Chapter 27: Confession

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"Hey, Orange...?" Lime approached her friend. "Can I ask you something?"

Orange nodded, but didn't turn away from the window.

"Do you think I went to far this afternoon?" Lime shuffled nervously. "I think I might have really hurt Lemon..."

"It's okay, Lime," Orange sighed. "We wouldn't have known."

"I'm really sorry... it's just that I was always jealous that you would choose to spend time with Lemon over me sometimes. I guess I just wanted you to only be my friend..."

"I also apologize for not explaining things to you... I never meant to choose but Lemon was really important to me. Without him, I don't think I would be who I am today."

Lime didn't speak. She didn't know what else to say. Orange closed the curtain and got up.

"I'm gonna go look for him," she decided, walking past Lime and towards the door. She pulled it open and exited the house.

Now, she had to think. If she were Lemon, where would she be? Orange recalled to their childhood days and a habit Lemon had whenever he got upset. She knew exactly where to find him.

Making her way towards the nearby pond, she felt static forming on her clothing and her hair stood up on its ends. Whenever Lemon got upset, excited, or angry, he would always emit a lot of electricity. That was what Orange learned through all their years of friendship.

Slowly, the pond came into view and she saw Lemon's distinctive yellow hair at the edge of it. As she got closer, she heard a plop! in the water.

Orange carefully approached her friend and sat down beside him. Lemon ignored her and tossed another rock into the water and it skipped across the pond a couple times before sinking into the depths.

She watched as Lemon flung another rock onto the water; this time it skipped five times. Then, with a small plop, it disappeared into the pond. Lemon was about to throw another rock when he stop and clenched the stone in his hand.

Without looking up, he asked, "Why did you come here?"

"I got worried about you," Orange responded without a hint of hesitation. "I thought... you might have left and gotten in trouble."

Lemon threw the rock into the water. This time, it didn't skip.

"I-I'm really sorry about everything," Orange continued, trying to apologize. "If I had known Lime would offend you so much, I would have stopped her-"

"Orange, it's okay," Lemon sighed. He finally lifted his head and looked at her. "I'm okay now."

Orange could see his eyes, red and swollen with tear stains on his cheeks. She felt a wrenching pain inside her chest. But she didn't know what else to say.

From above, the moonlight glowed softly, illuminating the pond with thousands of little sparkles and shines. The night was beautiful, but the mood was too heavy. Even so, Orange could sense the static lessen. Lemon was feeling better.

After a long silence, Lemon spoke again.

"I just don't get why Lime hates me so much. I never even did anything to her..."

Orange always noticed the tention between her two friends, though she did nothing to break it. Now, she felt like she could have done something and it wouldn't have come to this.

She watched as Lemon took a deep breath and looked her straight in the eye.

"The thing is, Orange... I really like you. A lot. Since we were kids. And I didn't know how to tell you it."

Suddenly, without thinking, Orange leaned in and kissed Lemon on the cheek. Flustered, Lemon almost stumbled into the pond until he caught himself.

"H-h-huh?" Lemon squeaked as he touched the cheek she kissed.

"I've always known," Orange smiled at him. "I just needed you to confirm my suspicions yourself." (a/n lmao idk how to write confession scenes)

"B-but why did you just do that?" Lemon stuttered, blushing.

"I want to show my childhood friend some love, don't I?" Orange picked up Lemon's hand.

She spread her arms wide and hugged Lemon. This time, Lemon smiled and hugged back.


"Whaaaat?!" Grapefruit leaned over the table. "You're saying that Dark Enchantress shot you with your OWN arrow?"

"It is the truth," Wind Archer closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair. "I would have to say the experience of being possessed twice has taught me to be more careful of who to trust."

"It's okay, Mister Archer!" Alchemist exclaimed. "We'll help you find the other Legendaries and defeat the Darkness!"

Vampire spat out his drink as he wheezed, "We are?"

Wind Archer sighed and replied, "No, I want you to stay here. I do not wish to endanger you by letting you accompany me."

"Too bad!" Cherry giggled. "We're coming with you! Now, where do we go?"

Sighing, Wind Archer stood up from the chair, slung his quill onto his back, and picked up his bow. He didn't understand how the younger Cookies could be so stubborn, but he related to them somehow.

"In that case, come along. I know where to find the others."

Making his way out the door, Alchemist, Cherry, and Grapefruit followed him out.

"You're coming along too, Grapefruit?" Alchemist asked the redhead.

Shrugging, Grapefruit replied, "I'm ninety-nine percent sure I can find Orange and the others in the human world. Besides, I really don't want to sit around and do nothing."

With that, the trio followed Wind Archer down the winding path and towards the forest.


"So it seems the Legendaries have fought off the Jelly Walkers," Dark Enchantress watched the image on her staff. "and Wind Archer is back to normal. The odds are slowly stacking in our enemy's favor."

"However, Master," Pomegranate spoke up. "We still have one more thing that they do not know of. If they all come together, then we can use it."

Dark Enchantress turned to the sorceress.

"What is it?"

"They do not know the previously possessed Cookies still hold the evil spirit inside of them. Unless my staff is broken, then I can forcefully activate those forms."

Smiling, Dark Enchantress swiped the top of her staff and the image disappeared.

"Then we still have a chance of winning. For now, let us just wait things out."

"Yes, Master."

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