Chapter 19: A Past Revealed

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Roll Cake opened his eyes to see dark mist shrouding his vision

He tried to look around him, but all he saw was a group of people in front of him. He could recognize most of them... It seemed as if they all got turned into humans. The one in front of them wore a visor over their eyes with a furious expression.

Roll Cake tried to open his mouth, ask what's wrong, do anything at all. Nothing happened.

"What do you want, Roll Cake?" Pink Choco demanded, stepping in front of DJ.

Roll Cake didn't move his mouth, but a voice came out: "First of all, I'm not Roll Cake."

This voice wasn't his. It was much more sinister, with a glint of evil in it. He immediately realized what was going on.

"Call me Death Hammer," the voice spoke. Then, the body moved on its own and took a step towards Pink Choco.

This body was no longer his. Whatever Pomegranate did to him, a new Roll Cake took over, and this one wanted more than just the destruction of a single mailbox or a potted plant. It wanted blood.

Roll Cake wanted to scream, to stop the body, do anything to take back what was his. But nothing worked.

"Death... Hammer?" a voice said meekly from the back of the group. It was Herb. His expression held a mixture of fear and sympathy. All this time, Roll Cake thought it was fun to destroy the gardener's plants, but now, the only thing he wanted to do was to say sorry.

Continuing, Death Hammer said, "And second, as much as I would like to destroy this entire town, my orders are strictly limited to two items."

Two items? Roll Cake thought. Are those Pomegranate's orders?

Death Hammer quickly scanned the crowd. Then, he held up his hammer and swung it at Gumball, who held the rifle version of his gumball cannon in his hand. Before it could hit Gumball, the pinkette tosses the rifile in the air and ducked to the side. He and the rifle landed on opposite sides of where the hammer landed.

"Nice try!" Gumball laughed as he rolled over and jumped up. He leapt over the hammer and grabbed his weapon. "But you've gotta be faster to do me in! That hammer is limiting your speed!"

"You're right," Death Hammer agreed, pulling his away hammer on the ground. "But I'll be fast enough if I do this."

In an instant, he swung his fist at full speed, smacking Gumball right in the right cheek. The kid fell to the floor and dropped his rifle.

Roll Cake felt like screaming. He never liked Gumball, but he would never take it out on him!

What did Pomegranate do to my body?! he thought desperately to himself. Someone, please stop it!

Pulling his hammer back up, Death Hammer held it high over the rifle and prepared to bring it down when a flash of amber rushed over and snatched it from the ground. It was Orange!

Roll cake breathed an internal sigh of relief.

"Destroying items?" Orange held up the rifle. "Not cool. But punching a kid? That is way not cool."

Orange turned to glare at the rest of the group.

"Will you idiots do nothing and just watch it happen?!" she demanded, pointing the tip of the rifle in their direction. "At least try to get some help, or anything!"

"Uh oh," Lime gulped. "She's angry."

"I-I'll call someone!" Gingerbright stepped up and began running towards the nearest store. But before she could take a couple steps, Death Hammer tossed his hammer in Gingerbright's direction, hitting her down.

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