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Hey, Kiwi here! I want to thank everyone who has been with me since the beginning, middle, or end of this story. I never expected this to become so popular, let alone me getting fans from this series. For everyone who commented of voted, I really appreciate you! I read every single comment even though sometimes I'm too nervous to reply. Thank you ALL for sticking with this story to the end. You guys are all awesome. If you do want to read more about my Cookie Run AU, then check out my oneshots and headcanons book! In any case, this is the last chapter! Please, enjoy!


In the aftermath of the battle, the Jelly Walkers left the entirety of the Western Cookie World destroyed. Fortunately, there were no casualties and all of the Jellified Cookies got cured by Wasabi's formula. The nerdy Cookies did some research and found out that the buildings and roads, all made out of magical candy, would reform in about less than a month. In that time, the residents of the Western Cookie World decided to stay in the human world until their homes reform and everything blows over.

The day after Pomegranate got defeated and Dark Enchantress was sent into exile, Cheesecake and Sparkling randomly suggested they would have a celebration party. And of course, they chose Black Licorice's house as the place to throw it.

"My house is for living in," he grumbled. "not for throwing crazy parties."

He still ended up agreeing when they bribed him by saying they would clean his house afterwards.

"The party should be at nighttime," Cheesecake remarked. "and it's still morning. We should all find a place to stay!"

"There's an inn near the town that almost always has vacancies," Pumpkin Spice noted. "You guys can all stay there for the time being."

And that's what they all did. The front desk guy sure looked confused when about eighty people, all different ages and dressed bizarrely walked into the lobby and asked for rooms.

Nighttime approached, and most of the Cookies already got ready. But not Gingerbrave. He was in the shower when he realized that he should be getting to a party early, and now he won't even be on time! Gingerbrave had searched up things about humans and learned that to stay clean, they showered.

As a Cookie, water was very damaging to anyone unless one was made for water, like Soda, Sea Fairy, or Squid Ink.

He had gotten distracted at the interesting feeling of water on his skin that he lost track of time. In a rush, Gingerbrave quickly dried his hair, slipped into his clothing, and rushed out the door in a hurry.

As he approached Black Licorice's house, he heard booming music and laughter escaping through the cracks of the door. A soft flutter of snow began to fall from the sky.

It's snowing, Gingerbrave thought. I should get inside before it gets colder.

On the door, a sign hung that read "Just come in! No need to knock!" Turning the doorknob, Gingerbrave entered the room. It was absolute chaos.

In one corner, he saw Sparkling offering Vampire a glass of what seemed like grape juice.

"This is called wine!" Sparkling announced to Vampire, who took it with a confused look on his face. "It's a form of grape juice in the human world! Try it!"

After reluctantly taking a sip, Vampire realized that the stuff was good. He downed the entire glass in a matter of seconds.

"This- hic! - is pretty good!"

Annoyed, Alchemist grabbed Sparkling by the ear and yelled into it, "You've created a monster!"

Grinning at the trio, Gingerbrave walked into the living room. By the wall, all the musicians seemed like they were having a heated discussion on who should perform first. The discussion turned into an argument when they all raised their voices and screamed at each other. Finally, they all agreed they would perform once piece together and draw sticks afterwards.

On the couch sat Lemon and Lime, playing each other on Super Smash Bros. Grapefruit day on the ground in front of them, also playing. Orange was beside them, yelling unnecessary lines or encouragement, but the Lemon and Lime were too focused on fighting each other to listen. In the end, Lemon's character punched Lime's off the edge.

"In your face!" Lemon whooped, throwing his hands up. "I win!"

In his aversion, Grapefruit's character quickly took the win by kicking Lemon's out of the arena.

"No, I win!" Grapefruit giggled.

Lime slammed down her remote and gave the two others a massive noogie.

It was nice to see them all finally get along.

In the hallway, he watched Pancake sit atop Roll Cake's shoulders as they ran around making car noises. He was happy for the Cake brothers, seeing that they finally reunited.

Gingerbrave strolled over to the kitchen, where more chaos ensued. Gumball chased Cherry around the room, knocking down other guests and seriously pissing off Pistachio, who just wanted to drink her fruit punch in peace.

"Both of you!" she screeched, picking the two up by their collars. "Out!"

Then, she tossed them both into the living room.

At the food tables, he spotted Beet piling snacks and food onto her plate and Carrot groaning next to her, "How many times did I tell you not to hog the food?!"

Beet gave her a stink-eye and crammed two pizzas into her mouth at once.

Through the window, Gingerbrave saw Snow Sugar and Red Bean sledding and throwing snowballs at each other. They were obviously having the time of their lives.

In front of the door to the backyard, he saw Herb and Roll Cake showing off their new powers that they got from the whole ordeal. A single vine popped up from the ground and stretched all the way to the drinks table, where it brought a drink to the hands of an impressed-looking Cherry Blossom. Meanwhile, Roll Cake's hammer caused a ten-feet radius hole in the backyard. Black Licorice would probably yell at him later.

A hand touched Gingerbrave's shoulder. He whirled around and nearly smacked Skater in the face.

"Woah, there!" Skater held his hands up and stepped back.

"Oops, sorry!" Gingerbrave apologized.

"Anyways, dude," Skater smiled. "You wanna play I Dare You with us? It's cool if you don't!"

"No, I'll play! Let me just get a breath of fresh air, and I'll join you guys!"

"Cool! I'll meet you in the first bedroom!"

And with that, Skater walked away.

Slowly walking through the rooms, Gingerbrave approached the front door and exited the house. He took a deep breath of the cold air. The snow already fell to the point when the entire ground was covered with a thin, white layer. It was almost like sugar. He stood at the porch for about two minutes, when he opened the door to go back inside.

There was a glint of red. Stopping in his tracks, Gingerbrave turned back and stared out into the snowy plain. It was dark already, and it was incredibly hard to see.

The only thing he saw was the wind blowing the snow across the plain.

Must have been my imagination...

He shook his head a few times and reentered the house to play I Dare You.

Little did he know, the glint he saw was a single red earring in the snow. From the distance, a figure slowly approached the earring and picked it up.

"This isn't over yet," it whispered. The voice was female.

Then, she disappeared.

[REWRITE OUT NOW] {COMPLETED} The Time I Was Human (Cookie Run AU)Where stories live. Discover now