Chapter 7: Flight

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Gingerbrave gazed into the pond, staring at his new reflection. They never had that much water back in the Cookie World, but he knew how different he looked as a human. First of all, his human form had messy hair with white highlights in the front. He had slightly tanned skin and a brown, buttoned up vest covered a white t-shirt. As for his pants, when he looked down, he noticed that he wore a pair of dark brown khakis.

"I don't look too bad," Gingerbrave thought as he stood up. "It's different, sure, but not bad."

Strolling over to the edge of the pond, he spotted a large forest just about a mile away from where he stood. A wave of uncertainty and nervousness washed over Gingerbrave. What was he doing, feeling like this? He was supposed to be the brave out of everyone!

Before he could think anything else, an ear-piercing BOOM! rang out from the middle of the forest. Gingerbrave looked to the top of the trees, and spotted a giant, red sphere-like object shoot out from the leaves. After reaching a high point, it exploded. One second passed. Another BOOM! was heard and this time a blue ball shot up, almost like a flare.

He soon realized that the spheres were like balls of paint. No, it wasn't paint, they were giant gumballs! His suspicion was confirmed when a yellow gumball bursted into the sky. Red... blue... yellow... those were Gumball Cookie's colors!

"Someone is in there!" he yelled out. "They're sending a signal!"

Without thinking, he began to bolt in the direction of the blasts, not even stopping to tell anyone that he was leaving.

Gingerbright noticed him running off and screamed, "Gingerbrave! Where are you going?!" but he didn't hear her.

As he sped into the trees, he didn't think of anything else but how to get to the center. In fact, he was so focused on his thoughts that he didn't notice a small figure running in his direction at full speed.

At first, it was only a faint glow, but it became brighter and brighter as the two got closer. Gingerbrave finally snapped out of his thoughts and skidded to a stop. A short, winged child sped face-first into his chest. It was Angel! He recognized their curly, blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Woah there, Angel!" Gingerbrave exclaimed as he steadied his small friend. "What's up with that speed?"

Angel looked up and there were tears in their eyes.

"J-Jelly Walkers!" they stammered as they pointed behind them. "I was running from those monsters!"

"Jelly... Walkers?" Gingerbrave looked to the back of Angel, which was pretty difficult, considering their wings were obscuring his vision.

Sure enough, the groaning of zombie-like monsters slowly became louder until a purple head popped out from behind the trees. He gulped.

"Uh oh," Gingerbrave croaked. "You're right. We gotta run."

In a split second, he and Angel began to sprint in the other direction- away from the center of the forest. Weaving through the trees, Gingerbrave led the child to the exit of the forest.

"We can make it!" he encouraged. "They're pretty far behind us... oh."

Right as the words came out of his mouth, more Jelly Walkers marched to block the exit. Gingerbrave spun to see if the Jelly Walkers were still far behind them. They weren't.

Holding up his candy cane baton, he declared, "There's no way we can escape from this. We have to fight!"

Angel shakily held up their wand, but it was pretty much useless since it did nothing but send small sparks in the direction it was pointing.

"A-are you sure we have to fight?" they sobbed, grabbing onto Gingerbrave's shirt. "I believe that you can take on some, but we're greatly outnumbered!"

Gingerbrave nodded solemnly as he prepared for the right moment to attack. A Jelly Walker lunged at him from the back.

"Brave, look out!" Angel cried.

Turning around, Gingerbrave almost got attacked by the Jelly Walker, but Angel snatched his shirt collar and launched themself up. Their new wings swept across the trees as Gingerbrave screamed out of surprise. Bursting out the the trees, Angel glided with joy in their eyes and Gingerbrave spat out leaves that landed in his mouth.

"Wh- when did you learn to fly?!" Gingerbrave shriek as he desperately tried his best not to fall.

Angel didn't reply, they must have been too happy to even notice his words.

"I can fly!" they rejoiced as they swooped down, up, left and right. "I can actually fly!"

"That's great, Angel," Gingerbrave hyperventilated. "But can you try not to drop me?!"

"Oh, sorry about that!" Angel apologized as they changed their grip to hold him better.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Gingerbrave peered to the center of the forest.

"Angel, this may not be the best time," he remarked. "but I think there might be someone in the center of the forest. Can you maybe take me there?"

"Of course!" Angel replied with a smile. "I'll help you in any way possible!"

Cheerfully, they dove down into the trees. Gingerbrave screamed again, but his yells of fear were not heard by the ecstatic child who just learned how to fly.

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