Chapter 25: Our Plan

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In a flash of red, Pomegranate appeared inside the basement of the Legendaries' Palace.

"Did you take down Sea Fairy?" Dark Enchantress asked, stepping out from the shadows.

"Just the opposite," Pomegranate responded through clenched teeth. "I let my guard down and they broke one of my crystals."

"Pathetic," Dark Enchantress turned away with a swing of her cloak. "Did they figure out that weakness?"

"Sea Fairy has not found out yet, but I am sure that she now suspects it."

"If that is the case, find a way to destroy her. We must not let her know about the crystals."

"Right on it, Master."


"How does that sound?" Hero whispered to Cherry. "Will you be able to play your part?"

"My part?" Cherry scoffed. "My part is totally fine. Your part is suicide!"

"Not if done correctly!" Hero responded, pushing up his glasses. "Your sister should have powered on Jelly Co. by now. It will be fine."

"Yeah, I sure hope so. Now, how will we deal with the purple guy?"

"We'll trap him and try using the antidote," Hero explained. "If it doesn't work, then, well..."

"We'll die and it'll be your fault."

"Yeah, but let's not think about that."

Another arrow whizzed by and this time, struck the stone near Cherry.

"We gotta get going. Move out, Cherry!"

"Right on!"

Following Hero's command, Cherry jumped out from behind the rocks. Teasingly holding a bomb up, she smirked and called out, "Hey, Grape Man! Your hair looks like you're trying so hard to be an emo guy!"

Night Raven, slightly startled at Cherry's sudden appearance, held back his fire and lifted his blindfold. There she was, lighting a fire on his bomb and tossing it to the right of him. The bomb was slow, so it gave him ample time to dodge to the left and escape damage.

But before he could stop to fire, another bomb flew up and forced him to move further left. He growled. This girl was getting on his nerves.

While Night Raven was distracted, Hero tapped on the screen of his watch to check how far away Jelly Co. was from him. Half a mile. It should be here any minute, now.

Still focused on Cherry, Night Raven notched another arrow and released. But Cherry just simply tossed another bomb up and blew up the arrow, and forced him to move left again.

Three minutes.

"I bet that quiver of yours is full of crap!" Cherry taunted once more. "Nothing can ever be infinite!"

Night Raven wasn't offended by her rude remarks, but at how foolish she was. Nobody would ever think of talking down on him.

Two minutes.

"Do you fly just to escape from reality?" Cherry mocked as she tossed another bomb. "Cause you're really just surface level!"

The explosion of red pushed Night Raven to the left. He pulled another arrow back on his bowstring and let it fly. Just like before, Cherry blew it out of the air with her bomb.

Come on, Hero! she thought anxiously. I'm running out of bombs here. Plus, my insults are really bland!

Meanwhile, Hero checked his watch in panic. One minute. He would need Cherry to hold out for a bit longer.

"Why no talk?" Cherry tried once more. "Cat's got your tongue?"

Narrowing his eyes, Night Raven began to load another arrow onto his bow, but stopped. If he tried to fire again, Cherry would just explode his ammo and waste his time. Why would he spend time using an attack that wouldn't work when he could attack from close range? Cherry wouldn't care using her bomb at such a close range since it would harm her as well. And even if she did, he could easily pull back before the bomb exploded.

Holding the arrow in one hand, he spread out his wings and glided at full speed towards the read-hooded girl. Cherry has not expected this. She fumbled her bomb and nearly dropped it before trying to throw it and stopping in realization that she would be destroying herself.

The arrow Night Raven held aimed directly for her chest. She could not block that in any way. Then, right before the arrow tip could touch her, Night Raven got pulled back suddenly. Cherry smelled caramel and jellies, then immediately knew who it was.

"Nice try," Hero remarked with his suit on. "But it's a bit late for that!"

Jelly Co. zoomed in and snatched the bow and arrow away, leaving Night Raven without any way of fighting. He tried to pull away from Hero but his opponent's suit enhanced his power to extremes.

"Glad you could make it!" Cherry groaned, I was boutta die back there!"

"Let's get the problem fixed first, then we'll talk. Jelly Co.?"

A small compartment beneath Jelly Co. opened up, revealing a tube connected to the body. Then, it fired multicolored balls onto the purple figure.

"Try hitting every spot!" Hero commanded. "It might have started from a wound!"

Sure enough, the gumballs rained upon Night Raven, covering him with splats of bright colors. Finally, one hit him in the stomach and he felt a bit of the darkness exiting his body.

"It's working!" Hero exclaimed. "Keep firing!"

More gumballs hit him in the stomach, and this time he felt the poison being soaked into the gum and slowly returning to normal.

Soon enough, the purple hair changed back to pink and the lavender body color reverted back to normal. The Night Raven was no more.

Before Hero knew it, Night Raven had transformed back into Wind Archer. The Legendary opened his forest green eyes.

"Thank you," Wind Archer said. "Now, since you helped me out, I will assist you on this quest."

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