Chapter 11: One More Ally (+CROB Art Feature)

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Back at the forest, things weren't going too well.

"What have you done to Herb?" Orange demanded, clenching her racket.

Poison Ivy gave a sinister laugh.

"I did not do anything to him," he smirked. "It was Herb's true potential that was released."

He held up his hand and more vines shot out from ground, grabbing onto Lime's arm. Angrily, Lime ripped off the plants and marched right up to Poison Ivy.

"How can you use these plants against us?" she cried, grabbing his collar (which was a bit difficult, considering the height difference). "Aren't they your friends?"

A vine shot out from the ground and threw Lime off of him.

"Friends?" Poison Ivy turned his head ominously. "Power to control plants doesn't make them your friend, they become a tool."

Poison Ivy began walking towards Orange. Suddenly, a spark of lightning flew across the air, almost hitting Poison Ivy if it weren't for his fast reflexes. He jumped to the side as the bolt hit the grass and sizzled the area it landed on.

"Don't touch Orange," Lemon warned, his outstretched hand covered in crackling electricity. "Or else I'll send a stronger one."

Smirking, Poison Ivy turned to Lemon.

"Oh, I'm so scared," he mocked holding his hands up. "You can't even control your power!"

His smile darkened.

"Turn to Darkness, and everything will be in your favor," Poison Ivy offered. "That's what Wind Archer and I did."

Lemon tensed up. Wind Archer had turned back into the Night Raven?

"Like hell I'll join you," Lemon snarled. He charged his electricity more, creating a bubble of lightning around himself.

"Lemon, you idiot!" Lime screamed as she threw a beach ball at his shield. The bubble broke immediately, singing the grass around him. "If you harm Poison Ivy, then that will be like harming Herb!"

Lemon lowered his arm. Lime was right, harming Poison Ivy would mean harming Herb. Herb had done nothing wrong.

"That's right, Lime," Poison Ivy laughed. "I am using Herb's body. Harming me would mean-"

His voice got cut off. Poison Ivy turned around to see a gumball splatter on the back of his clothes. Turning around more, he noticed Gumball, not with his cannon, but with a rifle filled with smaller gumballs.

"We don't need to harm you," Gumball snickered. "We just need to disable you until we find a way to get Herb back!"

In a flash, Gumball loaded his rifle and started firing the smaller gumballs at Poison Ivy. Some of the gumballs splattered onto Poison Ivy's face, obscuring his vision.

"Wha- I never knew you could do that!" Poison Ivy sputtered as he clawed at his face. But it was no use, the gum was too sticky.

"Lemon, grab the vines!" Gumball ordered as he reloaded. "Use it to tie him!"

Leaping out of his position, Lemon jumped and tore the vines out of the ground. Gumball's ammo had pressed Poison Ivy onto a nearby tree. Lemon quickly wrapped the vines around Poison Ivy when he was still trying to get the gum off his face.

"Damn you!" Poison Ivy yelled. A couple Venus Flytraps grew out from the ground, but since he couldn't see, that was useless.

"Gingerbrave and the others should be arriving by now," Lemon noted, turning towards one side of the forest.

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