Chapter 9: The Solution

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The Night Raven stood at the edge of a precipice. He felt Pomegranate walking up behind him.

"What do you want?" he demanded, pointing his bow at her face.

"Come on now, Archer," Pomegranate replied with a smirk. "I only want to talk."

"I take orders from no one," the Night Raven responded harshly. "And don't ever call me that."

Pomegranate calmly pushed the arrow away from her face.

"Think about this," she suggested. "if you join us, you can rule the world."

"I am only here to spread Darkness," the Night Raven declared, pulling the blindfold over his violet eyes. He aimed his bow at a dove in the sky and fired an arrow. The bird immediately transformed into a fallen spirit and floated into the sky. "I am not here to listen to your foolish plans."

With a swoosh of his feathered wings, he soared into the sky without a second glance.

"You will," Pomegranate said ominously. She plucked a blade of grass from the ground. "You will, soon."

She too, disappeared with a pop of pomegranate seeds, the piece of grass slowly drifting onto the ground.


Grapefruit, Pumpkin Spice, Rockstar, Vampire, and Alchemist trudged through the swamps near Dr. Wasabi and Mustard's home.

"How much more of this do we have to walk through?" Vampire complained.

"Stop your complaining!" Alchemist slapped her brother in the neck. "All you do is whine. Can't you actually help?"

"I'll help, alright," Vampire growled. "I'll give you reasons why we should be there sooner!"

Grapefruit rolled her eyes and casually skated past a pond of quicksand.

"Those two are siblings, yet they're always arguing," she sighed. "I don't get siblings. They're so weird, with their constant fighting."

Pumpkin Spice laughed nervously and avoided a group of birds. This group was quite interesting- he never would have expected that they grouped in his house.

Rockstar stopped and played a rift when he spotted the Laboratory.

"We're here, everyone!" he announced. Excitedly, Rockstar rushed up to the door, only to be greeted by a loud explosion of red and girl's voice yelling "BAM!!"

Jumping back, Rockstar deflected a jelly stone flying towards his face with his guitar. A small figure bounced out from the smoke: it was the one and only Cherry Cookie.

"Oh boy," Vampire rolled his eyes. "Please don't tell me she's the only one else here."

To his luck, three more Cookies stepped out from the door. There was Cherry Blossom, Pink Choco in her casual outfit, and a male Cookie with multicolored hair wearing a dark teal sweatshirt and a beanie.

"Who's that?" Pumpkin Spice asked Grapefruit. Grapefruit shrugged.

"Pink Choco, who are these guys?" the unknown Cookie asked, squinting his gray eyes. "Judging from the voice, I'm pretty sure one of them is Vampire..."

"Oh, yeah!" Pink Choco put her finger to her chin. "Everyone, speak up! DJ can't see you without his screen, so he has to hear your voices to recognize you all."

"Wait," Rockstar remarked suspiciously. "That kid is DJ?!"

"Who else?" DJ responded, slightly annoyed. "From your voice, I can tell that you're Rockstar."

"No way that's DJ!" Rockstar said in denial. "He's rumored to be in his early twenties! And where's the color changing screen? The twin ponytails?"

DJ sighed and removed his beanie, letting down his long hair. He pulled out his screen-glasses from his pocket and put it over his eyes.

"Now do you recognize me?"

The newcomers stared for three seconds. Grapefruit gasped and covered her mouth.

"I see it now!" she exclaimed. "I don't listen to music much, but Lemon's always talking about how cool you are!"

DJ gave a little smile and put his hair back up.

"Yeah, well he doesn't know this side of me," he said, walking back to Pink Choco. "I tried to keep it hidden, but not all secrets last forever."

Cherry coughed loudly, as if to grab everyone's attention.

"A-hem!" she said loudly. "Did nobody see my pretty explosion?"

"Please be quiet right now, Cherry," Cherry Blossom held her sister by the shoulders. "We don't want to scare the newcomers away."

Pouting, Cherry crossed her arms and shut her mouth.

"Oh, are you guys looking for Doctor Wasabi?" Pink Choco mentioned. "Hero noticed the Jelly Walkers while he was flying, so he warned all of us! Wasabi is making a serum right now!"

"Well," Pumpkin Spice spoke up. "I also have something that I would like to ask her..."

"You probably wouldn't want to bother Grams right now," a voice came out from behind the door. Mustard Cookie walked out, yawning. "It's never safe to go in the middle of her experiments."

"It's her!" Vampire hissed at Alchemist. Alchemist stepped on her brother's foot to shut him up.

"I'm in a decent mood today, so I'll answer your question if I can," Mustard offered. "What is it?"

"In the human world, I met a few Cookies," Pumpkin Spice began. "and when I tried to bring them back to the Cookie world, they couldn't get through the portal! Is there any way to fix that?"

Mustard thought for a bit, then shook her head.

"Yeah, sorry," she replied, shrugging. "That sounds like a curse to me. Even science can't reverse a spell."

Sighing, Pumpkin Spice hung his head. What was he going to tell Gingerbrave and the others, now?

"I mean, you could always find the caster of the spell," Alchemist suggested. "I'm friends with Wizard Cookie, so I know a bit about magic. If it's a curse, then you'll just have to disable the caster's magic for only a moment!"

"Then I must find whoever did it right now!" Pumpkin Spice declared, balling up his fist. He had to prove he was useful to everyone else.

"You might be dealing with a powerful sorceress here!" Pink Choco warned. "At least wait a little, then we'll assist you!"

"No, I can't keep them waiting. I have to go now."

"But we don't have any leads!"

Pumpkin Spice turned to everyone.

"It's okay," he assured. "I have a few ideas on who it might be."

Pumpkin Spice whistled shrilly and a jelly ram bolted into the scene. Hopping onto the ram, he rode out into the distance, leaving the rest unable to pursue him.

Bonus! Here, you can see my headcanon design of DJ cookie!

Bonus! Here, you can see my headcanon design of DJ cookie!

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