the debris and ice shards, she finally made it to the Ice Mirror.

Out of breath (wait, do Cookies even have breaths?), she stopped in front of the enchanted mirror and said, "Take me to Pomegranate Cookie's hideout."

Shaking, the mirror started to glow white until it's wispy lights surrounded Sea Fairy, transporting her to the hideout. As she appeared in a whirlpool of light, she stepped into an all-too-familiar place: the Legendaries' basement.

"What the heck?" she thought. "How could she have been hiding here all this time?"

But upon closer inspection, Sea Fairy soon realized that the true hideout was hidden with a concealing spell. A spell that strong could never be pulled off by any normal Cookie, not even Pomegranate. Somebody else had to be behind this as well.

Sea Fairy noticed a strange looking torch hanging on the wall, and when she looked closer, it turned out to be a lever. Naturally, she pulled it, revealing a door.

She nearly screamed at what she saw. The Millennial Tree seeds were now purple and glowing, meaning they have been cursed. The tree itself wasn't look too hot either. Once strong and sturdy, it was now all shriveled up. Without the protection of the tree, the Cookie World has no chance against Darkness.

"What's going on?" Sea Fairy stammered as she took a step back. "I thought we purified it last time!"

"You silly girl."

Sea Fairy stopped as she heard the voice behind her. It was sharp, like a knife, and as cold as ice. But it sounded familiar.

"You never should have come here."

She finally turned around. Dark Enchantress was standing right behind her, staff glowing. Sea Fairy screamed rift before the spell was cast and turned into an ice statue once again.


"Gods, I wonder where Sea Fairy is," Wind Archer said as he looked around the room. "That scream sounded like hers, I hope that nothing bad happened..."

The sound of a plate shattering sounded. Wind Archer immediately notched an arrow onto his bow and pointed it towards the noise.

"Show yourself!" he demanded, about to release his arrow.

A thin figure stepped out from behind the door. It was Dark Enchantress. Wind Archer lowered his bow, but still didn't release his grip.

"What are you doing here?" he asked angrily. "I thought you were with the other Legendaries."

"You see, young one," she smiled sweetly as she began waking in his direction. "I also escaped the Pomegranate seeds."

"Very likely story."

"You don't trust me?"

Wind Archer narrowed his eyes.

"Why should I? Last time I remembered, you took me under your control and tried to take over the world."

That was true. Just about a year ago, Dark Enchantress had teamed up with Pomegranate and tried to take over the Cookie World. That never got to the public, but Wind Archer knew that all too well. She had also made Pomegranate trick Wind Archer and a few other Cookies into eating Pomegranate jellies, turning them to the Dark side against their will. After the war ended and the Dark side lost, the rest of the Legendaries decided to give Dark Enchantress one more chance at proving that she was helpful. However, a few out of the Legendaries still did not trust her.

"Well, suit yourself," she said, shrugging. "But I know where Sea Fairy might be."

Wind Archer looked her in the eye.

"Do you, really?"

"Of course, young one."

She held out her arm, motioning for him to follow her. Wind Archer cautiously tagged along, keeping a distance from her. Down the spiral staircase they went, stopping in front of the basement. Dark Enchantress tapped the doorknob twice, and it magically swung open.

Wind Archer stepped inside, looked around, and to his horror, Sea Fairy was an ice statue in the middle of the room. She must have seen him as well, since her nearly frozen eye widened. That was the thing about Sea Fairy. Whenever she turns into an ice statue, she never freezes completely. Her eyelids can still move, allowing her to communicate using Morse code.

"Who did this to you?" Wind Archer mouthed, afraid that Dark Enchantess would hear him.

One long blink, followed by two short blinks. Pause. Then she blinked again.

"D and E..." Wind Archer thought. "What could those stand for?"

D and E.... He suddenly realized.

Dark Enchantress. How could he have been so stupid?

In a flash, Wind Archer notched an arrow onto his bow, turned to Dark Enchantress, and released it at her. However, right as it about to hit her, Dark Enchantress flashed her eye and the arrow froze right in front of her face. Shocked at what happened, Wind Archer lowered his bow to process what just happened. She flashed an evil smile, snapped her fingers, and the arrow turned purple did a 180 turn, racing back towards the firer. 

Wind Archer couldn't move as the arrow zipped past the air, his legs rooted to the ground. When he finally came back to his senses, the arrow pierced into his chest, knocking him onto the cold ground. Wind Archer struggled to get up, green jelly oozing out of the wound.

Dark Enchantress sauntered up to him. A dark portal appeared from behind her, and a candy cane hand reached out, pinning Wind Archer high up onto the wall.

"You're a hard fighter," she cackled evilly. "But you're no match for my Dark magic. You fight better under the control of Darkness..."

"Is this why you left me here?" Wind Archer asked as he breathed heavily. 

Dark Enchantress laughed.

"You're a fast learner, young one."

With a wave of her hand, swirls of purple covered Wind Archer's body. Sea Fairy watched in terror, unable to help her friend. When the smoke faded away, a renewed foot landed on the ground. Wind Archer was no longer green, but a dark purple. The gem on his head had turned into a purple color as well.  A blindfold covered his eyes, and two large wings sprouted from his back. The bow and arrow in his hand burned with Darkness

The blindfold vanished, revealing his violet eyes.

The Night Raven was freed once again.

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