Chapter 20: The Cure

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"Grams!" Mustard yelled from the other side of the door, annoyed. "Two of them left!"

"And what do you expect I do about that?" Wasabi shot back as she squeezed a drop of liquid out of an eye dropper. Mustard watched through the tiny plastic window on the door. Wasabi stared at the dish and nothing happened.

"It's another fail..." Wasabi muttered, discarding the previous petri dish and pulling another out from under the table. "I'm running out of attempts. I only have so many infected cells for testing..."

"GRAMS!" Mustard busted the door open, pulled the gum she was chewing out of her mouth, and slammed it directly on the new dish. "LISTEN TO ME!"

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Wasabi roared and she snatched up the petri dish. "YOU JUST WASTED AN ATTEMPT!"



Wasabi stopped when she noticed the petri dish's cells changed from purple to yellow.

"Wha- it's cured!" she exclaimed, throwing the dish under a magnifying glass and inspecting it. "The cells are back to normal! It must have been the gum!"

Turning to Mustard, Wasabi asked, "Mustard, what gum were you chewing?"

Shrugging, Mustard replied, "Just some of the leftover gum from the gumballs you made for Gumball's cannon. Wait, what?!"

"That's right," Wasabi smiled. "We found our cure."


Sea Fairy appeared in a forest. Or at least it used to be. All of the trees were ripped off their trunks with their branches smashed off them. But this was the least of her concern. There was a glowing portal right in front of her leading to Moonlight and the others.

Stepping through the portal, Sea Fairy found herself in the back of a shallow cave. Light streamed through the wide mouth of the cavern, lighting up the area. When it was nighttime in the Cookie Workd, it was about afternoon in the human world. She didn't see the Legendaries anywhere. Perhaps this wasn't the cave.

Taking a step, Sea Fairy realized that her hair was no longer water, and her long dress got replaced by a shorter, pale blue one. This would make it easier to move around.

Maybe I could use the water to help me, she thought. I'll search for the water first.

Stepping out of the cave, Sea Fairy saw a giant, grassy plain. Further back, there was a massive forest. She could feel a body of water near it.

"I will be coming soon, Moonlight," she whispered quietly. Then, she rushed in the direction of the pond... and the army of Jelly Walkers.


"Geez- Beet- how fast can you run?!" Carrot panted as she tried to keep up with her small friend.

Beet didn't reply. Instead, she stopped dead in her tracks, causing Carrot to smack into her.

"We're being followed," Beet lowered her voice and scanned with her eyes.

"How do you know that?"

"Shhhhh. I feel a presence behind us."

Beet grabbed Carrot's arm and ducked behind a rock. Just at that moment, a purple arrow whizzed past them and landed in the spot where Carrot was standing previously.

Snatching Carrot's basket, Beet ripped the ribbon off it and gathered a few rocks from the ground.

"Show yourself!" she ordered as she stepped out from behind the rock, the ribbon in one hand and the rocks in the other.

"Beet, what are you doing?!" Carrot angrily whispered.

A shadow appeared through the tops of the trees. It spread out its deep lavender wings and soared down beneath the canopy.

"Who are you?" Beet demanded as she prepared her improvised slingshot.

The figure didn't respond. Instead, it began walking closer. It stopped at about three yards away from Beet. She held up her slingshot menacingly.

"You're a strong one," it said, lifting its blindfold. The covered cloth revealed a pair of violet eyes. "Perhaps you'll make a useful ally."

With that, it opened its wings and soared into the sky.

Beet made sure it was out of sight before she spoke again.

"Do you know who that is?" Beet turned to Carrot. "Maybe someone important when I wasn't here yet?"

"Ah, I don't really know," Carrot stood up from behind the rock. "I've only moved into the Western Cookie Kingdom a year ago. I think that something happened with Pomegranate that turned people into evil versions of themselves?"

"I've only seen him a few times," Beet started. "but I know how Wind Archer looks like. That... thing back there looked just like him."

"I did remember hearing that Archer was one of the ones affected," Carrot added. "Who knows, maybe it was him."

"Carrot, did you hear how the affected ones were cured?" Beet asked, staring out into the horizon.

"I heard that Millennial Tree Cookie used his purifying beam to return all of them to normal," Carrot replied. "But I thought Pomegranate was defeated the first time..."

Beet dropped the rocks into the ribbon and tied the sack around the belt on her waist. She turned to Carrot with determined eyes.

"Then let's go find them."

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