Chapter 17: Warning

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Sea fairy rushed down the steps of the Legendaries' Castle and into the meeting room. There the mirror hung on the wall, shiny and still.

"I just need to contact Moonlight or the others," she thought to herself. "Then, I can find their location and have them help free Wind Archer."

She willed the mirror to show where the others were. Nothing happened. Slowly walking towards it, Sea Fairy felt a dark aura emitting from the mirror. Reaching forward to touch it, a zap of electricity caused her to retract her hand.

So Dark Enchantress has thought this far ahead.

Since the mirror was unavailable, Sea Fairy pulled out her second option: her sword. All the Legendaries (other than Millennial Tree) had some sort of item to help communicate with each other. In Sea Fairy's case, it was the gem on her sword. But if the recipient was outside of the Cookie World, then the connection would be choppy and short. There was no guarantee it would work.

Sea fairy touched the gem lightly, and it almost instantaneously flickered on. An image of Moonlight stuttered on the surface. The connection was horrible, but what mattered was that it still worked.

"Moonlight, my dear!" she called into the gem. "Where in the human world are you?"

Moonlight, startled by the sudden voice in her staff, turned to it and asked, "Sea Fairy?"

"Yes, Moonlight, it's me. I need your location to help you out of here!"

"I don't know where we are exactly," Moonlight answered. "but we are trapped in a cave! We can see pointed trees outside but none of of can get out. Even Millennial Tree's purifying beam cannot break the stones!"

"That is all I need to know," Sea Fairy breathed with relief. "Thank you, Dear!"

The image faded away and Sea Fairy got to action. She always knew there was a portal that led from the Cookie World to the Human World, but she never tried going through it. Sea Fairy began forming a cycle of waves around herself to transport herself to a body of water near it. And with a snap, the waves washed over her and she disappeared.


Jumping through the portal felt like a weird mix of a rainbow room and a water slide to DJ. Somehow, he and Pink Choco ended up clasping each other's hands during the jump. Maybe she felt scared, or they both just wanted to make sure that if they stayed together.

After what seemed like an eternity, the portal spit them out into a grassy field.

"Ouch!" DJ exclaimed as he hit the floor. Pink Choco landed on top of him.

"Ha, thanks for cushioning my fall!" she scratched her head and she pushed herself up.

DJ mumbled something inaudible and also got up himself. One thing he noticed about himself was that instead of a stubby hand, he had fingers. When he stood up, he saw that his body had more volume and he was much taller.

So this is what it's like to be a human.

When he got up, DJ noticed Pink Choco was looking at him oddly. He looked at her oddly too. Pink Choco also had human parts, and her hair was no longer a jelly-like substance but long strands together in beautiful locks.

"You look different," Pink Choco noted.

"Yeah, well you do too!" DJ laughed. But he shouldn't forget about his goal. "But enough of that, where can we find them?"

Pink Choco scanned the surroundings and noticed a cave in the distance. Leading away from the cave was a series of footsteps. She rushed to it and immediately began following the tracks. Shrugging, DJ ran over followed behind her.

They then hit a stop where the tracks merged into one. There was another trail, leading from somewhere else. But the two tracks seemed to lead into a small town right in front of them.

"Are you willing to bet they're over there?" Pink Choco asked, turning to DJ.

DJ presses the button on the side of his glasses and it flickered on. He could see Lemon and the others walking out of the restaurant.

"They're at a restaurant here!" he announced, turning off the feature. "Let's go!"

As they rushed through the town, they noticed a few civilians stopping to stare at them.

"Mommy, why can she she have rainbow hair when I can't?" a kid nagged her mom.

"Darling, I think that's a guy..."

DJ rolled his eyes underneath his visor. So they thought he was a girl. Awesome.

Pink Choco pulled his arm.

"I found them!" she pointed into the distance. There, a clump of colors walked away from the restaurant.

Hurriedly, DJ turned on his glasses and checked on Roll Cake. He was already almost at where the group was. One more turn, and they would meet up.

He thought to himself. The first thing Roll Cake would try to do is launch a surprise attack and immediately destroy the items. He couldn't allow that to happen.

"What are we gonna do?" Pink Choco nervously bit her lip.

"I have an idea. Stay here."

DJ bolted towards the group. As they came into focus, he saw everyone more clearly.

There was no time. Roll Cake just went around the corner.

Taking a deep breath, DJ screamed, "LEMON! ACTIVATE YOUR SHIELD, NOW!"

Lemon, turning around to the voice, saw DJ and stumbled back. In a flash, he activated his lemon shield around the entire group.

In that moment, a giant hammer smashed against the shield and shattered the force field.

"How- what-" Lemon stuttered.

A figure came out from the shadows.

"Roll Cake," DJ growled as the person came into view. "so it's you."

It was indeed, Roll Cake. With a smug grin, he held up his hand and the hammer returned to his possession.

"Quick thinking, DJ," Roll Cake stepped towards them. "Too bad it will take more than mind to defeat me."

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