Chapter 15: Together

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Sorry for the short chapter! I'm very busy this week!


The stoplight turned red. DJ checked both sides of the street, making sure all cars stopped. Then, he began to walk across the crosswalk. He carried a gift he had for Pink Choco in his bag. Mind filled with thoughts, DJ didn't notice a car roaring towards him. It was only at the last second when he looked up- and everything went dark.

He woke up with a start, on the cold, hard floor. There were no cars, no roads, and no accidents. Breathing a sigh of relief, it took DJ a moment to register that he was inside of the Lab. Slipping on his visor, he glanced at the clock on the wall. 2:37 AM. Perhaps some fresh air would help.

Slowly exiting the room, DJ made his way over to the yard, where he noticed Pink Choco sitting on the fence. She turned at the sound of his footsteps.

"Pink..?" DJ stepped towards her. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask the same for you," Pink Choco sighed, turning back to the forest over the fence.

Taking his place on the fence beside her, DJ also stared out into the forest. A long silence lingered between them. Unlike any other day, the moonlight shone dully, barely reflecting off the swamps beside them. Pink Choco's face displayed an unreadable expression, her lips pressed together and her eyes staring down.

"Do... you have something on your mind?" DJ asked nervously, afraid to upset his friend.

Another long silence. Without warning, Pink Choco quickly turned to DJ and hugged him. Shocked by her reaction, DJ almost fell of the fence, but her arms prevented him. After a few seconds, she let go.

"I'm sorry," Pink Choco apologized. "I just really needed to hug someone."
"I-is there anything wrong?" DJ asked, concerned, but still a little flushed. "You don't normally act like this..."

Leaning back to watch the starry sky, Pink Choco replied, "I don't know... I just felt extra lonely today." She turned to him. "I always wanted to make everyone love each other more with the Love Beam, but it kind of took something away from me, you know?"

Pink Choco turned back to DJ.

"Ever since I started the whole 'love superhero' business, I've had less time to socialize with my close friends and ended up losing them... I don't want to lose you either."

Honestly, DJ was surprised. Since high school, he always thought of Pink Choco as this magical being that brought everyone together, because she had a knack for resolving problems and making people befriend and love each other. Only now he realized that everything she did never revolved around her, but everyone else. That Love Beam she made was to bring people together, not for her own interest.

He suddenly pulled her into a hug. The night felt chilly against her, but DJ's embrace filled Pink Choco's heart with warmth.

"I promise I'll never leave you," DJ reassured softly. "and you'll never have to leave me either. I'll stick by your side."

Slowly wrapping her arms around DJ, Pink Choco began to cry. Tears flowed out of her eyes and she smiled and replied, "Thank you."


Death Hammer smashed a bush in his way.

"What was Pom thinking," he grumbled as he kicked a stone. "sending me out like this without any directions?"

As he stomped away, he noticed a faint glowing in between a couple trees.

He grinned, showing his sharp teeth.


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