Chapter 28: Buckle Up

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"How come you are able go through the portal and we cannot?" Moonlight said, puzzled, as Sea Fairy came back into the human world through the wormhole. "I find it to be quite odd."

"Seems like my flames can still pass through," Fire Spirit noted as he shot a tiny flame through the portal (which Sea Fairy quickly extinguished afterwards). "But my body ain't passing."

"Our clothing can get through as well," Millennial Tree waved his long sleeve into the portal. "but when I reach my hand in I simply get stopped."

Turning towards the portal, Sea Fairy thought for a bit.

"I think it may be because of the enormous pomegranate that hit you during the meeting," she theorized. "I did not get touched by it. That is why I can go through."

"Some sort of spell, eh?" Fire Spirit smirked as he tapped the invisible barrier over the portal. "So the red gremlin has thought this far."

"In any case, the other Cookies have most likely  run into this problem as well," Moonlight remarked. "We should consult them."

"Should we not wait for Wind Archer?" Millennial Tree suggested. "He could be of assistance to us."

Sea Fairy pursed her lips.

"Well, the thing is, Wind Archer..."

Upon her words, the tip of a green bow poked out from the portal. Then following it, Wind Archer crossed through into the human world. Behind him followed Cherry, Grapefruit, and Alchemist.

"Moonlight?" Wind Archer noticed. "Millennial Tree? And Sea Fairy?"

"Wind Archer!" Sea Fairy exclaimed. "You are okay!"

"Yes, I am," Wind Archer crossed his arms, confused. "But you are okay as well! How did you return?"

"Did something happen to Mistress Sea Fairy?" Cherry whispered to Alchemist.

"That does not matter." Sea Fairy shook her head. "The real issue here is how we can get these three back so we can fight the Darkness."

"That is right..."

Everyone stood silent for a moment. Then, Fire Spirit grinned and snapped his fingers.

"I've got an idea."

As the other Cookies turned to him, he flashed them his usual smug grin and continued.

"We don't need to go to them. Let's lure them to us."

A gasp escaped Moonlight.

"That is a decent idea, but that is also dangerous!" she remarked, pursing her lips. "How will we manage to attract them to us?"

"It's simple," Fire Spirit chuckled. "Sea, those two, and Windy can still pass through, right? All they gotta do is provoke the red gremlin and Dark Enchantress somehow and lead them here. Then, we combine all our attacks and break the curse."

Then, he mumbled, "Besides, the kid's expecting me..." (a/n read my oneshot book to understand this :)););():):));:)();))::));)



"That..." Wind Archer looked down with a ponderous expression. "is actually a good idea. You finally weren't a chaotic idiot for once."

"Aww, Windy," Fire Spirit blushed as he rubbed the back of his head. "That means a lot to me."

"Me and Alc can cause a distraction!" Cherry grinned unnaturally wide as she held up a bomb. "I'm great at that!"

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