Chapter 12: A Temporary Home

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Strawberry sat on a rock playing games on her device when Pumpkin Spice crashed through the portal. Letting out an inaudible scream, she stumbled back and fell off the rock. Black Licorice, who also stayed behind, raised his eyebrow and looked at Pumpkin Spice.


solutionsoIjustcamebackheretotellyouguysalsodoctorwasabifoundthemedicineandtherewereabunchofotherpeoplewhoarestillokaybutthemedicinewontworksinceyouguyshavebeencursedbyaspelland-" he driveled as he spun around the room. Then he stopped and looked around. "Hey, where are the others?"

"Gingerbrave... came back telling us that there were other Cookies... in the forest," Strawberry explained quietly, shuffling. "So as they went... we stayed on watch."

"Speak of the devil," Black Licorice stood up. "They're here right now."

Sure enough, the entire squad came bolting towards the cave at full speed, with Gingerbrave leading the group.

"Thank Jelly that those monsters didn't follow us!" Gingerbrave panted as he skidded to a stop.

"Even if they didn't," Angel landed on the ground. "it still is not safe to stay here. They may find us soon."

"Angel's right!" Gingerbrave threw her arms in the air. "Those Jelly Walkers can catch up to us any time!"

Eyes narrowing, Black Licorice asked suspiciously, "Jelly Walkers? What would they be doing here?"

"Like we know!" Gumball answered, sighing. Then, he stopped and gawked at Black Licorice. "Dude, who are you? Why haven't I seen you before?"

"I can ask the same for these people," Black Licorice responded sourly. "What happened to your shirt, kid?"

Grumbling, Gumball turned three shades of red and turned away. Laughing nervously, Orange stepped in and said, "Getting back to the point, is this cave the only place we can stay? Gingerbrave and the others told us that we could only stay here right now..."

Skater's head swiveled to Black Licorice.

"You!" Skater demanded, marching up to the black-haired man. "Didn't you say you lived in this world for a bit? Then you've gotta have a home here!"

"You're right, I do," Black Licorice shrugged. "But I'd currently deem it 'unsafe' for guests right now. Give me a day to clean it up and you guys can come over."

"Is there perhaps any way for us to get there sooner?" Herb asked politely. "We would thank you greatly for providing us protection."

"Gosh, people!" Black Licorice groaned. "Can't you be more like this young man? I know he's probably older than all of us, but at least he's polite!" Pausing, he turned to Herb. "May I ask your name?"

"Ah... It's Herb Cookie, but I guess you can just call me Herb..."

"Nice to meet you, Herb," Black Licorice nodded. "I'm Black Licorice, but you can just call me Lucas." He then turned to the rest of the group.

"I do have room in my house for you all," he informed, crossing his arms. "but you will all have to be cramped into two rooms. The others have... well, dangerous items."

"Dangerous?" Gumball lit up. He then imitated a karate pose and kicked the air. "Do you have swords and shurikens like Ninja Cookie does?"

"No, kid," Black Licorice sighed. "I do have swords, but the other items are just dangerous."

"When we get there, can I look at them?" Gumball's eyes shone with brightness.

"Look at them? Yeah, sure. Just don't touch them."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Gumball exclaimed, rushing in one direction. Then he came to an abrupt stop. "Um... where do you live?"

"Geez, kid," Black Licorice rolled his eyes and began walking in the opposite direction. "Just follow me. And don't make a ruckus, it'll attract attention."

Pumpkin Spice nervously shuffled in his feet. He needed to tell everyone what he had learned from the trip to the Cookie World, but now was not the time. Quietly, he followed behind the group.


Black Licorice slammed the door to his house open.

"Make yourselves at home or something," he shrugged as he strolled into his house. "or whatever you're supposed to say when people come over."

Pumpkin Spice marveled at the interiors. He had expected something more plain because the outside was so ordinary, but the insides were quite interesting! The walls were painted a light blue and light streamed through the sash windows. The room they had entered had a large rug placed on the floor with two couches, one small and one slightly larger, and a coffee table. On the wall, there hung countless types of swords and weapons- now he understood what Black Licorice meant by "dangerous."

There was also a T.V. against the wall which Pumpkin Spice recognized, but the other Cookies scratched their heads at the giant screen.

"What's that?" Gingerbright asked, intrigued and poking the screen. "Some sort of communicator device?"

Trying his best to explain, Pumpkin Spice waved his arms around and told them that it was like the giant news board in the central Cookie World or the movie theaters. Everyone seemed to understand a little. But Gumball didn't really care, he was already jumping up and down, scampering around the room and fanboying at the items. He snapped his head towards Black Licorice.

"Do you have any guns?" Gumball's eyes widened as he made a little fanboy pose. "Any art pieces?"

Scratching his head, Black Licorice replied, "Yeah, but I wouldn't want you touching it. The guns and the art pieces."

"I have one more question!"


"Do you have any spare clothes?"

The entire squad turned to Gumball.

"What?" he asked stretching his arms out, annoyed. "Herb and I kind of need new outfits?"

"He's right," Herb blushed, embarrassed. "I wouldn't be comfortable walking around with my clothes in this condition."

"You too, attention seeker," Gumball accusingly pointed to Lime. "Do you think you can just walk around in that bikini? We're humans now! They're different from us!"

"Let's see how different you'll like when I smash your face in!" Lime held up her beach ball menacingly. Gumball jumped into a strange boxing position, as if he just learned it from watching movies.

"Come on, Lime," Orange sighed. "he's right in a way. We can't just go around in these outfits."

Sourly pouting, Lime lowered her beach ball and plopped onto a couch. Meanwhile, Herb asked Pumpkin Spice about clothing stores they could go to and what to wear to there. Gumball continued marveling at the interiors when Lemon stepped behind him.

"Hey, Gumball?" Lemon tapped his friend on the shoulder. When Gumball turned around, Lemon offered him his jacket. "You can wear this for now."

Slowly taking the jacket from Lemon's hands, Gumball slipped it on and smiled. "Thanks, dude! I don't know what I'll do without you!" Then, he threw his arms around Lemon.

"Aww, quit that," Lemon smiled. But he didn't resist the hug from Gumball.

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