Chapter 6: History Repeats Itself

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Coffee Cookie sat at the counter, wondering why no customers were arriving. On cold days like these, the coffee shop would normally be packed with cold Cookies, warming up with a nice cup of coffee or tea. But today, nobody showed up at all. Coffee slumped down on the table, bored out of her mind. She hadn't noticed the chaos outside... yet.

The bell on the door jingled. Coffee turned her head to see Pomegranate entering and taking a seat in front of Coffee. Grimacing in disgust, Coffee inched away from the evil Cookie and started wiping the cups.

Nobody spoke for a minute, until Pomegranate asked, "Aren't you going to serve your customer?"

"Sorry," Coffee answered as she pushed her hair aside. "but we don't serve traitors."

"I'm still a customer."

Coffee pointed to a sign on the counter, annoyed.

"It says, 'We reserve the right to refuse service to ANYONE,'" she said with a frown. "What do you not understand about the term 'anyone?'"

"You can at least give me warm water."

"Let me think... No."

Shrugging, Pomegranate just took out her own cup and filled it with pomegranate juice. Coffee began to wipe the plates as well, over and over again. Anything was better than talking to Pomegranate.

With a sly grin, Pomegranate broke the silence and said, "Why don't I give you something, then?"

"Excuse me?" Coffee returned. "Last time you gave me something, I got turned into an evil dark-sider!"

"I promise it won't turn you anything this time."

"And why should I trust you?"

Pomegranate smirked, as if to say, "You shouldn't." She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a pomegranate seed. Squinting to look at the seed better, Coffee realized that this pomegranate seed was different from the ones she had seen before. It held the shape, for sure, but it was a dark purple color... like it was poisoned. Pomegranate then dropped the seed into her cup. The liquid began to bubble.

"What in the Great Jelly?" Coffee questioned as she leaned to see the contents of the cup.

Before she could process what was happening, a glob of jelly burst out of it, startling Coffee, causing her to jump back. She watched the glob slowly form shape into a Cookie-shaped figure with jelly eyes.

"A-a Jelly Walker?!" Coffee yelled, shocked. "How did you get your hands on that?!"

Pomegranate never answered her question, only raised her arm to point at Coffee.

"Get her," Pomegranate said in a sinister voice.

As the Jelly Walker raised its arms to attack, Coffee did the only thing she knew how to do: She screamed, and ran out the back door.


Pumpkin Spice threw open the door to his house to see multiple Cookies gathered in the living room. From what he could tell, there was Rockstar, Alchemist, Vampire, and Grapefruit inside of the room.

"Hey there, PS!" Grapefruit exclaimed when she saw him enter the room. "Sorry we had to use your house, all the rest were destroyed!"

"Destroyed...?" Pumpkin Spice asked, confused. "What's going on around here?"

"Well you see," Vampire answered, taking a sip out of his glass. "Somehow, the Jelly Walkers made it back. The houses near the central city have all been attacked."

"Vampire, I told you to stop drinking grape juice!" Alchemist complained. She then turned to Pumpkin Spice. "Your house was up on the mountains, so they haven't reached here yet. It's a safe spot for us."

"How did the Jelly Walkers get here again, though?" Pumpkin Spice thought out loud. "They could only be created with some sort of jelly explosion..."

"That's what we've been wondering ourselves," Rockstar replied as he tuned his peppermint guitar. "The rest of the Cookies are nowhere to be found as well."

"Oh!" Pumpkin spice suddenly remembered what he was here for. "I found Brave and the rest in the human world! Somehow, they can't get back there."

All the heads in the room turned to him.

"The human world?" Grapefruit remarked, skeptical. "Like, where the humans live?"

"Yeah, that!"

"How did they get there, though?" Alchemist asked as she wrestled the glass out of Vampire's hand. "Isn't it only accessible by some sort of portal?"

"But I think they must have gotten ambushed by someone," Pumpkin Spice responded. "Nobody knows about the other portal's entrance except for me!"

Everybody nodded their heads.

"Who could have done something so evil?" Grapefruit wondered. "Considering that they couldn't get back, it must have been some sort of potion."

"Only three people know how to make potions," Alchemist declared. "and that's me, Pomegranate, and Dark Enchantress. And I wouldn't do such a thing."

"Didn't Dark Enchantress swear to the Light Side?" Rockstar said as he played a chord on his guitar. "Unless she was lying, our only culprit here is Pomegranate."

"And if Pomegranate made the potion," Vampire implied as he snatched his glass back. "Then there should be a reverse potion or cure, right?"

Alchemist stopped trying to remove the glass from Vampire's hand and watched in defeat as he took a sip from it. She then sighed and replied, "Maybe we can ask Dr. Wasabi? She made the cure last time."

Vampire froze.

"Oh, oh no," he laughed nervously as he took a step back. "I'm not going back there."

"Why not?" Alchemist said as she smirked. "Are you scaaaaarrred? A three-hundred year old man shouldn't be scared of some mad scientist!"

"Shut up," Vampire grumbled. "Besides, she tried to kidnap me to study my bat form last time we went to that hellhole."

"Oh yeah, that time," Grapefruit said with a small laugh. "It's okay, we made her promise that she wouldn't do it again."

"And also," Vampire continued. "That kid, Mustard. I don't like the way she looks at me."

"That's your problem, Mister Unlikeable Jerk," Alchemist returned, swatting at her brother. "You insulted her art. Of course she doesn't like you!"

Vampire muttered something about kids being edgy and rude, but didn't respond to his sister's comment.

"Well with that, we should get going," Rockstar quickly suggested to break the situation. "Who knows when the Jelly Walkers will discover us?"

Everybody agreed that leaving would be the best option. Besides, Wasabi and Mustard lived all the way out in the swamps. What Jelly Walker could ever find them there? Shrugging, Pumpkin Spice picked up his special emergency backpack up from the ground, and followed the rest out the door. 

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