Chapter 23: The Beginning of a Meetup

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The Night Raven sat perched atop a rock, staring down into the chaos of the Western Cookie Kingdom. Most of the remaining Cookies had fled to the Central Cookie Kingdom and into the Chocolate Mountains, but the ones who didn't leave in time got either turned into a Jelly Walker or was shot down by him.

But his job wasn't finished. Not yet. He had seen two Cookies cross into the human world and just now, he saw a pink-haired cookie glide across the air on a parasol. He won't shoot her down, not yet. He wanted to see where she came from.

When the Cookie turned around and began to glide back, the Night Raven opened his own wings and launched himself into the air. She was traveling towards the Chocolate Mountains. And that's where he would be going too.


Black Licorice slammed the door to his home open.

"We've got another bunch of party members, so at this point we have to figure out the sleeping arrangements," he explained as the squad piled into the room. "The room with the sign on it is off limits, though."

"I call not sharing a room with him!" Lime exclaimed as she pointed accusingly to Lemon.

"Why do you even hate me that much?" Lemon wailed.

"Figure it out yourself. There are three free rooms," Black Licorice shrugged. "I'm going to go read. Just don't get into any more trouble."

And with that, he grabbed a book sitting at the edge of the table and crashed onto the couch. The others glanced around with uncertainty and decided it would be best to stay in large groups to avoid any invasions.

DJ glanced nervously at the direction of the portal.

"I'm not entirely sure about Pink Choco and me staying," he remarked. "We could go back through the portal and tell the others that you're here..."

"Actually, that's a good idea!" Pumpkin Spice piped up. "We already know that the Cookies who got cursed can't cross over to the other side, we can go tell them that you're all safe!"

"Let's tell the guys back at the Cookie world!" Pink Choco jumped up, opening the door. She stared into the distance for a good three seconds, then slammed it shut.

"What's wrong, Pink?" DJ asked his female friend. He, too, opened the door and looked into the distance for about two seconds, then slammed it shut.

Pumpkin Spice carefully reached for the door handle and pulled the door open cautiously. He stared out for five seconds, then slammed the door shut.

"Uh, care to explain what you saw?" Gumball put his hands on his hips. Following the previous three, he opened the door a crack and peeked out. Then he opened it wide and slammed it shut with full force. "I don't know what that is, but I'm scared."

The rest peeked out the window, and there was a giant mob of pink-ish things just hanging out about a hundred feet away from the house. They didn't seem to move, though...

They pulled the curtains shut.

"I... don't think we can go back."

A massive boom, a crash of waves, and a blast of heat slammed against the window and blew the curtains open.

"What's happening?!" Black Licorice slammed his book shut, walked to the entrance, and pulled the door open.

Outside, he saw another giant wave of water crash out from between the pink crowd that washed away the magenta figures. A roaring wall of fire flashed across the crowd, knocking down many of the... things.

"Hey, lemme see!" Gumball pushed through the group. He watched a rain of stars crash down upon the crowd and shuddered. "Ohhh, man. I think I know what's happening.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Gumball continued, "I could definitely sense Moonlight somewhere in there. She radiates... that overprotective motherly presence."

"Doesn't she also use magic related to stars?" Lemon remarked. "I think there are some Legendaries with her, too..."

"Hold up, the Legendaries are here?! We have to help them!" Orange rushed forward. She sprinted towards the giant pink crowd.

"Orange, no!" Lime exclaimed as she ran after Orange.

In a panic, everyone else followed along and rushed towards the danger.


Crossing through the portal, Beet landed on a patch of soft grass. She could sense the Legendaries even better now. Following behind her, Carrot appeared through the portal.

"So this is the human world, huh?" Carrot commented, looking around. Immediately, she noticed a commotion in the distance. "Uh, Beet, do you know what that is?"

Instead of answering Carrot's question, Beet stared into the distance and said, "They're over there. I can sense them."

Without another second, she began to speed towards the giant crowd of pink.

"Beet, wait for me!" Carrot wailed as she sprinted after her friend. "Jeez, doesn't she know how to slow down?"

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